Charles' Guestbook

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May 29th 2008
12:42:05 PM
Private Entry.
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September 21st 2007
11:35:53 PM
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July 17th 2007
11:06:28 AM
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May 8th 2007
09:50:51 PM
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November 30th 2006
01:58:00 AM
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May 24th 2006
02:34:56 PM
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Hi. Very nice site . Thank you.

May 17th 2006
01:57:42 AM
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Really great website. Good job! It was very interesting reading it.

If you have a minute check out my Movie site.

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April 27th 2006
07:44:25 PM
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A picture is worth a thousand words, and yet picture books are for infants.

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March 11th 2006
01:34:28 PM
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John Wooden Saying: There are many things that are essential to arriving at true peace of mind, and one of the most important is faith, which cannot be acquired without prayer.

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January 15th 2006
01:59:03 AM
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JavaScriptStar ~ Play JavaScript Games

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Come play one of our games and add your link! We have everything from basic to advanced Javascript. We just added a webmaster area with real time stats. Have you ever wondered who has the most popular browser? How about the most popular screen resolution? We have all that information plus a lot more! Come see for yourself and be sure to bookmark our site.

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