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Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Well Done Ken !
Things are definitely moving on with the life drawing/ life modelling world at last, i have still bookings coming in which is amazing. at Class Art Whitstable tonight with lovely Keith Robinson and artist, Wednesday next week with Roy Eastland,
spoke to Alan Reynolds the other day and he is ok, which is a great relieve, onwards and upwards for him.
Thanks for reading this Sharon xx email me on ok folks ?

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

I'm getting more work courtesy of the Society of Catholic Artists. They are also participating in setting up Zoom life drawing sessions, in conjunction with the RA, and I have been asked to model for them. Refusal not accepted, they say!

I am to do religious themes, concentrating on Christ's crucifixion and burial. Sessions would feature stations of the cross, carrying the cross, being fastened to the crucifix, deposition and entombment. This would start on a Saturday in July, probably taking much of the day.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Good for you Ken well done things are looking up for me too, tomorrow at Broadstairs College with Daniela Flowerdew, probably clothed as the students are 16 years old, which is no problem, on the 23 of June with Roy Eastland at Margate Adult Education in the morning, it is always a pleasure working with him, so many lovely drawings of me from his class, then Beach Creative in Herne Bay on 29th of June an evening class as is the Broadstairs College one. It is so good to be back in the world of life drawing and sitting for great artist what a hoot ! Thanks for reading this contact me on Sharon x

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hi all,
Well it has been great modelling for different groups in and around Kent, all the artist are wonderful, I do hope I get more modelling work before September, fingers crossed, it has been another strange year, but not as bad as last year.Thankful for what we have !
If anyone is suffering with issues and needs to talk email me on Ok ? Thanks for reading this Sharon xx

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

I actually did my first outdoor nude photoshoot session on Saturday. A good experience overall. It seems that more opportunities are becoming avaialable despite the ongoing Covid issues

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Well done Graham , sorry spelt your name wrong, glad you had a good photoshoot in the open !
Things are definitely getting better I am working in Ramsgate tomorrow with Spee, should be interesting
She did want to pay me £10 an hour so I have asked 15 pound per hour for two hours, is that out of order, I do have to use public transport, as I do not drive.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

I did a session last week and only got £10 per hour. Think you are quite right to ask for £15 per hour.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hi All,
Well I did the session in Ramsgate, and it was brilliant, did some great poses and got paid £30, which was an added bonus, I daresay she will pay me £20 in the future as that was what she Spee advertised it at on a FB group, and I am not on any social media anymore, which is a great relieve to me.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hello All,
Life is sweet at the moment, had plenty of life modelling work, with Keith Robinson, twice, which is great, did the 5/ 10 minute warm ups, then 15/ 20 minute sitting poses till break, after break did a longer sitting poses, at one session Keith did a demonstration on drawing in another way, which was interesting.
Next Tuesday evening on the 17th of August at Beach Creative in Herne Bay, which will be fun, like most of my sessions.
Well must move on now, if you need to contact me please do on thank you Sharon Smithers.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hello all,
Boy what a week I have next week Tuesday 14th of September at Broadstairs with lovely Lorella for probably a two week pose naked, in the evening at Canterbury adult ed with Kim for a life drawing class, again on Friday morning too. Wednesday and Thursday morning at Margate adult ed with wonderful Roy Eastland ! What a week that will be , tiring but I will survive !
Any comments welcome just email thank you.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hi all,
Hope everyone well ? I am thanks.
Well I survived last week which is great, lovely artist and lovely drawings by all wonderful groups.
This week I have only Tuesday morning at Broadstairs , evening at Canterbury adult ed with Kim Plowright, the morning is with Lorella Tudor, Thursday evening at Class Art with Keith Robinson, and Friday morning with Kim Plowright again in Canterbury. All good groups.
Had an article written about me and my hubby in the Whitstable Whistler that is out now.
Any comments welcome please email me on thank you Sharon.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hello All, Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022, hoping it will be better next year, fingers crossed. Onwards and upwards I hope.
Well I have had quite a busy year life modelling, which is great, last week was at Keith Robinson's Class Art Thursday evening, did 5/10 mins warm ups, 2 sitting 15/20 mins break, and long sitting till end of session. Great work great drawings.
Tomorrow night and morning at Deal life drawing in the morning, Herne Bay Beach Creative in evening, my last sessions of the year. It has been a good year for modelling I must say, been everywhere I can travel to.
Keep well and safe. thanks for reading Sharon xx

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hello everybody, I just wanted to say what a year it has been, after doing my last two sessions last Tuesday at Deal and Herne Bay, it was such a pleasure working for those 2 venues, as always, I have bookings next year hopefully they will go ahead, fingers crossed.
Let's hope it is a better year than the last two.
Keep Well and Safe, enjoy your Christmas and New Year 2022,
Best Wishes to Alan , Ken and other members of this wonderful group,
Sharon if you wish to contact me please do on thank you.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

May you have a Merry Christmas and a successful and happy New year, Sharon - and equally to Alan and all members of ANUK.

I sincerely hope the fact that Covid does not seem to be going away does not cause more problems for the life art community in the coming year. I've been lucky in getting a number of gigs as the current year draws to a close, with more in prospect for 2022. And modelling on Zoom is playing an increasing role, especially from individual artists specifying a range of different poses, some quite unorthodox and uninhibited.

I am always available for bookings, and can be contacted on

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Happy new year to everyone and to Alan & Ken. May the New year be a better on hopefully.
I have been in demand for various groups in Kent thankfully in 2021, may it continue into 2022.
Best wishes
Sharon contact me if needing a model thank you.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hello all,
Another year, another new beginning I have had lots of bookings so far this year , which is great, hope it continues like that. It has been a tough couple of years with the carona virus, let's just hope it goes, or stays and keeps us on our careful, abide by the rules then we can all be safe. Fingers crossed.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

A start of another year and have been busy with Kent adult education , in Canterbury with Kim Plowright for a couple of weeks, on and off with Roy Eastland at Margate, have a couple of Tuesdays at Broadstairs Adult education with Lorella Tudor. Had a session at Margate Baptist Church in the evening with Emma and artist. A good session with lovely artist as with most groups.Tomorrow night at Class Art in Whitstable with Keith Robinson.
Having found I have arthritis in my knee my left knee so have physiotherapy. So hopefully I shall get it better in time. And I am still life modelling which is great.
Thank you for reading this contact me Sharon Smithers

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

I'm still around, and modelling in the North West! Sharon, I'm delighted that you are also being kept busy with more modelling jobs, especially as far afield as London. You are a credit to the life drawing community and I wish you every success.

Baring my body on Zoom continues to play a large proportion of my work. Many in the life drawing world don't like it because it discriminates against those with no access to the internet, but then it has helped many struggling art groups to keep going - and in particular, it opens up life drawing to people who want to have access to a nude model but can't because they live somewhere remote and isolated. Such as folk I know in the Scottish Highlands! Much of my Zoom efforts are for individual artists, many from far afield and, indeed, other continents. I have been sought after by artists from South East Asia, Australia, Mexico, North America - the internet knows no boundaries! Albert Lee has converted space in his property into a studio especially for Zoom. This includes spotlights, a table, mirrors, a podium, a crucifix, facilitating whatever poses are required - dynamic, unusual, BDSM, whatever. The table has a metal top, so we have to get it warmed up beforehand with a couple of hot towels to take the chill off.

If anyone wants me to pose for them either live or on Zoom, I can be reached on email

Another batch of sessions using Albert's table is for a Professor running a course entitled "Practical Anatomy for Artists". Each class concentrates on one specific area of my body: neck and shoulders, spine and upper torso' gluteal and pubic areas; legs and feet. Not entirely on Zoom -about half a dozen students attend, making for a more traditional atmosphere.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Dear Ken and all members on Art Nude,
So good you are reaching out on Zoom, how amazing is that, I take my hat of to you.
You are becoming quite famous, well done.
I have been busy modelling with usual groups in Herne bay at beach creative, Class Art in Whitstable on Thursday night, and sat for Roy Eastland at Margate Adult Education, which is very good.Next week I am at Deal life drawing at the Astor Theatre, for an evening class, which is a buzz, but it is slowly easing off, as Easter approaches.Hey ho !
Thanks again Ken.
You can reach me on
Thanks for reading this Sharon Smithers.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Well done Sharon, you are an exceptional model and a credit to the life modelling community.

This coming Friday - Good Friday - is an important day for me as it is the day when I am going to be crucified once more, as part of a very realistic passion play, and playing my customary role of St Dismas, the Good Thief. Naked and glistening with oil, it will not be easy for me, and I won't deny that I will be terrified. The proceedings will be video'd -the preliminary mortification of the flesh, being tied to the cross and all the humiliations done to me, the agonies during the crucifixion, the deposition, and the washing of the body in the tomb afterward and its disposal.

More to follow.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

I have been Life Modelling now for about 2 and a half years. I don't really now why I decided to become a Life Model but thought I would give it a go. I have been a naturist for a few years so being nude doesn't concern me too much. It is a challenge on long poses but kind of go into a trance like state. Like shorter poses to do more dynamic poses
I like being nude in a positive way and get satisfaction from the artists enjoying drawing me. I have modelled for Bucks Adult Education, Studio at 140 - Harrow, Queens Park Art Centre - Aylesbury, Chorleywood Community Art Centre, and a photoshoot at St Martins College of Fashion - London. I have booked to do some sessions at Reading College in May.
I can be contacted on

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Dear Peter, and other members of this fantastic group, including Alan and Ken,
It is so good to hear from you, about your life modelling experience, you sound as if you enjoy it as much sack do.
As you say when you pose you go into a trance situation as I do , I go completely out of it with nothing on mind, just focusing on the pose. It is something to behold, and holding the pose is much easier.
Thanks Again Peter, Alan & Ken and all you other members.
Please contact me on Sharon Smithers.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Well, it was nice of some readers of the Forum to get in touch with me and to find out how I endured being crucified on Good Friday, and could I say something about it on our website. One of them is a figurative artist from West Malling, who specializes in homoerotic themes - and in his opinion, there is nothing more homoerotic than the crucified male nude; St Sebastian being one example. He thinks I'm ideal for what he has in mind, which is a project on the theme of crucifixion, but more on this when he has developed his ideas.

One thing was the austere bleakness of the crucifixion site, an old tin mine on the edge of Dartmoor, an isolated spot if ever there was one. So there I was, secured by rope, uncomfortable but bearable to begin with. Being tied by my wrists wasn't that bad, nor by my feet. But eventually, the pain began; the rope dug into my wrists, so in order to ease the pressure I pressed up my legs, but this didn't help much, but compensation came from the tiny little ledge for my feet - this was invaluable in keeping me going. All told, being up there on the upright, about 15 metres in the air, felt like eternity, but quite hypnotic as pheremones helped assuage the muscular pain as they kicked in. I'll say no more about it, except that it's an experience not recommended for the fainthearted, or to be tried at home.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Dear Ken ,
Well done I don't know how you do it, you are amazing , it must of been a great location. I am glad it went well.
Fortunately I have been busy to with life modelling in various areas of Kent, Margate, Herne Bay , Deal, Whitstable to name a few. It has been great. But on May the 3rd I was working at Deal life Modelling in Morning and Herne Bay, beach creative in the evening, during the day had a tickley cough all day, it was unbearable, also my husband and I was seeing our German friend Rainer who was staying the night, on his way home to Germany. I survived all that just about, and when he left, I took a covid lateral flow test and was positive, so couldn't go to my husband's brothers funeral and in isolation for 5 days ! What a bother, having to cancel work on Monday at Tempel Ewell in Dover with the lovely Anne Courtney. How quickly it catches you out. thanks for reading this Sharon, contact me on .

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Well, it was nice of some readers of the Forum to get in touch with me and to find out how I endured being crucified on Good Friday, and could I say something about it on our website. One of them is a figurative artist from West Malling, who specializes in homoerotic themes - and in his opinion, there is nothing more homoerotic than the crucified male nude; St Sebastian being one example. He thinks I'm ideal for what he has in mind, which is a project on the theme of crucifixion, but more on this when he has developed his ideas.

One thing was the austere bleakness of the crucifixion site, an old tin mine on the edge of Dartmoor, an isolated spot if ever there was one. So there I was, secured by rope, uncomfortable but bearable to begin with. Being tied by my wrists wasn't that bad, nor by my feet. But eventually, the pain began; the rope dug into my wrists, so in order to ease the pressure I pressed up my legs, but this didn't help much, but compensation came from the tiny little ledge for my feet - this was invaluable in keeping me going. All told, being up there on the upright, about 15 metres in the air, felt like eternity, but quite hypnotic as pheremones helped assuage the muscular pain as they kicked in. I'll say no more about it, except that it's an experience not recommended for the fainthearted, or to be tried at home.
That certainly sounds an uncomfortable session Ken, Don't know I could do it.
I have a few sessions booked over the next couple of months, 2 sessions at Reading College which is new to me, 2 at Bucks Adult Education in Chesham, Queens Park Arts Centre, Aylesbury and at Chorleywood Community Art Centre. Should be good.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Well Ken you are amazing well done I couldn't do it, or perhaps I could who knows ?
Thankfully I am better now , did my 5 days of isolation and recovered.
On Tuesday night worked with lovely Kim Plowright at Canterbury Adult education, which was amazing, I did feel tired once back at home
Tomorrow morning I am there again, which will be fun. Then I have a week off, afterwards at Tempel Ewell in Dover on the Monday morning, then at Deal life drawing Wednesday evening.
All ones to look forward too.
I think all life models should be remembered for all their hard work, and dedication ! What do you think ?
Contact me on thank you Sharon Smithers.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Sharon, I am well pleased that you are now feeling better, and that you're back doing what you do best, namely modelling for life drawing. And I fully agree that the hard work put in by life models in celebrating the beauty of the nude human body should be remembered.

I'm taking the train down south next week to meet up with the artist from West Malling who wants to use me in his crucifixion project, so I hope to say something about it when I come back. His principal inspiration is the beauty, purity, submissiveness and symmetry of the crucified nude; he tells me I have an interesting body, and he sees me as the ideal model for what he wants to achieve.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Good for you Ken you are amazing ! I am much better now, although it was a shock to the system. Have a good session at West Malling.
All the best Sharon
I did have 3 great sessions last week with Kim Plowright, at Canterbury Adult Education. Tuesday night we did tone , with charcoal. A brilliant group, great drawings. Then on Friday I did a morning session similar to Tuesday evening, lots of great drawings, lovely group that said they loved me, and said I was a cracking good model. Friday afternoon drawing with 3 colour pencils red, blue and black, another great session. Working again at Tempel Ewell with Anne Courtney on 23rd of May, I had to cancel last session , because of covid. Looking forward to it.On 25th of May at Deal life drawing at the Astor Theatre in the evening. Thank you for reading this . Contact me Sharon

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

More info about the crucifixion project to be undertaken by the artist I mentioned in West Malling. He is planning a series of videos illustrating the various methods by which unfortunate victims were crucified, and the range of shapes of crucifixes - "T", "X", upright, upside down, body facing inwards and outwards, mostly naked but some posed with a tiny "barely there" loincloth. Each video will include the methods used to attach the victim to the cross. Fortnightly visits to his studio will be required. Each video will be about an hour long with commentary. Wish me luck!

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Good Luck Ken, I am sure you will be fine as usual. I have been busy modeling, but had a funny turn on Tuesday, got dizzy and didn't feel right I guess it was I was up very early unfortunately. But fortunately I did the work, and finished when I was ill.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hope you are feeling better now Sharon. Look after yourself and don't overdo it. xx

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

I feel better now and staying positive at Margate in the evening in Broadstairs on Tuesday morning staying positive up till I get Tuesday morning done fingers crossed. Thanks Ken for your concern. All the best Sharon xx

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hello everyone,
Well isn't hot today and yesterday ? 40 degrees, hot hot.
Glad I'm not modelling I couldn't do it.
Well I have my last sessions at Canterbury and Deal. All of my sessions good. Great work by all.
In September I have my knee replaced , on the 17th, and then I have get it better in 3 months. Back to work January 2023. Hope you enjoyed this .

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hi Sharon

Hope all goes well for your knee operation - good luck and best wishes!!!


Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hello Ken,
Thank you I will do as my surgeon says and carry on until I can model again.
Many thanks to you and all our other members.
All the best Sharon thank you.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Good luck Sharon with the knee op, hopefully modelling will help you through ! Just trying to organise some Life Modelling sessions for the autumn and beyond, 3 booked so far but not much luck getting anymore organised. I am in Chesham, Bucks and available in North West London, West Herts, Bucks and East Berks and some of Bedfordshire if anyone knows of any sessions in those areas. Stay cool, weather cooling down in a day or two, then I expect about 3 months of wet weather !

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Good luck with your operation tomorrow and no knees up for a while.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Thank you so much for your kind messages regarding my left knee replacement operation which took place on Saturday 17th of September 22 , it all went well on the day, and on Sunday was told to get up and get dressed to abulsions with help from Chaucer hospital staff in Canterbury, I was able to go toilet, climb stairs up and down, walk slowly, each day I get stronger. I won't be fit till 3 months time so in the new year I will be able to model again ! January 2023 here I come.I did work at Canterbury Adult Education with Kim Plowright on Tuesday night and Friday morning/afternoon, got through sessions well with good poses.
The week before was at Deal life drawing Wednesday night at The Astor Theatre that was good too, all groups with lovely artist in them, great work done by all, and not forgetting Emma at Deal the organiser. Thank you all.
Moving on text Alan Reynolds he has cancer, and he seems to be alright. Fingers crossed for him, onwards and upwards. Thanks again folks, contact me on Sharon xx

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Excellent news Sharon. Best wishes for your period of convalescence, and time will soon pass before you are able to resume your modelling !

I was disturbed to read about Alan, and I sincerely hope he will pull through OK.

All the very best from Kenneth.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hello All :slightly_smiling_face:

Have just joined the side & setup a profile, very glad to have found the site.
I’ve been life modelling for 4 years now, tried it out of curiosity and absolutely fell in love with it. Has been a fascinating & fun journey, have done classical life modelling but also in the past 12 months themed sessions which have been great for letting the creativity flow.
I definitely think life drawing continues to grow in popularity, which is great to see.
Look forward to chatting on here and being part of the chat.
All the best, Ben :slightly_smiling_face:

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hello all,
Thanks Ken regarding my knee, I am staying positive and determined.
Alan has been ill for some time, but like me taking each time as it comes in a different way, bless him he is still trying to work on Art Nude UK to improve website. That will come in time I guess. Do you realise that art nude UK has been going for 10 year how amazing is that, and we have so many great members. Who would have thought that ? Out of a small acorn came a great life modelling group, which I am proud to be a member of, and other members too, good Luck to you Ben, life modelling is so inspiring to artist and us alone. Thank you for reading this please contact me on Sharon xx

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Thanks Sharon :slightly_smiling_face:
Just seen your post about the operation, hope your recovery goes well. Thanks for the welcome, life modelling is definitely inspiring & wonderful. Alan has done a great job building this website & that’s fab how it’s been going for 10 years.
Ben :slightly_smiling_face:

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Thanks all for the kind messages regarding my knee operation, as each day progresses I improve which is a confidence booster.
I have my stitches out on Thursday 29th September 22. Which is another step up.
Keep our thoughts about Alan Reynolds the organiser of this group, with his cancer, bless him !
10 years of Art Nude UK is amazing for this group. I can't believe it lets hope we have another 10 years.
All the best Sharon. Contact me on thank you

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hello all,
Hope you all are well and busy ? I am in recovery with my left knee replacement from 17th September, and having my stitches out on 29th September
And my physio is ahead of treatment of 2 weeks, which is encouraging and confidence booster.
I do miss my job of course or I wouldn't be writing on here, but time is something I must take advantage of I have 3 months to recover so not that bad. I have a booking so I will get better for that in December on 2 and 8th. Time will tell.
Keep up the good work you lovely life models I will be back.
Thanks for reading this contact me on Sharon x

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Stay positive, Sharon, and it will not be too long before you are fully recovered and back to the world of life modelling!

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Dear Ken
Thank you I am definitely positive and determined believe me ,, hope you are well and busy. I can look forward to sitting again for artist at some point, I don't want to rush it ! Take my time take a step each day.
Alan Reynolds seems ok at the mo I try and contact him as much as possible.
Can you believe this website has been going for 10 years. We have over 700 new members how awesome is that.
Well thanks Ken much appreciated.
Take Care thanks for reading and you can contact me on Sharon

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

The Mytacobell login site is an employee portal for the company. This portal benefits the employees and their work. Through this mytacobell portal, employees can get help from other departments of the company. In this portal one can get news, practices, policies and other instructions related to their job.

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hi everybody, I don't know what mytacobell has to do with this website ! Maybe it is a scam beaware I say.
Other than been busy modelling in Deal and Margate last week, which is always fun. Have my last gig on Tuesday night with Kim Plowright at Canterbury adult ed which I'm looking forward too, plus getting bookings for next year. Hurray !
My knee has improved a lot , walking better, modelling well, so all good !
Next is Christmas wishing you all a happy, merry one, and Happy 2023 thank you Sharon Smithers contact me on ok

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Hi Sharon. I'm delighted to see that you're back into the world of life modelling. Well done! best of luck, and I sincerely wish you a happy Christmas and a successful 2023. xx

Re: Discussion on Life Modelling

Dear Ken and everyone
Thank you so much for all your kindness and thoughts, I am on the road of recovery keeping up with my exercises, all is good doing my last session of the year tonight at Canterbury Adult Education with Kim Plowright which will be fun.
I was propersition on paying out lots of money so I could make more money on being a life model please can I have your thoughts and ideas thank you.

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