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Evolution a romantic story

Evolution a dangerous heresy!

One of the main problems we true believers have, is that scientists do not have to stick with their stories. If they find new "evidence" for a new theory, they just change history or whatever they work with to make it fit into their wrong image of the world.

As an example I would like to mention the ridiculous idea that earth should be older than 6,000 years. If you ask an astronomer he will tell you that if earth was only 6,000 years old, the universe imploded immediately, because that would mean that the furthest stars could be only 6,000 lightyears away. These people do not even think for one minute that it might be possible that what we see as stars on the firmament is just an illusion created by our lord to please us. They simply do not exist.

Some of our brothers and sisters became unsettled about this devilish invention called "radio-carbon method" scientists use to determine the age of a bone, a cloth or even a rock. Here again the same effect: They believe that there has been anything in existance before 6,000 years. That is, they say, because a certain radioactive isotop needs a specific time to loose radioactivity. Here they fall for the same trap of thinking: They believe, that laws of the physic that are good for this century were also working the same way 6,000 years ago. That it is not so we have the best proof written in the bible where it clearly says the real age of the world.

God made the world in 7 days and 6,000 years ago. God also made the laws of physics. Therefore there can never have been anything before creation. That explains why scientists will never be able to get things right. Simply because their readings and conclusions are wrong.

And there is Satan as well. Never forget, always be vigilant. How much of all this is his doing? A harmless bone here and a fossile there. It all begins all harmless and suddenly you have Darwin with his evolution theory and Karl Marx with his godless book "the capital". I say destroy all this wrong "evidence" of evolution! Burn down the museums, destroy the scientist's laboratories these golden calfs and fake idols of godless modern times!

Only by shedding all this false knowledge and by living like our ancestors a thousand years ago we will be able to see the world as it really is: A wonderful garden of Eden.

I pray for all of you,
Ric Ulef

Re: Evolution a romantic story

Hey, Ric, I pretty much agree with you-- I am a Chistian and believe in God's 6-day creation and a 6,000 year world-- but one thing I would like to suggest to you is this:

Is it possible the the stars are not illusions, so-called, but that God actually did create them out there, and with his creation of them on day 4, he also created additional light streams coming from them, so that mankind sees a steady stream of light coming from them allowing us to observe with telescopes what God has made?

If God did this, he made it so Adam and Eve could enjoy the stars on the evening of Day 6. God doesn't need to make illusions. He's powerful enough to do the real thing. The Bible says, "he made the stars also." I personally don't see any reason not to take what God said at face-value. If he says he made them, no doubt He did.

Good to see you're fighting for your faith out there! Keep it up!

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Re: Evolution a romantic story

Hi Jim,

Of course! This also explains the existence of dinosaur fossils and that the "younger ones" are always found above the "older ones".

Best proof for your theory is, that there exists an uninterrupted "7200 year long" chain of tree ring patterns in Europe.

Then everything else makes sense too: residual DNA, transitional forms of species, homo erectus, etc...

All that was made to test our faith. I only wished, the illusion was not so perfect.

Re: Evolution a romantic story

There are some people who think that the biblical record allows for an extra 1-2000 years in addition to the approximately 6,000 it seems to indicate. However, I do believe that God built the earth and all creation with "apparent age." That means, Adam was formed as an adult, not a squawking baby, and he looked like he was already (in modern terms) 20-30 years old. People lived much longer back then, (Adam died at over 900 years old) so in his time he probably had the apparent age of 100-200 years old. If you were to cut down a tree on the day it was created, you would see rings inside it. Rings are not merely a way of telling how old a tree is, they are also a structural, fundamental part of the tree. If God created a big tree, such as one of those oaks or other trees that are so old in Europe, it could easily have 1,000 or more rings in it when he created it. It is slightly possible that in a few placed on earth a few trees actually survived the Genesis flood. This could happen if they were on a high outcropping of land that was flooded for only a brief period of time during the flood. This is feasible, because during the flood there were some very massive geological upheavals, causing new mountains to arise where there were none before, and so on. Evidently the land masses were much flatter before the flood, easily explaining how the amount of water on the earth today could have flooded everything at some point in the flood.

It never ceases to amaze me how some people are so scared of the possibility of creation by God. They hate it, they fear it, it bends them all out of shape. Why is that? What threat does it pose to you? If, as you might say, it is a false idea, then why does it bother you so much? There are many false ideas out there, so why does this one bother you and other false ideas don't? I would like someone to calmly and rationally tell me why you hate and fear this idea so much.

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Re: Evolution a romantic story

Hi Jim,

Of course! This also explains the existence of dinosaur fossils and that the "younger ones" are always found above the "older ones".

They are not always found in that order. In more instances than one, human remains have been found interspersed with dinosaur remains. One example is the Ashley Phosphate Beds near Charleston, South Carolina. Human remains have been found in many different strata. There have been at least one finding of human footprints made in the same mud as dinosaur footprints. There have been several human artifacts found embedded in lumps of coal.

The reason dinosaur fossils are USUALLY found in different strata than human fossils is most likely because their bodies were denser and they sank to the bottom more quickly, and were buried in an earlier layer of mud, a few hours or so before the next layers, including more humans. It is quite likely that a number of humans survived for a few hours or even days by hanging onto flotsam such as trees. if their bodies were buried near the top, they would have rotted rather than fossilizing. many mammal bodies have a tendency to bloat quickly after dying, meaning they could have floated and not been fossilized so much as dinosaurs.

Many possibilities. Just keep closing your mind to them. We can't see you if you close your eyes.

How you found this site: Browsing

Re: Evolution a romantic story

My bad-- did a little more research-- pines and spruce, not oaks-- and it so happens that they used radio-carbon, not tree rings, to find the age of this so-called oldest tree-- radio-carbon and other such dating techniques are a flawed concept because you never can tell if the material started with the amount in it that you think it did. Bristlecone pines with around 5000 rings are the oldest trees I know of.

How you found this site: Browsing

Re: Evolution a romantic story

To Jim:

I think, people are afraid, that, if the catholic church would regain its rightful place in the hearts of the people and the government, they would loose some of their freedom (to sin).

It is our duty to make them see the advantages of being cradled in the loving arms of a caring church watching over them day and night, using modern surveillance technics to protect them from all evil temptations and sinful doings.

In my opinion, one of the first things that has to be done, would be to establish a specially trained moral police force to spot and end sinful doings whenever and whereever it occurs and end it resolutely (but only with an appropriate amount of violence, of course)

Not only cameras and cell-phones, but children and neighbours too, are valuable sources of information about any aberrant behavings of people.

Adulterers and homosexuals could finally brought to justice and notorious offenders sent to special improvement camps to be corrected there with much attention and, if necessary, medical care.

Special brigades could spot and collect pornographic literature and books of false teachings and take it to the incinerators, where could finally do something useful - produce energy.

The scripture should not only be taught in science class, but also in all other subjects. Especially biology.

TV and radio stations too should spread god's word instead of lies and superficial entertainment.

Re: Evolution a romantic story

Wow-- that's quite a vision, Ric. Myself, I am not a Catholic, but a fundamental Baptist, so my views of the church are different from yours. I agree that people ought not to sin, but the Bible tells us that all people are sinners, and need salvation through Christ. I would not be in favor of any church or religious group becoming a government for the world-- but the Bible does point out that in the future, during the millennial reign of Christ, Jesus Christ Himself will reign on earth as supreme ruler, and I believe He will address those moral issues you speak of. I believe that a thorough reading of the Bible shows that He is the only one worthy to rule over people in matters of morality and virtue. But maybe that is what atheists, agnostics, and evolutionists are afraid of. What they need to realize is that right now we live in an age of grace-- this is the time to turn to God and accept Him and the salvation that Christ offers. In the future, the opportunity to do so may greatly diminish. Accept God at His word-- He created the earth, the stars, and everything else, even space and time itself, and the laws of nature. He loves you and wants to save you from your sin.

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