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Upcoming School Year

A new school year is upon us! Let me know if you have any questions or burning issues that you need to know about before the first day of school.

Re: Upcoming School Year

Hi!!! I just ran across this website and not sure if you guys can help me out or not. My daughter is getting ready to start Pre-K here in Box Elder this August. My husband is military and we just moved here about 3 months ago. I'm not really sure what to do with our problems. My daughter has been diagnosed with Asthma, numerous Environmental allergies, and numerous food allergies. She ANA to peanuts, eggs, and green peas. She can't be exposed to trees or grass for long periods at a time or she'll have a reaction, then an asthma attack will follow.
My question is... I really don't know what to do with her school. I need to know that she's going to be taken care of properly or I'm strongly thinking of homeschooling. My husband is against homeschooling, but if it means she's going to be protected from all of the allergens... I'm all for it.
Please help me with any information that you may have.
Thank you so much in advance!!!

Take Care and I really appreciate your help!!!


Re: Upcoming School Year

I forgot to put the list of allergies on my last post.

Thanks again for your help!!!

Mya 1/9/03~ ANA to Peanuts, eggs, green peas, tree nuts. FA: caraway seeds, mustard, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, cow's milk, soy, string beans, avocado, carrot, tomato, garlic, cantaloupe, strawberry, watermelon. Severely allergic to numerous trees, grasses, mold. Severely allergic to Dogs & Cats. Asthma/Eczema. Currently takes Singulair & Zyrtec daily, Uses Albuterol Nebulizer & Inhaler as needed.

Chase 9/21/04~ ANA to peanuts, FA: eggs, numerous environmental allergies. Eczema. Currently takes Zyrtec daily.

Currently living on Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota. Home is where the Air Force sends us!!!

Re: Upcoming School Year

Wow, that's a lot of allergies and challenges to watch out for -- keeps a mom & dad busy! Asthma and severe food allergies such as these would be (and SHOULD be) covered under a Section 504 Plan. Most importantly, it gives direction to teachers and staff what to do in an emergency & what to do to prevent an asthma attack or allergy reaction in the first place.

Section 504 is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Section 504 ensures that the child with a disability has equal access to an education. The child may receive accommodations and modifications.

Here are some websites that will give you more information: (great info aimed directly for administrators, teachers, etc. Includes a Student Asthma Action Card that you can download)

Feel free to call our office directly for more info. I'm in the Rapid City office. 348-0305.