I got this reply from John yesterday. ( All the best to Pelicans for Christmas and 'A Guid New Year tae Yin an' Awe'.
"Thank you, Eric, for your kind wishes for Christmas. I hope you and your family have a happy celebration of Christmas and the New Year.
Life in this retirement home is a little bit like life at the Priory. We have fixed times for various activities - meals, exercise, chapel, etc! Fortunately we also have opportunities for stimulating lectures and diverse entertainment programs.
A significant number of residents are at the lower end of retirement age since the place was developed when sixteen religious communities joined forces to set up a home for their retiring members. In fact, I believe we go from the mid sixties to close to more than a century! Of course, most of the lay residents are towards the upper end of the scale!
I'm not sure that we will be visiting the British Isles any time soon although I have a younger sister living in Buckinghamshire who I have not seen for quite a while. In the past, when we have crossed the Atlantic, we have always made a trip to Scotland. I think my two years at St Boswells and one year at Monteviot really opened my eyes to the beauty of the country and the kindness of the local people.
Please give my greetings to Priorians with whom you have contact.