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    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Jeff, I am the singles minister at my church in Palestine, Tx. I preach there sometime and I also fill in for other churches when their minister is absent. I also preach at some of the nursing homes in the area.
    Barack Obama is VERY welcome at any of these churches. I would hug him and welcome him anytime. A lady that has had an abortion is welcome!!!!! Gay people are welcome!!!!!
    Buttttt........anyone who directly and blatently ignores God's commands does not need to be the leader of our country. Yes, as Romans 3:23 states, "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." All of us are going to get to Heaven(that is the ones that will go there), will get there not by their good deeds but by the blood of Jesus Christ which has paid for their sins and covered their sins.
    But if we ignore the teachings of the Bible and go directly against things that we know God wants then we are subject to God's correction. To put a man into the top office of our land that as I have said before and I am sure you are tired of hearing it, but, someone who believes in killing innocent babies, same sex marriages, who on TV(and I saw it with my own two eyes) made fun of the Sermon on the Mount taught by Jesus, then friends, may God have mercy on us.
    I don't dislike Barack Obama, I don't dislike his family, but I don't believe because of his non Christian ways that he should be the leader of the country that says "in God we trust", and "God bless America".

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Jeff, I guess to sum it up I have to say that I understand and agree with what you are saying about Christian stumbling blocks. That is why, I hardly ever preach a sermon that somewhere in there I always say, "witness all the time, with your mouth if necessary". In order to witness you must be a good witness. If you're not living it, don't talk it!!!! I think this pretty well backs up what you have been saying. I had rather see a good sermon than to hear one anyday.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with



    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Don, I really appreciate your post and agree with you. I also really appreciate your views because you have not attacked. You merely stated your opinions and respected opinions that differd from your own. We need more people like you in this world.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Derek, Come on Sean Hannity? You did notice they didnt finish the statement on the recording. Do you actually think that he said that in his administration that power cost would skyrocket and then just left it at that? Come on now I know you are more intelligent than that. What he was talking about is these companies are using Coal Technology making money hand over fist and polluting our the environment with no regulations. There is clean coal technology out there, they just dont want to pay for it becasue it takes money out of their pockets. Who do you think would be the people installing and building these new plants with this Technology? Coal workers the people that are living and breathing the air around these plants. It all about money and to hell with the environment.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Lots of news bad for BO in the last two days.

    His voice on tape talking about shutting down the coal industry and how his plan would make electricity bills much higher for everyone.

    Then there is his aunt.

    His campaign people said that he had no idea.

    Now we find out that he not only knew, but that he had local Boston housing authority people looking after her so he would have no direct contact, in the hopes he would not be found out.

    What a guy! He sends her contribution back, but doesn't ask her to come live in his nice big house.

    Not everyone has the means to or the desire to look after aunts and uncles, but not everyone writes a book telling the world how they have seen the light; that they are morally required to do so.

    But the libs love him because he says what they want to hear.

    Charlatan is the only word.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Jeff thanks but the truth is I am just an old sinner saved by grace!!!!! There is nothing good about me except the part of me that I have died to and let the Holy Spirit of God live through me. In my flesh I am just a worm, as Paul put it, the things I want to do I don't do and the things I do I don't want to do, I am TOTALLY dependent on the Lord Jesus Christ. Without his mercy, and grace, I would spend eternity burning in a terrible place called Hell. Buttt, Jesus died for me and bought me so I could live forever with Him so I am just trying to pay Him back by trusting and obeying Him and as hard as I try, I will never be able to pay Him back but I can at least try.
    Again, thanks for the kind words and have a wonderful day, and by the way, I appreciate your sweet spirit very much!!!!!!
    Your friend,

    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    That tape has been played over and over on TV and on the radio.

    I have heard it probably a dozen times.

    He says plainly that the cost of electricity will go up and go up alot.

    He says very plainly that his plan will bankrupt the coal companies.

    He does not say that the coal companies will develop clean coal and by that means become rich and prosperous.

    You need to listen to the entire tape yourself.

    Now it is correct that if you do, you hear him go all over the place, like he does on everything else.

    He says that he is for clean coal and he says he is for lots of other things, but that is like the way he says he is for the 2nd amendment, except of course that there must be controls. His voting record proves that he does not.

    He ven tried to get concealed carry banned under federal law, thus nulifying all of the state CC laws permitting.

    He says that he is for nuclear energy, but of course there must be a way to safely get rid of the waste.

    What is safely?

    He has not seen any safe way yet.

    Never mind that the navy has had ships and subs running on nuclear energy for more than 30 years.

    Never mind that France has gone something like 80 or 85% nuclear and they do not have the vast territory we have to store the waste.

    Play the tape. Last I saw it was on youtube, but I don't have the link.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Jeff, my daughter who is 27 sent me an e-mail yesterday in answer to mine to encourage her to be sure to vote. I knew she was swaying toward Obama, and we have had some discussions about this and some nearly heated but not really. I told her what I thought and why I thought it but I also told her that she was a grown woman, very accomplished, college grad, making more money than me and that I was only expressing my views but all I asked her to do was to pray and vote as God led her.
    Well she wrote back to me yesterday and told me she had voted early and had prayed and voted for Obama and she said "please don't judge me too harshly". I wrote her back and told her that I was not judging her harshly at all. I am thankful that we live in a free country and I am glad that she has the right to vote as she wants to and I am even proud of her that she is strong enough to stand up for what she feels is right even if it means disagreeing with me(respectfully). And she is and has always been extremely respectful. That is all I can ask of her. I am not upset with her. I think she made a mistake but thats not a problem. Its ok if we don't always agree as long as we treat each other with love and respect, and thats not just with me and my daughter, that goes for all of us.
    Again, I have enjoyed these past few days of all of us expressing our views. I have expecially enjoyed our conversations. I feel like I have made a new friend even though we probably will cancel each others vote out, I still am proud to call you my friend because I appreciate your desire to do what you feel like is the right thing even if others may disagree with you. Anyway, you can't cancel out my vote, my daughter already has, ha, ha.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Don, Your daughter sounds like a very smart lady, she prayed first and then followed her heart. Whomever she voted for she sure went about it in the right way. I have really enjoyed your post and conversations. Make sure you get my e-mail from this and if you ever have any encouraging words or anything that you feel would be a blessing please share it with me.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Thanks Jeff, I will. You can always reach me also at donstanaland@yahoo.com.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Listen I am sorry Im a idiot and that I think only my views are right and everyone else is wrong.You are all incompatant compared to me I dont run hounds but I love to get on hear and talk trash thanks for putting up with my stupidity.

    I am sorry (1)

    Iam crazy (2)

    Please dont listen to anything I say since Im a Idiot (3)


    CSSJR in case yall dont know that means CLAUDE S SUTTON JR

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Apparently we have some 13 year old on this board that thinks it is funny to put my name and email up with a silly post.

    The owner of this board reads this stuff and I expect he is going to be annoyed enough that he will change to a member only board.

    That will put an end to your idea of funny.

    In the meantime, I hope your mother needs to use her computer and sends you to your room.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    One more thing.

    Anyone who has ever read one of my posts knows you are a fake because your typing is terrible, you can't spell, you don't know how to use punctuation marks and your gammer is really terrible.

    About at the 3rd grade level. Not even up to the 13 year old level.

    I hate to bring all of that up because there are a lot of really intelligent people on this board that never had the opportunity to finish school and their writing suffers because of that, but still they post some might good information and show a lot of brains. More than I have by a lot.

    But since your post shows neither brains nor schooling, I could not resist.