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    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Well Claude, I am afraid you hit it right on the head. If not this election then the next one for sure. The problem we have is that there are more of the older, more conservative, working people dieing off, and more of the younger, generation with their hands out wanting something for nothing, wanting government handouts, and easily led by a smooth talking politician who promises them the world, says all the right things, tickles their ears, and they follow him like he is the Pied Piper, and they honestly don't realize that there is NOTHING for NOTHING. THERE ARE NOOOOOOOOOO REAL FREEBIES. THEY HAVE TO BE PAID FOR BY SOMEONE!!!!! When they are offered govt sponsered insurance, govt sponsered education and so on and so forth they love what it sounds like. When they hear no more war, they love that. Where would our country be today if we had not fought for it. Anyway, don't really want to talk doom and gloom but facts are facts and I have seen the profile of the American voter change drastically in the past 40 yrs and in my opinion, not to the good.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    I think Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh has warped alot of peoples minds. Sean Hannity is a race baiting hate monger. He and Rush Limbaugh are leading the division of America. You can have different opinions without the hate speach that makes the divide bigger and bigger. I mean come on Rush Limbaugh just signed a 300 Million dollar radio deal, honestly who do you think is paying him to further the cause? He is being paid to keep that divide so his Politician buddies can get elected and fatten their wallets. Rush got caught forging prescriptions for Drugs, he was addicted to OXYCONTIN, he was cold busted and what did he get out of that - nothing. If that were me or you we would have done prison time. Sean Hannity is pretty much in the same boat. I try to listen to these guys so I can hear both sides and form an objectable opinion but they are so one sided and are so hateful that I have no time for that kind of poor information. Wake up your are being taken for a ride and dont even know it. Whats so funny is I am not interested in voting for either one of the parties but I find it ridiculous that so many people follow and take everything these idiots say for the gospel. So if you want to make an intelligent comment dont quote Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    I really can not understand people like you.

    You want to vote for a guy that trashes the Constitution.

    On tape.

    You want to vote for a guy that is disappointed that the Warren court did not address the subject of redistribution of wealth.

    On Tape.

    You want to vote for a guy that disrespects the flag and the national anthem.

    On tape.

    You want to vote for a guy who lied in the last debate when he said that he had only one contact with ACORN, ever.

    Court records show that he was ACORN's attorney in two big cases, both of which lasted over a period. There are other records of other associations outside of court.

    All on record for those with the energy and brains to look it up.

    A guy who lied about his position on the 2nd Amendment 17 times on the record.


    All of the above is in the public record. Rush Limbaugh and Hannity do not manage the public records, certainly not the records for the congress and / or the state of Illinois. All they have done is point out this information for those who are not aware of it.

    Vote for the guy who has hidden every single relative document out of his past; all college records, birth certificates, etc.

    Vote for the guy who says in his own book, in his own words that should the rest of the world and the Muslim world have problems between them, he will go with the Muslim world. Now this says two things. That he would choose Muslims over Christians and that he would choose Muslims over the interests of the United States of America. You can not read anything else into it. That is what he says.

    How can you believe him when he says that he is a Christian?

    Go ahead, vote for him. After all, what choice do you have?

    The other guy is only a war hero. A man who has no secrets. A man who has furnished every document relating to his past that has been requested. A man married into a family that built a business from nothing into a huge business success. A man who is third generation NAVY, all of them war heroes.

    And you would have to mention Rush's med problem. That shows that you are either ignorant or hateful, take your choice.

    Rush got hooked a prescription drugs prescribed for him by his doctor for serious back pain. He is one of thousands who have been hooked the same way.

    Most go to a detox facility, get over it and that is the end of the story. Rush was picked on only because the local prosecutor had your mean streak.

    Rush should have the sympathy of others for his problem, not condemnation

    On the other hand, your hero snorted cocaine. Now anyone with any brains should recognize the difference between one who snorts cocaine for kicks and a person who accidentally gets hooked on a prescription drug.

    Since you can't tell the difference, I rest my case as to your intelligence.

    Go ahead. Vote for him. He is just your type.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Claude, you question my intelligence? Every so called fact you quoted came directly from Sean Hannitys website. So your saying just because John Mcain was a war hero that he doesnt have some flaws in his character? I have very high respect for John MCcain but his politics I do not agree with. I have said several times that I am not interested in voting for Obama or MCcain. As far a mentioning Rush Limbaugh addicted to his meds, that was not hateful. If I was caught forging prescriptions I would be sitting in prison, not signing a 300 million dollar radio deal pushing the Conservative ticket. As far as Obama snorting cocaine, he admitted that he made a mistake as a young man, is that possible? How do feel about that fact that MCcain's wife is an aire to Anheuser Busch? what has alchol done for America? More families have been destroyed by alchol than any of the other drugs combined. How many people were put in prison and how much money have they made selling that swill? Like Don Rumsfeled did you know he was a CEO of one of the largest Pharmacutical companies in the US and still owns millions of shares in the company? They are passing drug laws to imprison people and then selling the same thing in prescription form. Do you know that OXYCONTIN that Rush was addicted to is one molecule away from heroin? Do you know that since the war in Afghanastan started that Heroin being shipped out of there to America has increased 10 fold. Fact - our Country right now has an prescription drug epedimic, ask Rush. Our Federal Government is spending close to 50 billion dollars a year on the war on drugs, do you think we are winning that war? Dick Cheney he has one of the largest stakes in Haliburton, Do you know that Haliburton has over 60 % of the government contracts for the war in IRAQ? Did you know that 6 of the 8 years that George Bush has been President he has had a Republican controlled house? And Republicans have been in power for close to 20 years. I could go on and on about your conservative politicians and how they are enslaving Americans in the name of GOD. If that is what you want to be associted with thats your choice and you know what that doesnt make me angry or upset. Your a foxhunter and I couldnt hold Ill will to someone that has enjoyed something I spent most of my life enjoying in this great country. My point is you can quote all the facts about Obama you want, MCcain and all his conservative buddies are just as dangerous. It can be proven neither one of these men are Constitutionalist.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Yes, I am calling you ignorant.

    And you are.

    The facts were exposed by Limbagh and Hannity but they existed long before Hannity and Limbaugh discovered them.

    Those facts I linked to are in the Illinois state voting records and in the voting records of the US Senate.

    Are you telling me that Limbaugh and Hannity hacked into those systems and posted untruthful voting records?

    As for your long diatribe about drugs, it still is a fact that there is a big difference between getting hooked on prescription drugs and snorting cocaine.

    Again, if you can't figure that out you are stupid beyond hope.

    So BO said he is sorry and it is OK.

    Limbaugh has gone all through his problem and explained how it happened and also has expressed regret.

    But he is not OK.

    BO admits to using cocaine. Last I heard, that is illegal. Have you posted a rant anywhere about how he is a criminal?

    As for your remarks about beer, beer is exactly like guns. Beer does not kill people. Guns do not kill people. People kill people, in case you have not noticed.

    There are millions of people who drink a beer and behave after that beer exactly the same as they do before the beer.

    As for BO changing and now is a great patriot, have you noticed that the picture of him not honoring the flag and the national anthem was taken only last year while he was running in the primaries?

    Halaburton. All of you libs constantly harp on that.

    Why didn't you bid on the Iraq contracts?

    The reason you did not is that you don't have the money to mount an operation that big.

    Now think about this, if you can think, which I doubt.

    There are not but a very very few companies in the US that can mount projects as big as what Halaburton took on.

    That is one of the main reasons they got the business.

    Sure there are companies that rich, but a wall street banker can't do the job because he doesn't have the thousands of pieces of machinery it takes.

    But who cares about Dick Chaney? He is not ruining for president. Your brain is 4 years behind.

    Anyway, you go ahead and vote for BO.

    He is just your kind.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Partial Birth ABortion,. Banning Personal Guns, Muslim all theses are things that are who Obama is,
    Abortions are more brutall than what was listed above, New techonlogy now allows a doctor to insert a catheter into the womb of a life carrying pregnant woman in which case at conception is a living life, there are pro abortionist who care more about a flower than an unborn living child, Back to the point, the catherter that is inserted has a suction powerfull enough to take the unborn child and disenegrate it into small enough pieces to fit to the catheter and be removed same with the CHilds life line the placenta, the child is sucted apart in small pieces and then removed very very very painful to the child, there are videos of this procedure for the abortions that are legal that are not considered partial birth abortions showing the unborn child trying to escape the suction literally kicking and pushing away from this horrible thing that is taking them apart, I know this because taking a Pediatric Neonatal Critical Care COurse and becoming an instrutor Coodinator years ago I researched into abortions in order to prepare for a lecture on neonatal premature babies and how much they had developed, 22 weeks is the youngest pre-mature birth that has survived unless the rumor of 21 weeks is true, That said if they can survie being bon 18 weeks early what are they feeling during these abortions, To me its MURDER with the exception of no cance survival for child or mother, and in those cases there have been many curagouse women who have taken the chance with the outcome good and bad, So imagine yourself in a swimming pool and the strainer goes haywire and sucks you to the drain and you are torn apart piece by piece little by little and then tell me partial birth abortion is ok,,,,,,,, BTW the parts from aborted children are used in some brabds of cosmetic make up, most that are used for the younger look
    BO cristianity look at his 20 years under his pastor. the simple fact that the idioticracy of a man that calls himself a pastor uses GODS NAME IN VAIN WHICH IS A COMMANDMENT THOU SHALL NOT TAKE THY LORD AND GODS NAME IN VAIN" THE GOD BLESS AMERICA AND THE REST That he stated SHOWS HIS TRUE STANDINGS AND IS BARRACK HUSSEIN OSAMA AND LIDEN are with his statements and they are!!!!!! BO can deny his agreement with him and state he his seperated it Is a hokes you know if the man said it once he said it many times over the cousre of 20 years while bo supported him, he just did it at a time that bo did not need it heard. Now what did bo do he denied connection with him what is he going to do as president when the muslims push him against america turn his back on us as he did his 20 year life long friend and "Pastor" You fill in the rest MARC

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    I forgot.

    You are so religious. You can't stand the idea of a person taking a drink.

    But killing babies is OK.

    What religion is that you belong to?

    666 instead of a cross, I guess.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Claude why so angry? You are attacking me and you dont even know me. None of my statments were personal attacks the way you are me. Man you for sure have been Hannitzed. You are just like him, attack, attack attack, when someone disagree's with you.

    Your statement about alchol and guns show's your ignorance. Do you become addicted to guns? My point went right over your head. You didnt read a dang thing I wrote. I am not this big Obama supporter that you think I am. I have done my research on both candidates and neither has impressed me. My whole point Claude is dont tell me all these facts about Obama when you can scrape around and find stuff just like it from MCcain. The two party system is destroying our freedoms. My long diatribe about drugs is true, look at the Army the government is building in the name of defeating drugs. Why mention Dick Cheney? becasue your man agreed with him and Bush 90% of the time. Look into those public records you were talking about and see if Im making it up. While your there look up all the other things I talked about in my other diatribe it would make for some interesting reading. Im not trying to change your mind Claude its more like enlighten you to take off the blinders your wearing.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Claude I did not judge anyone who takes a drink. I might have a drink every once in awhile myself. I dont agree with abortion and I am a Christian person that tries everyday to live the life the Lord would want me to. I dont go around judging and calling people names because they dont agree with me. I think your Conservative buddies have ran rough shot over everyone and condemned everyone that doesnt believe the way they do so they have made laws and taken their views and tried to shove them down the worlds throat and now America has had enough. I apologise for trying to have an intelligent conversation with you. I have accomplished one point in all this, Your party is as responsible for the downfall of our society just like the Democrats.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    While I agree that the extreme right wingers sometimes push the envelope too far, I have to say I would rather have it pushed to far to the right than too far to the left. It is the extreme left (note I said extreme) that is going to be the downfall of this country in my opinion.

    However, putting all of that aside, If you are a Christian I simply can not see how you could even consider voting for Obama because EVERYTHING he stands for is against basic Christian priniciples.

    Do I believe McCain is perfect? No. Do I believe he is much more qualified to run this country? Yes.

    As you pointed out, both parties have their drawbacks. So all one can do in this instance is to vote for the man who they feel will put up the best fight for this country to keep us/get us back on track. John McCain has already spent years of his life fighting for this country. I feel he deserves the chance to fight to get us out of this mess we are in.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Allison I agree with what you are saying. I never said that I was voting for Obama I was merely trying to state that even though Obama has many many short comings the Conservative party is working behind the scenes to take away our liberties in the name of Right Wing Conservatism. There is a reason Republicans have been in power for so long. They are very very smart. This election will not be a landside it will be very close in my opinion. I have not ruled out pulling the lever for MCcain. Contrary to what some beleive you can have Conservative views and not be a Republican. I really dont like the way this two party system has divided this Country it is really sad.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    The voting card is tricky. Anybody but nobama.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    How can we not be divided? When you have men who want to marry each other, women who want to abort babies that could be viable outside the womb, politicians who want to take our guns away, other religions/peoples within our own country are threatening Jihad.....(you get the picture) there will always be division. Neither party is always right. However th Republican party tends to sway more in the direction of the principles this country was founded on. It is just a matter of time before we fall from within I am afraid.

    Now since I have already been classed as racist because of my posts, I am sure I will now be homophobic as well. Let me just state I could care less what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home- It is not my place to judge them. However, if God had intended two men/two women to marry he would have also made if possible for them to procreate...he didn't.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Jeff great posts.....

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Dont worry outlaw the money on your WIC card will double when obama gets elected, you dont have to kiss up to Jeff for more money.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Obama: "You know, if you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to vest formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples, so that I would now have the right to vote. I would be able to sit at a lunch counter and order, and as long as I could pay for it, I’d be okay. But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society. And to that extent as radical as I think people tried to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, as least as it’s been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted in the same way that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties, says what the states can’t do to you, says what the federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf. And that hasn’t shifted. And one of the, I think, the tragedies of the civil rights movement, was because the civil rights movement became so court focused, I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change, and in some ways we still stuffer from that."
    2001 radio Interview

    --> Obama is a socialist. Period. Jeff, after reading this, u should be convinced that obama is just about the opposite of a constitutionalist. If you think the republicans will take away ur liberties, wait until Barack Hussein Obama is the President of The United States of America. If obama is elected president you can expect big changes in the USA that we know.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Mr White,

    No crack McCain needs to be in the white house, nor hussein whatever his name is

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    I am not a political type of person and do not claim to know much about the topic, however........OBAMA/BIDEN supports same sex marriage. I don't see how this can possibly be good for America. Every once in a while as adults, you have to stand up and do the right thing, well........now is the time to stand up.

    John Foster

    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    Thank you for that.

    I have heard that tape and when you hear it in his own voice, it is even more scary.

    I did not know where to find a transcript. Thanks for supplying it.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Allison The one thing I can say about abortion and same sex marriage is the wages of sin is death. They will be judged I dont need to judge them. There are a lot of things going on in the United States that should be getting more attention than homosexuals wanting to get married. Talking about other religions and people in our own country wanting to create Jihad A Holy War. Well if you look at history these groups have been fighting for thousands of years. The United States decided that we are going to go over to these countries and liberate them turn them into Democracies and force the Western way of life on them in the name of fighting terrorism - We gave them their Holy War. That is why I feel like our foreign policy with McCain is going to make it worse. If you get a chance go take a look at the 60 minutes story that came on about 2 weeks ago on Afghanastan it was really informational. They interviewed the head General over there and he and several of the lead soldiers said that the War in Iraq has allowed the real terroists the militant islamists to regroup and they are now fighting a more sophisticated enemy than ever before meanwhile Osama Bin Laden is sitting in Pakistan. Will - Socialist yeah were already there take a look who has large stakes in our Banks- BIG BROTHER. The Bank I work for Banks every other American in the US and the US Government has a large stake in the Bank. The CEO even said he wasnt sure what to call it Socialism he wasnt sure. He said but whatever you call it's not capitalism.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    If you work for one of the large banks, and you are spounting all of that BO crap, you are beyond help.

    Nothing anyone can say can help you.

    Anyone that has that kind of a job and will vote for a guy that we can truly say this about:

    the Obama campaign seems like a hoax. Every day another allegation
    of impropriety is made, with enough data behind it to not summarily dismiss
    it. Illegal campaign contributions, birth certificate concerns, daily
    policy position changes, Biden gems, charges of racism, threats to sue to
    stop ads, videos being hidden from public view, friends with a terrorist,
    hidden college work, close association with a felon who may have had ties
    to Saddam Hussein, attending a hate spewing church, missing/changing web
    pages, a member of the New Party, ....

    Anyone who will vote for that over a real war hero, third generation Navy and war hero, a man who has furnished every single document from birth certificate to medical records to tax records, etc., whose life is an open book with no secrets, has a real problem.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Claude, for the 5th time I didnt say I was voting for Obama. In none of my post did I say I wanted Obama to be our next President. I am as concerned about several of the points you listed as you are. In all reality The closer and closer we get to election day I am leaning more and more toward McCain but I am not happy about it. I wish their was a good 3rd party candidate. I am one of those Americans that is caught in the middle of the two parties. What scares me is John McCain is going to send my son off to some foreign country to possibly die for a cause that has nothing to do about freedom. He is a wanna be Teddy Roosevelt. If youve ever read any history about Teddy he didnt have to tell anyone he was a Maverick they knew it!

    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    I should have posted that last entirely differently.

    If you do work for BOA, then you have a chance of redemption.

    But one question first:

    Is your son in the military now?

    In what branch?


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Yes I have worked for BOA for the last 9 years. I am fighting everyday to keep my job from going to India. Matter of fact today I am backing up groups that are in India due to today is a religous holiday there. I lost my job for 5 months because my job was shipped to India and then hired back without my tenure. BOA is bringing Indians over here on visa's to work by the thousands and shipping jobs over there to. McCain and Obama will not help me there either they both agree pretty much on Immigration and shipping jobs overseas they plan on giving them tax breaks. My son is 15, It worries me that we are going to get in another skirmish overseas and then reinstate the draft because out Military is spread thin. I support our Military and if it came to that and out freedoms were in jeopardy I know my son would serve proudly but I dont want him over there fighting for anything other than freedom in the US.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    The answer to the jobs being shipped overseas is for Americans to stop doing business with companies that they KNOW are based overseas (sometimes it is hard to tell...I had no idea BOA had overseas operations until I read your post)

    However, when I DO know that I try not to do business with them. I had a Capital One card for years....once they went overseas I cancelled my card and told them WHY I was cancelling. Every piece of junk mail I get from them I use their postage paid envelope to mail a reply back to them to the effect of "let me know when you bring your operations back to the U.S." Of course my efforts are like spitting in the ocean....however if the majority of Americans stood up and said "we aren't doing business with you if your operations are overseas" then they WOULD feel some of the effect. Yep....Global Economy...its a wonderful thing isnt it?

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Allison you are correct. Like I was saying BOA Banks every other American in the United States and we are the largest credit card issuer in the U.S as well. This Global Economy was Bush Seniors big thing and I think it is really hurting us. We cant compete with places like India where you can get a Masters degree for a quarter of what one costs here in the US. They bring those degreed people over here on HB1 work Visa's and they are taking our jobs everyday. The sad thing is all the money they are paying them goes right back to India. India is growing the largest middle class economy anywhere in the world. For sure BOA doesnt announce it.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    You mentioned your boss's remarks about the banks being taken over.

    So as a banker, you should ask a few questions.

    How did the banks get into this trouble?

    Jimmy Carter and the CRA planted the seeds of the idea, but the banks mostly ignored the CRA until Clinton.

    BO was the lawyer for ACORN when they forced CitiBank of Chicago to start making sub prime loans. That was the beginning of the sub prime loan mess.

    Under the Clinton administration, the banks were so anxious to be allowed to get into all of the things that have since burned them, that they pushed the GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY ACT. The dims would not let it be passed into law without that fatal clause that required that they follow the CRA and with severe penalties if they did not.GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY ACT

    The big banks went along with it believing that by selling the loans to the FM twins, they would avoid risk.

    20 repubs, including McCain went before congress because the auditor had found the FW's were cooking the books. Even with the auditor testifying, and I saw it all on TV, the dims laughed at them. Both Barney Frank and Chris Dodd along with Maxine Waters were on that video, bragging about what a great job the FW's were doing and how well they were run.

    So even when it was obvious a crash was coming, the dims would not rein in the FW's.

    So the financial crash was caused by the dims beginning with Carter, with ACORN joining in.

    As for your son getting drafted, you are guaranteed that will happen under BO. The dims have brought up the draft many times. Charlie Rangle has made a lot of noise over it and even had a bill before congress that did not get one vote.

    However, you have heard BO talk many times about how we need to put the young people into public service...so he will get drafted into something.

    There will not be a draft under McCain and this is why. He is old Navy. The present DOD is against the draft because they feel that they get a better man when they get a volunteer. They not only get capable men, but more important they get men who want to be in the service. Want to be is important.

    As for the Navy, they really don't care for the draft. The Navy feels that with the highly complex equipment they fight with that they need the very best. McCain being old Navy will not want a draft.

    As for the future, I believe McCain would step in and stop some rogue nation before it got out of control, where I feel that BO would be a Nevil Chamberlain and let it fester and fester until we have a situation similar to Europe in the 1930's. It would take a mass mobilization of every able bodied man and woman if that were to happen again.

    McCain is much more likely to nip it in the bud, where BO would try to understand them.

    I put that in the same category as trying to understand the guy that breaks in your house at 2:00AM with a gun. I believe in shootingt first, check to see if he is dead and shoot again to be sure. Then let the historians try to undersand him.

    The Indian thing is with us and you might as well get used to it. It is not going to change under either BO or McCain and the reason is that the banks have one of the most influential lobbies there is, and you know that having worked for a bank. The banks would raise hell.

    You probably are working in Charlotte. If so, the best way to solve that problem is to go to work for someone else. Charlotte has about as much job opportunity as you will find anywhere in the US.

    BOA is too big. The community banks are the way to go.

    I took my money out of Wachovia about 9 years ago and went with a community bank and I am glad I did.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    Read this.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with



    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Claude, that is some really good information but it doesnt tell the whole truth.
    The CRA does not list specific criteria for evaluating the performance of financial institutions. Rather, the law directs that the evaluation process should accommodate the situation and context of each individual institution. The law also does not require institutions to MAKE HIGH-RISK LOANS THAT MAY BRING LOSSES TO THE INSTITUTION, instead the law emphasizes that an institution's CRA activities should be undertaken in a a SAFE AND SOUND MANNER. If you want to blame someone for the sub prime mess blame the Banks that took the risk of the loans. None of the Bills you mentioned were mandates to Banks they were put in place for fair lending. The reason BOA is one of the stronger Banks now is because Ken Lewis said the risk was to high for sub prime lending. Greed of the people that run these institutions is what made this mess. To blame it solely on the Dems is not totally accurate. The Repblicans signed of on the changes of the Bill.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with



    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    something no one has brought up, if Obama does win(I hope not) does this mean there will be no more Black Caucus or NAACP since equality has arrived?

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    It is true that I am more liberal than conservative. I have a tough decision ahead of me I guess. I hear everyone crying about Obama is going to destroy us and all this the sky is falling stuff and it just doesnt make sense. Our Government structure was built so that one person cannot have ultimate power. He will be controlled by the House and Senate that the voters have elected. He will sign or veto bills and laws that are delivered to him by the house. He will not be able to go in there and say I want this and thats it. Thank goodness for our forefathers that wrote the Constitution. Bush had a Rep house for 6 of his 8 years and he didnt get everything he wanted to do done. This sky is falling rederict is nothing but scare tactics of the Republican Party.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Hey jeff go ahead and vote for the guy who has done nothing but put his state a million dollars in debt for every day he has been in office! Also cook county Ill. has the highest sales tax in the country over 10 %! HE WILL TAX US TO DEATH!!!! There is no such thing as free money! The hard working people of this country are gonna get bent over by BO! If you cant see that you are blind!!

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    I'm glad someone finally has said you shouldn't compare christians and the republicans, because this so co called christian running on the republican ticket returned home fom war to run around on his crippled wife and two kids wife the rich heiress to be. He released his medical records I will agree, but what about precious Sarah Palin what has she got to hide? Maybe it's something she really doesn't want to get out that she stands against.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    I'll make this brief and to the point!!!!!!
    Matt. 6:33 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His rightousness and all these other things will be added unto you"!!!!!
    If you believe in God and the Bible, then there is no question as to who you vote for!!!!! God is not for someone who is for killing babies and same sex marriages, period!!!!!!!!!!!
    Now if you don't believe in God and the teachings of the Bible, then you won't understand what I am saying and you won't understand God's will so go ahead and do whatever you want to.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Don, You forgot that GOD say's love your brother and not to judge others and alot of other things. Injecting Religous beleifs in Government is a mistake. True, Gods commandments are what we all should live by but the founders of our Constitution said that Religous views have no place in Government. Government is in place to sustain your ability to worship and live the life you wish without prejudice. I think the people that our representing the Christians today are failing society because they claim these beliefs and do the direct opposite.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Jeff, I respectfully disagree. I believe the problem we have with this country is that we have told God that we don't want him in our Govt and we don't want His ways and will to dictate how we live and conduct our Govt. We cannot ask God to bless America if we are not willing to obey him.
    Now I know you are a very intellegent person, I can tell that from your other posts. Read your Old Testament, read how God always wanted the people to have a God fearing, God obeying king and the countries that did not choose to have this were not blessed by God. Read especially 2 Chronicles the entire 7'th chapter. See what God said He would do if they would trust and obey Him, and see what He told Solomon He would do if they didn't. As it turned out they did turn from Him, sought their own desires rather than the desires of God and He allowed the Babylonians to over take them and carry them off into captivity for 70 years. You can see that all the way through the Bible. God blessed the people who sought His will FIRST!!!! and he didn't the ones who didn't.I for one am terrified of living in a country that is not in God's good graces.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    KEEP THE WHITE HOUSE WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Believe it or not,this election is far more important for the Democrats than the Republicans.
    The point being that the next President will be able to appoint at least 2-3 Supreme Court justices.
    If McCain wins tommorrow,the court would shift to a conservetive majority.Meaning that every liberal,socialist,and marxist decision that has ruled on could be revisited and overturned.
    All their hard work at trying to turn us into a welfare state will have been for naught.
    If Obama wins tommorrow,I don't have to spell it out for you what going to happen to this great nation.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Don, what a great post. I guess what I am saying is the Babylon you are referencing is what I feel the Republican party is. Greed is what is ruling this country, this Government that is pushing their agenda's in the name of Christian beliefs is turning people away from the real Christian principles. They say they are for Christian morals and beliefs and turn around and lie, cheat and persecute and judge people that do not agree with their principles. You can still be a Christian and stand for Christian principles but I dont choose to stand with groups that turn non believers away and segregate themselves form the lost. Christ wouldnt do that, at least I wouldnt think so. Government to me is to keep order and allow each citizen the right to live his or her life as they wish. Im not saying the DEMS are any better but they dont claim moral superiority either.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    I disagree with you Jeff in that most Dems. are liberal leftest and the are trying to force their views and beleifs on us and at the same time take our rights away; therfore, forcing there views on all of us.
    There is a video I beleive can be no closer than the truth and here is a sight it can be viewed at:

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Jeff, I agree with you when you say that saying you are a Christian and not acting like one is detremental to the cause of Christ. Jesus talked about this a great deal. As a matter of fact he called these people hypocrits and came down on them very hard. He even went so far as to call them "stumbling blocks" and He said that anyone who is a stumbling block would be better off for a millstone to be tied around their neck and they be cast into the depths of the sea.
    Buttttt, I believe that as a Christian we are commanded to point out to others that are not living by Gods commands and doing His will IN A LOVING, RESPECTFUL, AND CHRISTLIKE MANNER, that Jesus Christ is the answer to every problem that is in the world today.
    In the 50's Polio was a very terrible disease and was running rampant in this country and a man named Jonah Salk invented the Polio vaccine. He had the answer to the problem. What if he had kept it to himself. He shared it with the world and now Polio is basically totally gone.
    I believe that I was saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and it would be a terrible thing if I let just one person die and go to Hell that I had come into contact with, and I had not shared the "good news of the Gospel". Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but by Him. I know the answer and I am to share it with others that don't know. They can choose to accept it or reject it, its their choice, but its not my choice to decide to share it or not, I MUST SHARE IT!!!! That is all I'm doing. I certainly don't want to be argumentative about it, I am just presenting it as the Bible tells it and the rest is up to the individual, but I would be doing a terrible disservice if I didn't at least share it.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    That is right. McCain is really a bad guy because he ran around on his first wife.

    So be sure that you pay him back. Vote for a guy that is such a rabid abortionist that he voted against a bill that would require medical care for a baby aborted alive, rather than letting them die on the hospital floor.

    Vote for a guy whose preacher of 20 years, close personal friend, preaches $$Godd@*m America".

    Vote for a guy who has lied in every public appearance he has made.

    Vote for a guy that did not know his Aunt was in this country even though she attended his swearing in ceremony.

    Vote for a guy that sent her $260 donation back to her, but that did not invite her out of her slum home to live with him.

    Vote for a guy that lied 17 timses about his position on the 2nd amendment.

    Vote for a guy that says he will put coal fired power plants out of business and tells the reporter up front that the power bill will go up dramatically.

    Every time you pay your power bill, please post here how happy you are for BO.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Darron, That video is exactly what I am talking about. If that is how Christians act why would anyone want to be a part of it? That video is shamful and full of hate.

    Don, I agree with your post. I am not talking about putting your light under a bush. I am talking about sharing and being the light when the people find out that wordly ways are a dead end. The Church these days is so involved in Politics and making sure they are judging everyone they have forgot that GOD loved the sinner not the sin. I dont agree with abortion of any kind. I would council someone that there are other ways, I would do what I could to help them make the best decision but if that person decides to have one that is their choice and between them and God.

    Joining political groups to further religous agenda's to me is wrong. The Politcal groups say they will further your cause and what they really want is your votes with no intention of furthering your religous cause. Church's and christians should be educating and opening their sanctuary doors to any and everyone that will come and showing the alternatives and where they can find peace, Instead they are picketing abortion clinics, condemning people without ever sharing the truth. GOD will judge the sinner we dont have to do that. This Country has so many hurting people and alot of Churchs now days have failed to hear the call of the lost because their prorities have changed. Why do you think people turn to drugs and alchol and wordly things? Because they are searching for something and all these things invite them in unconditionally. There are a lot of Good Christian people out there showing through their lives what Christianity is all about. They are truly doing Gods work without participating in the wordly game of my way is better than your way. Their lives show what Christanity is about and every day through that life God is using those people as shepards. I truly believe in standing up for your rights and what you believe but in this day and time it has become more like throwing stones than standing up.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Jeff, I am the singles minister at my church in Palestine, Tx. I preach there sometime and I also fill in for other churches when their minister is absent. I also preach at some of the nursing homes in the area.
    Barack Obama is VERY welcome at any of these churches. I would hug him and welcome him anytime. A lady that has had an abortion is welcome!!!!! Gay people are welcome!!!!!
    Buttttt........anyone who directly and blatently ignores God's commands does not need to be the leader of our country. Yes, as Romans 3:23 states, "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." All of us are going to get to Heaven(that is the ones that will go there), will get there not by their good deeds but by the blood of Jesus Christ which has paid for their sins and covered their sins.
    But if we ignore the teachings of the Bible and go directly against things that we know God wants then we are subject to God's correction. To put a man into the top office of our land that as I have said before and I am sure you are tired of hearing it, but, someone who believes in killing innocent babies, same sex marriages, who on TV(and I saw it with my own two eyes) made fun of the Sermon on the Mount taught by Jesus, then friends, may God have mercy on us.
    I don't dislike Barack Obama, I don't dislike his family, but I don't believe because of his non Christian ways that he should be the leader of the country that says "in God we trust", and "God bless America".

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Jeff, I guess to sum it up I have to say that I understand and agree with what you are saying about Christian stumbling blocks. That is why, I hardly ever preach a sermon that somewhere in there I always say, "witness all the time, with your mouth if necessary". In order to witness you must be a good witness. If you're not living it, don't talk it!!!! I think this pretty well backs up what you have been saying. I had rather see a good sermon than to hear one anyday.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with



    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Don, I really appreciate your post and agree with you. I also really appreciate your views because you have not attacked. You merely stated your opinions and respected opinions that differd from your own. We need more people like you in this world.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Derek, Come on Sean Hannity? You did notice they didnt finish the statement on the recording. Do you actually think that he said that in his administration that power cost would skyrocket and then just left it at that? Come on now I know you are more intelligent than that. What he was talking about is these companies are using Coal Technology making money hand over fist and polluting our the environment with no regulations. There is clean coal technology out there, they just dont want to pay for it becasue it takes money out of their pockets. Who do you think would be the people installing and building these new plants with this Technology? Coal workers the people that are living and breathing the air around these plants. It all about money and to hell with the environment.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Lots of news bad for BO in the last two days.

    His voice on tape talking about shutting down the coal industry and how his plan would make electricity bills much higher for everyone.

    Then there is his aunt.

    His campaign people said that he had no idea.

    Now we find out that he not only knew, but that he had local Boston housing authority people looking after her so he would have no direct contact, in the hopes he would not be found out.

    What a guy! He sends her contribution back, but doesn't ask her to come live in his nice big house.

    Not everyone has the means to or the desire to look after aunts and uncles, but not everyone writes a book telling the world how they have seen the light; that they are morally required to do so.

    But the libs love him because he says what they want to hear.

    Charlatan is the only word.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Jeff thanks but the truth is I am just an old sinner saved by grace!!!!! There is nothing good about me except the part of me that I have died to and let the Holy Spirit of God live through me. In my flesh I am just a worm, as Paul put it, the things I want to do I don't do and the things I do I don't want to do, I am TOTALLY dependent on the Lord Jesus Christ. Without his mercy, and grace, I would spend eternity burning in a terrible place called Hell. Buttt, Jesus died for me and bought me so I could live forever with Him so I am just trying to pay Him back by trusting and obeying Him and as hard as I try, I will never be able to pay Him back but I can at least try.
    Again, thanks for the kind words and have a wonderful day, and by the way, I appreciate your sweet spirit very much!!!!!!
    Your friend,

    Re: Who Obama really stands with


    That tape has been played over and over on TV and on the radio.

    I have heard it probably a dozen times.

    He says plainly that the cost of electricity will go up and go up alot.

    He says very plainly that his plan will bankrupt the coal companies.

    He does not say that the coal companies will develop clean coal and by that means become rich and prosperous.

    You need to listen to the entire tape yourself.

    Now it is correct that if you do, you hear him go all over the place, like he does on everything else.

    He says that he is for clean coal and he says he is for lots of other things, but that is like the way he says he is for the 2nd amendment, except of course that there must be controls. His voting record proves that he does not.

    He ven tried to get concealed carry banned under federal law, thus nulifying all of the state CC laws permitting.

    He says that he is for nuclear energy, but of course there must be a way to safely get rid of the waste.

    What is safely?

    He has not seen any safe way yet.

    Never mind that the navy has had ships and subs running on nuclear energy for more than 30 years.

    Never mind that France has gone something like 80 or 85% nuclear and they do not have the vast territory we have to store the waste.

    Play the tape. Last I saw it was on youtube, but I don't have the link.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Jeff, my daughter who is 27 sent me an e-mail yesterday in answer to mine to encourage her to be sure to vote. I knew she was swaying toward Obama, and we have had some discussions about this and some nearly heated but not really. I told her what I thought and why I thought it but I also told her that she was a grown woman, very accomplished, college grad, making more money than me and that I was only expressing my views but all I asked her to do was to pray and vote as God led her.
    Well she wrote back to me yesterday and told me she had voted early and had prayed and voted for Obama and she said "please don't judge me too harshly". I wrote her back and told her that I was not judging her harshly at all. I am thankful that we live in a free country and I am glad that she has the right to vote as she wants to and I am even proud of her that she is strong enough to stand up for what she feels is right even if it means disagreeing with me(respectfully). And she is and has always been extremely respectful. That is all I can ask of her. I am not upset with her. I think she made a mistake but thats not a problem. Its ok if we don't always agree as long as we treat each other with love and respect, and thats not just with me and my daughter, that goes for all of us.
    Again, I have enjoyed these past few days of all of us expressing our views. I have expecially enjoyed our conversations. I feel like I have made a new friend even though we probably will cancel each others vote out, I still am proud to call you my friend because I appreciate your desire to do what you feel like is the right thing even if others may disagree with you. Anyway, you can't cancel out my vote, my daughter already has, ha, ha.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Don, Your daughter sounds like a very smart lady, she prayed first and then followed her heart. Whomever she voted for she sure went about it in the right way. I have really enjoyed your post and conversations. Make sure you get my e-mail from this and if you ever have any encouraging words or anything that you feel would be a blessing please share it with me.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Thanks Jeff, I will. You can always reach me also at donstanaland@yahoo.com.

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Listen I am sorry Im a idiot and that I think only my views are right and everyone else is wrong.You are all incompatant compared to me I dont run hounds but I love to get on hear and talk trash thanks for putting up with my stupidity.

    I am sorry (1)

    Iam crazy (2)

    Please dont listen to anything I say since Im a Idiot (3)


    CSSJR in case yall dont know that means CLAUDE S SUTTON JR

    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    Apparently we have some 13 year old on this board that thinks it is funny to put my name and email up with a silly post.

    The owner of this board reads this stuff and I expect he is going to be annoyed enough that he will change to a member only board.

    That will put an end to your idea of funny.

    In the meantime, I hope your mother needs to use her computer and sends you to your room.


    Re: Who Obama really stands with

    One more thing.

    Anyone who has ever read one of my posts knows you are a fake because your typing is terrible, you can't spell, you don't know how to use punctuation marks and your gammer is really terrible.

    About at the 3rd grade level. Not even up to the 13 year old level.

    I hate to bring all of that up because there are a lot of really intelligent people on this board that never had the opportunity to finish school and their writing suffers because of that, but still they post some might good information and show a lot of brains. More than I have by a lot.

    But since your post shows neither brains nor schooling, I could not resist.