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Whoops Dragovic facebook group

Hello y'all.

As you will have noticed, Gossip at Dot's has been inexplicably invaded by pop-ups when you log on to it, and it's becoming a reet pain.

The only remedy, I have been told, is to spend a fair wodge of cash with the people who provide this particular service, and I'm afraid I just can't afford it.

Therefore, I'm closing down Gossip at Dot's at the end of the year, BUT - I have just started a Facebook group for the site which anyone can join.

Tim - if you read this, it would be good to keep in touch with you, as I don't know if you're on Facebook, or even your surname to find you on it, so please join this new group if you can.

The link is:



Re: Whoops Dragovic facebook group

Well Young Jamie! I have been hiding under a rug for the last couple of weeks and have just got the message. Being unbelievably famous and a teacher I am a bit loathe to go on facebook - a couple of colleagues had bad experiences - which is a a shame as I was really getting to enjoy Gossiping with Dot. E-mail me and we'll devise a cunning plan, worthy of the Mayor of Cunnington in the County of Cunningshire, as to how best to proceed.

Re: Whoops Dragovic facebook group


What's your email address?


Re: Whoops Dragovic facebook group

You can get me initially on - this account only ever seems to have adverts for Canadian visas and exciting new Samsung products, so I only check up on it occasionally. I'll send you my proper e-mail address from there.

Re: Whoops Dragovic facebook group

Is gossipng at Dot's still happening? Has everyone gone off to Facebook?

Re: Whoops Dragovic facebook group

Think it's alright for now!

habe you heard the entries from Cyprus, Switzerland, Andorra or Albania yet?