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I know it's a touch early to be commenting on next year's contest, but having watched the 1st 3 semis for Bulgaria, I had to post my thoughts. This is absolute car crash TV! Where did they find these people? The 3rd semi is by far the worst (or best depending on your point of view). I was nearly thrown out of Droylsden Library for hooting with unbridled mirth at some of the efforts on display. Take for instance...
Stojan Chingov
Wearing a jacket he borrowed off a much larger man, he is as nervous as hell & projects no personality beyound 'utterly terrified'. His waving left hand is the most animated part of his dismal performance.

And if you thought he was bad, watch...
Dobromir Peev
The audience can't conceal their hilarity at his tone-deaf effort and his risible dance routine must have left barely a dry seat in the house.

But these pale into insignificance when you watch the special kind of magic that is served up by...

We all know rap isn't very popular in Euro land but the applause this guy gets is all for the wrong reasons. The faces on the audience as Begacha wails & raps his way through his truly abysmnal routine is priceless. Astonishing isn't the word - neither is incompetent, inept or just plain crap. Indeed, none of these words really gets at the very special type of badness that is Begacha. If he was a candidate in MYMU he would win by a landslide, which tells you exactly what his performance is like.

The sad thing is that all of these performances are deadly serious. Nothing that was a sendup could be as helplessly funny. I can hardly wait for the remaining semis - I think there's about a 100 more.


Voda they ain't.

How long 3 minutes can be.