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Big Screen Eurovision

At least on the big screen I presume the scoreboard would be legible without the need for a photographic memory, binoculars and emergency redesign of the living room to ge the sofa right up next to the TV

Re: Big Screen Eurovision

Yes, what is the idea with the microscopic scoreboards these days? The last proper size one in my oppinion was in 2001(the worst eurovision ever).
We don't need to see the spokespeople or the presenters during the voting, we need to see the extent of eastern bloc cheating so we can yell appropriate abuse en-masse.

Re: Big Screen Eurovision

I did wonder if the drink had affected my focus but no, in the cold light of day I still can't really see it - the left hand side is worse than the right for some reason. That and the 1-7 points flashing on then flashing off made the voting really, really dull and for the first time ever during Eurovision I was a bit bored Surely they must have done some screen tests and realised that the board was waaaay too small. I remember having a hard time follwing the voting in Athens but assumed that this was a price you pay for being there...

Not so bothered about all the hoo-ha over the eastern voting - take all the so called "new" nations out and just count the old regulars and I believe the result is pretty much the same. It is a bit predictable calling out who's getting the 12 though, and only reading out 3 of the votes makes this all the more noticeable. Ah well...when's the Albanian final? Next Saturday?