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well, some quality made it through

Delighted that my three faves made it - Serbia, Georgia and Hungary

And that no schlager and not much rock got through

Re: well, some quality made it through

I was upset that Iceland didn't get through but at least there's Hanna oh and i*ve just come back from 1st final rehearsal and Russia is a lot rockier than on the studio track.

Dmitry, Marija, Natalia, The Ark, D'Nash, Hayko were the best. Roger and the Picards were to be frank quite flat. Marija's campaign is getting stronger - donät write her off.

The opening is really good - straight into action no messing - and the little canard from the 'amateur eurovision presenter' is nicely judged.

Re: well, some quality made it through

I was really disappointed that Netherlands, Israel and Austria didn't get through.

Re: well, some quality made it through

::::::::::::sighs::::::::::::::: I'd forgotten how widely different Mikes tastes are from my own when it comes to Eurovision. No schlager ? No rock? No bloody Edsilia either (she was robbed!). Instead we got stuck with Georgian Bjork-a likes and eastern european ballads. It was the most depressing year yet but still remained gripping viewing 'cos you never know what's going to happen next !

Re: well, some quality made it through likes Bjork-a-likes and doomy Eastern European ballads!

Re: well, some quality made it through

...and I love Edsilia's voice but the song just wasn't.

Re: well, some quality made it through

Edsilia's performance was far better than the song.

As for no rock er-herm - Hanna, Serebro, Natalia, Karolina, nor rock lol it's just cleverer ie not as blatant as Kabat and Anonymous

Re: well, some quality made it through

LOL Mike! I know you like Bjork-a-like and doomy eastern European ballads and I'm dead chuffed that Eurovision caters for all of us. A more perfect example of diversity (ignoring voting patterns) than I could possibly wish for.

As for Edsillia...well...the song sounded much better in the original Dutch to be honest. Her latest album is quite possibly my favorite of this year despite the fact that a) I understand very little Dutch and b) I usually go for trashy disco pop or heavy metal.

Of course the French must be gutted. After years of dreary balladic nonsense, the one year they decide to show that they have a sense of humour, humour is out and ballads are in!

Re: well, some quality made it through

Maybe the problem was that the humour was very French in the same way that Scooch were very English (and the appeal didn't really travel?)