shae-shae's Bulletin Board

Welcome all!  This Bulletin Board is a place for Omar Epps & Sanaa Lathan fans to come and post comments, questions, rumors or general information on two of the best actors out there.  Although the two are no longer a couple (as we all know) they are still a hot topic amongst many of us.  Thanks for checking out my Bulletin Board... get your posts on!   

shae-shae's Bulletin Board
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How do i connect my wavlink to my router

To connect your Wavlink device to your router, visit "wifi wavlink com" in your web browser. Log in using the default username and password provided in the user manual. Navigate to the setup or configuration section and select "Wireless Settings." Locate the option to scan for available networks and choose your router's network from the list. Enter the network password if prompted, then save the settings. Your Wavlink device should now be connected to your router.