Let's Talk Bati......

A forum for all 'english-speaking' fans of Gabriel Omar Batistuta, which EVER team he's involved with!
Thanks to ALL fans for any 'Bati-news' and news about Argentina!

To make it easier to reply to posts, please don't start a new thread if there is already an existing thread related to your topic. Let's try to keep all the same news 'together'. Thanks!

Hosted by Katy...(assisted by Daryl, Linda, Mariela, Franca, Juan and Brigie)

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Richiesta informazioni

Gentile Signor Batistuta,

mi chiamo Francesco Giuseppe Barretta, vivo in Italia, la conosco da tanto tempo e mi ha incuriosito la sua storia, i suoi problemi di salute, i problemi con la cartilagine ed i tendini....Scusi la mia intrusione nella sua vita ma soffro da diversi anni di un problema simile (forse) totale assenza di cartilagine ad un anca. Volevo sapere che tipo di cure le sono state praticate, se non sono troppo invadente, perchè sono veramente disperato e le sarei enormemente grato se volesse aiutarmi.
Mi hanno prospettato un intervento di protesi ma sono ancora troppo giovane (45 anni) ed inoltre si tratta di un intervento abbastanza invasivo e con rischio di complicanze, perciò vorrei capire se esiste una soluzione medica alternativa, se ci sono dei farmaci in grado di aiutarmi, di fare progressi e di migliorare.
La ringrazio infinitamente per la sua gentile risposta

La saluto cordialmente

Re: Richiesta informazioni

Hi Francesco, I put your text into a translator so we could understand what you said....
Dear Mr. Batistuta ,

My name is Francis Joseph Barretta , I live in Italy , I know her for a long time and I was curious about his story , his health problems , problems with cartilage and tendons .... Pardon my intrusion into his life but suffer by several years of a similar problem ( perhaps ) total absence of cartilage to a hip. I wanted to know what kind of care the practice was introduced , if they are not too pushy, because I'm really desperate and I would be enormously grateful if you could help me.
I have proposed a replacement surgery but are still too young (45 years old ) and also it is a fairly invasive surgery and the risk of complications , so I would understand if there is an alternative medical solution , if there are drugs that can help me , to make progress and improve .
Thank you very much for your kind reply

Sincerely yours


I'm very sorry to hear of your health problem, but I don't think you will get a reply from Gabriel here. This is mainly a forum for his fans.
Good luck and I hope you get your problem sorted soon.