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Downloading Sound Files

Thanks everyone for all your interest in my Site.

Lots of my visitors write to me on how to listen and download sound files from my site. The following may be of some help.

I'm not an expert so don't look for any miracles.

My own system is fairly old in computer terms I only have Windows 98. This is how I'd do it with my system

To run my sound files if you have Windows you will need a player. You can download a free Win Amp 2.81 program from my site, its on the right hand side next to my last weeks recording box. Just follow the on screen instructions.

Once you have your player installed on your computer then all you then need to do to play songs is

1. Left click with your mouse on the song title you want to hear.

2. Select open this file from its current location, then press OK.

3. The sound file should load for you and then play.

To download the sound files to your hard disk for later playing please follow these steps.

1. Create a new folder on your Hard Disk "C" for saving the files to, say call it "JOLSON".

2. Visit my sight and right click the mouse on the song that you want to download from my sight.

3. You will then be offered a few options, select SAVE TARGET AS, left click mouse.

4 A SAVE AS screen should open, select "JOLSON" the folder you created then press SAVE.

5. You should then be able to go to the "JOLSON" folder on your hard disk "C" and play the song as many times as you like just by clicking on it.

Keep watching the Site
Mike S.