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Smoke this

Here is an example of why this smoking ban has not been fully thought out and will not work.

1. With no plans of having designated areas, the ground will be littered with butts.

2. Surprise, surprise, no one who was poled to see if this would work is actually a smoker. And in an even bigger surprise, no smoker's opinion was ever taken.

3. A university is only as good as the quality of its students. Why would anyone want to come to a college where the students do not have rights? Last time I checked the reason why the pres and vice presidents have jobs is because this is a university and we pay to get an education. without us (students) there is no college.

4. It was voted down and became the mascot issue of 2006-2007.

5. Lack of nicotine makes everyone cranky.

6. Because I pay to take classes here and should not be told what to do!!!

Re: Smoke this

Why ain't them black people protesting the name of the "Plantation Room" at Nicholls? Idiots.

Re: Smoke this

y is the eternal flame burn? thats worst than cigaretes.

Re: Smoke this



there is no proof!

Re: Smoke this

How is the smoking ban working out?