I think you are probably fishing in the wrong pond ! You could try advertising on RAM ?
Just don't think enough people use this site for you to get the models you require.
Good luck,
I agree this site has lost the plot a long time ago. No offence to those who run it intended. In fact I have NEVER found a genuine life model on here. Plenty of abuse is available on here though... I've been on the receiving end of it. Jealous males again.
There are very few places to advertise on the Internet now. Gumtree do not allow adverts outside the UK. As a Spanish citizen, I am effectively banned from the website now, all my email addresses are blocked and anything I post is instantly deleted by admin. Lot's of time wasters anyway, and some very foul abuse from a jealous male.
Friday ads is the same, very few replies. Facebook is now more or less defunct, nobody replies to anything anymore.
RAM is very difficult to join, and very suspicious of solo artists rather than classes. Very few female models listed anyway. I tried modelling sites, got lots of abuse from Adult folio too!
it is difficult being a male model and finding assignments, most of the groups I contact don't reply or say maybe at a later date or we have enough male models. Even palaces I have modelled at before, sometimes don't reply, yet no one criticises my poses, so I don't really understand it. I used to be a RAM member but very few jobs come up in Bucks area and about 70% of the jobs specify female models. I have never had any abuse though ! Good luck with your search. Are there no Life Drawing groups in your area of Spain you could tap into to find models ?
I think the fact usually draw female models seems to upset some males. They think I have dozens of females all lining up to pose nude for me. Just not true, I have not done any life drawing so far this year at all. They do not see, or even believe, the amount of timewasters and fake replies I get either. The big problem with life drawing is the nudity involved. People don't understand it, and assume it all sexual. Not true again.
Very frustrating for you, I think I would go a local Life Drawing group , at least that way you could do some drawing, then caht to the models for their details - I guess no Spanish equivalent of RAM or Art Nude not that they are much help !
No genuine replies whatsoever. A dark, negative, and cynical attitude seems to prevail in the UK now. Look at your prime minister, did anyone actually vote for Rishi Sunak? No, not even his Conservative mates...
It is 25 C in Coveta Fuma at the moment. Bright sunshine, and very little breeze. Nobody is interested in a free life modelling trip here, plus 50 Euros an hour?
It is 22 C here, bright sunshine. A slight cooling breeze from the deep azure blue Mediterranean sea makes it very pleasant indeed. I am just watching the jets climb over the Costa Blanca coastline from Alicante airport. And you wonder why I live in Spain?
The Adpost website is now up and running again, after a long delay. You can now view my advert again, along with my drawings, photos of female models, bodypainting experiments, and my photos of Costa Blanca.