Curious as to why we life models do what we do.
We enter a room full of strangers, take our cloths off and they peer at us for a couple of hours.
Is it because we want to assist budding artists, are we happier being naked, are we all just show offs and exhibitionists, does being naked in front of others that are clothed empower you in some way, is it just a way of making some money and it doesn't matter how you do it - I am sure there are many reasons.
I would like to see what other peoples reasons are.
As for me ..... I am just an exhibitionist that enjoys getting naked ........
An interesting question indeed, what is the the motivation of models? With 45 years of experience of life drawing both as an artist and very occasional life model, most of my models have done it for the money. Some wanted the experience as well, but I have never met a model who did it for sexual reasons.
The big problem with life drawing is the nudity involved, this leads to many problems. Unfortunately, we are soon in the realms of sexual fantasy here. Many people like the idea of posing nude, but when it comes to actually turning up at a class they bottle out and don't turn up... (called "cold feet" in the trade).
I have advertised for models on the Internet for 20 years now, I get very few genuine replies. Of the few replies I do actually get, about 95% turn out to be complete timewasters. This is absolutely true, but nobody believes me! They think I have dozens of teenage models turning up to pose nude for me... This is a load of old bull, and if you doubt me try posting an advert for yourself.
Very interesting question Rob. I model for some of the reasons you mention. I became a part time naturist a few years ago and being a Life Model is, for me, being nude in a positive environment, where nudity in the Uk, in public, is not normally that acceptable. The money is not the motivation, at £15 to £20 per hour it is not significant - for a 2 hour session likely to be at least 3 hours of time and with travelling costs on top. I do find it empowering and agree to an extent about being exhibisionist but not at at sexually arousing. Just love being nude ! Picking up on Jeff's point about finding models, as a model I contact a lot of Life Drawing groups and they never reply to me, so frustrating from the model side too !