How Does An Artist / And / or / Life Drawing Group Find Life Models These Days?
An interesting question indeed. How does an artist / and / or / life drawing group find life models these days?
I first started posting adverts for life models on the Internet nearly 20 years ago. I pay very well, and I was getting genuine replies. Yes, I admit had a few timewasters, but I actually found some really good (and often first time) life models who actually turned up and got paid. Some very nice people, I was glad to help them in their career.
Unfortunately, the situation soon started to change. Not only did I find I was getting very few replies, but the few ones I did get tended to lead absolutely nowhere. I tried social media, and got banned from Facebook. I also got banned from Craigslist (a very strange website indeed...) Avoid!
I had a few replies from novice male models, I would offer them a session just to try life modelling. I have done life modelling myself, and know the negative reaction from some groups to male models.
My financial situation changed, I sold my house for a good price. I thought I would be able to afford life models and enjoy drawing sessions. Yes, we had lockdown so I waited. Sadly, I found I was just getting very few replies, and the ones I did actually get that led a absolutely nowhere. People told me they were "Very interested", but soon dropped out for no apparent reason.
Difficult to understand this behaviour. It is interesting to note I have recently offered life drawing sessions in Spain. 50 Euros per hour plus all travel expenses paid. I have had no genuine replies whatsoever...
Re: How Does An Artist / And / or / Life Drawing Group Find Life Models These Days?
Once again, no replies to my adverts. Not even timewasters now. A great shame, a genuine opportunity to travel to Spain for free plus £!00 per session. I blame a culture of fear and paranoia on the Internet. Everything is fake or a scam.
Re: How Does An Artist / And / or / Life Drawing Group Find Life Models These Days?
Hope you find some models. It's a long way to travel to Spain to pose for 2 hours, so I'd imagine most people on here could be reluctant for that reason. Have you tried offering sessions on Skype or zoom?
Re: How Does An Artist / And / or / Life Drawing Group Find Life Models These Days?
True, but I The Costa Blanca is a prime holiday destination. Benidorm and Alicante are full of British tourists.
I used to belong to a life group in the UK. We could get males, but found very few females. Drawing online? In my personal opinion it is not true life drawing. As a substitute during Lockdowns, yes.