I love the freedom of this site, you can write what you like and nobody actually looks at it! Cool! I recently have come to the conclusion that many people are stuck at home, getting bored, and looking for some sexual excitement. They see my adverts for life models, and treat them as some sort of "sex aid". They get turned on by the idea of posing nude, and want to push it a bit further. Add a bit more "spice" to it...You know what I mean ladies... So they reply to the advert. They get a nice, sensible, honest reply from me, so they just drop out, for no apparent reason. True, I am just a sad, sick, dirty old man anyway. So who cares less? Problem solved... Whatever you do, don't get involved with real life modelling. Heaven knows, you might actually end up enjoying yourself and earning some real money.
My suspicions have been proved here now! It is the SAME people who are wasting my time! Yes indeed, as it happens, Guys and Gals. I booked a model last year, she did not turn up. I have just had a reply from the same person. She wants to try bodypainting now. I will give her another chance, but I am not holding my breath... I don't want to annoy ya with my paranoia! There is no fool like an old fool, and I am the BIGGEST fool of all! Anthony Newley you were a genius, "What Kind Of Fool AM I?". A very rich one.
It is strange how selfish people have now become. My adverts are now merely used for "sexual entertainment". Like pornography, they are just a means of sexual release. The fact that they are wasting my time doing it is of no issue whatsoever. It is all "me, me, me". Please think about this if you reply to adverts.
I have just had a reply from a fake email address from this site. I have also received online abuse from this site. You know who you are. You are more than welcome to this cesspit. I will no longer reply.