Hi, I'm new to life modelling and just wanted to hear about something from other male life models. I've done two sessions so far and on both sessions, although an erection did not happen, I had a real tough job mentaly avoiding one. I constantly felt like it was about to happen and had to continually distract the mind to prevent it. I don't know why becouse when I practice at home I have no problem at all. I am so frustrated about it because I really want to be a professional in life modelling but this constant fear of getting an erection is spoiling it. Is this a normal thing? Have other models had this problem at all? Is it a problem that will go away once I've had some more experience? So annoyed.
Re: Battling against an erection when life modelling
Hi - i occasionally get an erection but only when its people talking about my body (ie complimenting me).
I posed for a group of retired gay guys in surrey and they kept talking about my penis until the inevitable happened!
They were very pleased with themselves!!
Sounds like you are controlling yourself rather well!!
Re: Battling against an erection when life modelling
Hi - i occasionally get an erection but only when its people talking about my body (ie complimenting me).
I posed for a group of retired gay guys in surrey and they kept talking about my penis until the inevitable happened!
They were very pleased with themselves!!
Sounds like you are controlling yourself rather well!!
Being aroused when modelling naked is a perfectly natural phenomenon, but a professional model would be able to suppress it if, say, before a life class in a school - I do plenty of these, and if I get erect, I think of something really boring. But as far as adult life sessions are concerned, artists and tutors generally couldn't care less if my penis becomes stiff.
I do a lot of nude modelling for artists who are members of "Tantra4guys" in North Manchester, and the poses they ask me to do tend to be quite erotic and often involve an erection, especially if I'm accompanied by another model.
And it's not just models who can have an erection; I've modelled for artists who have become visibly aroused when painting or drawing my body.I've always felt quite flattered by this!
Re: Battling against an erection when life modelling
I try to think of something mundane if I feel myself getting hard. That has been quite successful except for one time when I couldn't prevent it and it gegan throbbing. If anyone has tips on job to prevent it every time I'd be interested to hear about it
Re: Battling against an erection when life modelling
Never happened to me, or even remotely feeling like having an erection. Usually just concentrating on the pose or counting the time (I count seconds in my head for shorter poses, up to about 10 minutes).
Re: Battling against an erection when life modelling
Kenneth Fahy
Hi - i occasionally get an erection but only when its people talking about my body (ie complimenting me).
I posed for a group of retired gay guys in surrey and they kept talking about my penis until the inevitable happened!
They were very pleased with themselves!!
Sounds like you are controlling yourself rather well!!
Being aroused when modelling naked is a perfectly natural phenomenon, but a professional model would be able to suppress it if, say, before a life class in a school - I do plenty of these, and if I get erect, I think of something really boring. But as far as adult life sessions are concerned, artists and tutors generally couldn't care less if my penis becomes stiff.
I do a lot of nude modelling for artists who are members of "Tantra4guys" in North Manchester, and the poses they ask me to do tend to be quite erotic and often involve an erection, especially if I'm accompanied by another model.
And it's not just models who can have an erection; I've modelled for artists who have become visibly aroused when painting or drawing my body.I've always felt quite flattered by this!
This is really interesting Ken about the adult life drawing groups, when I first started life modelling 4 years I did a lot of reading up before hand. Got the general impression that getting aroused was frowned upon, I then fought it if I felt the stirrings.
In the last 12 months I've done a few alternative sessions, developed a stockings & heels theme which went down really well with the group in Leeds I modelled for. Been back twice & we added kink elements as well and it was marketed as an erotic session, in that environment felt comfortable and relaxed about getting aroused and indeed before the first session I chatted to the orgasniser. It was her idea for me to explore the stockings/heels theme, I said I was happy to do it but it felt sensual and that might show, her reply of 'its only natural' put me at ease.
But in the classical modelling sessions I still feel like I have to fight it, and although I get lots of compliments and praise with people genuinely seeming to rate and recommend me, I feel like this fighting it is inhibiting me a bit. Beginning to wonder whether I should just let it happen. I'm north west based & would be interested in modelling for the tantra group if they are looking for models.
Ben :slightly_smiling_face:
Re: Battling against an erection when life modelling
Very interesting, Ben. And by the way, I have mentioned your interest to the guy who runs the Tantra for Guys life drawing group. He has no qualms whatsoever about his naked models developing an erection, which is to be expected in the kind of themes the group specialises in, BDSM in particular.
As I have mentioned before, much of my modelling work consists of religious/biblical themes featuring nudity (crucifixion, martyrdom, mortification, you get the idea). I was asked some months ago to model for a portrait of the naked Jesus carrying his cross. The artist was a bit iffy about my inevitable erection and thought that a loincloth would be appropriate, but it had the opposite effect! Flimsy pieces of cloth tied round the body can magnify the erotic power of naked flesh! The cloth he gave me barely covered my penis, and did nothing to cover my bottom. But he felt that the whiteness of the cloth complemented the purity of my naked body.
Another frequent area I am involved in is modelling for medical education, where nude bodies are often required , one particular area being musculo-skeletal study. A professor of anatomy, Dr David Dawes who used me during the spring term this year was perplexed when a couple of his students were unhappy about my becoming erect when intimate parts of my body were being closely examined. One of the students apparently said " why can't you anaesthetise the model? that should solve the problem". So the professor said to me "if you want to continue modelling for my sessions,Kenneth, you will have to accept being unconscious." In all honesty, the idea did rather strike me as sensible, so at the beginning of the next session, he produced a pad containing either chloroform or rohypnol, I'm not too sure which, which he put over my mouth and put me out for the duration. It made no difference to his classs, as I would be immobile on the viewing slab in any case whilst he carried on with his discourse. But I did say" make sure I don't end up being put into one of the fridges".
Re: Battling against an erection when life modelling
I have done some photography modelling in the past and was encouraged by the male photographer to show myself in various states of arousal, clothed and unclothed. The first hour or so went like a dream but then the constant "up and down" was like edging myself and pre was becoming an issue, and being fluffed inbetween takes to get the right shot he needed. The photos turned out well but the day was long and unexpectedly erotic. The photographer was professional about it and encouraging which I think is needed when someone is so close to your manhood you can feel the warmth of their breath!
Re: Battling against an erection when life modelling
I have attended many "erotic" life drawing classes where erections were allowed. As an artist I was never offended by what I saw there, or in fact would consider a perfectly "natural" human behaviour. Indeed, the class led to situations which were very interesting to draw from a purely artistic point of view. Several models interacting with each other in various ways is certainly not easy to sketch. However, it is interesting to note that some people seemed to find the term "erotic" deeply offensive. I often received vile abuse online because of this. My answer is simple, and indeed Biblical. If thine right eye offends thee, then thou shalt pluck it out...
Re: Battling against an erection when life modelling
Spot on, Jeff. Sensible artists see nothing wrong if a model becomes erect; it is a central part of life. The artists I regularly work for are quite happy for nature to take its course. As I mentioned some months ago, I've just finished several sessions in Kent portraying the theme of crucifixion (the forthcoming body of work, when made public, will be entitled "Crucify Him") and the poses I had to adopt made tumescence inevitable.
Re: Battling against an erection when life modelling
The ancient Romans thought an erect penis was a symbol of good luck. They often used it on their houses. I used to work in museums, we had many pots with this symbol on it. One was on public display in Colchester Castle museum for years. It is probably in storage now...
Re: Battling against an erection when life modelling
I wonder who modelled for the Cerne Abbas Giant ? Probably the biggest erection in the world and only seen as positive which is kind of strange in the prudish UK, surprised thee are no attempts t cover up his erection !
Re: Battling against an erection when life modelling
I have noticed that a post on erections has got far more views than my drawings and photos of nude ladies. I am batting for the the wrong side here I think!