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Mocambique, interessante saber...

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Area : 801,590 sq km

Population : 18.6 millions (1999)

Projected population : 38.8 millions (2050)

Average population growth rate : 1.8 % (2000-2005)

Life expectancy at birth : 47 years (1997)

Infant (under 1) mortality rate per thousand live births : 163 (1960) 130 (1997)

Languages : Portuguese (official), indigenous dialects

Religions : indigenous beliefs 50%, Christian 30%, Muslim 20% (1998 est.)

Gross domestic product : 3.8 billions USD (1999)

Gross national product per capita : 220 USD (1999)

Purchasing power parity per capita : 810 (d) USD (1999)

Average annual real growth : 3.8 % (1990-1999)

Gross domestic investment as % of GDP : 30 (1997)

Net foreign direct investment as % of GDP : 30 (1997)

Export as % pf GNP : 12 (1999)

External debt as % of GNP : 232,9 (1997)

Total net official development assistance (ODA) received as % of GNP : 3.0 (1999)

Electricity consumption per capita : 54 kilowatthours (1995)

Public expenditure on health as % of GDP : 2.8 (199

Public expenditure on education as % of GNP : .. (1995-1997)

Defence expenditure as % of GDP : 2.4 (1999)

Population without access to safe water : 40 % (1999)

Female as of male, primary level gross enrollment ratio : 76 % (1996)

Source :

(1) The State of World Population 2000, UNFPA

(2) The State of the World´s Children 2000, Unicef

(3) CIA´s World Factbook 2000

(4) World Development Indicators 2001, World Bank

(5) World Bank Atlas 2001

(6) Human Development Report 2001, UNDP

(7) Human Development Report 2000, UNDP

(d) Estimate is based on regression

(x) Indicates data that refers to years or periods other than those spesified,

differ from the standard definition, or to only part of a country

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