RAID 4 Henry County Forum

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RAID 4 Henry County Forum
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Eminent Domain

One of our members was asked earlier today what our stance on eminent domain is. We would like to hear how you feel about it also.

We stand as follows:
We oppose ALL government interference with our property rights.

Now tells us how you feel???

Re: Eminent Domain

I am sick and dang (i remembered from last time not to cuss) tired of our Govt trying to take every thing we own. I have "prime" property that has been in my family for generations. Eminent Domain is my fear here. My property could be turned commercial or rezoned for cluster homes with no problem if someone came along and decide that would be a better use of my land than me living and farming it as has been done for years.'s not just us old poor folks that it can happen to. It can happen to any of you. This must be stopped!

Re: Eminent Domain
Cities build on eminent domain
Legislature likely to toughen laws

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 02/20/06

Re: Eminent Domain

From: Larry Stanley
Date: 2006/03/10 Fri AM 03:08:31 EST
To: Larry Stanley
Subject: FW: Mark Meeks asking for people to go to Stockbridge Monday
-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Keith []
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 12:44 AM
To: Randy's Georgians List
Subject: Mark Meeks asking for! people to go to Stockbridge Monday

Folks - If you want to help protect private property rights in Georgia, read the letter of Mark Meeks below. He and his family (and neighbors) have been in a battle with the City of Stockbridge over the city's redevelopment project. His property, among several others, have been condemned ! by the city. But, there is still HOPE! He is hoping he can get people to rally with him in front of the Courthouse in the City of Stockbridge at 5:30 PM, Monday, March 13. He even has Fox News covering the story. Sean Hannity's staff has called him and looks like this will be covered on the Hannity and Colmes show later next week. His number is listed below, so if you need more details then call him. But, anyone in the metro area is close enough to drive! to Stockbridge. Remember, 5:30 PM, Monday, March 13 in front of the Courthouse, City of Stockbridge!

Also, his letter was written before today's vote in the House. The legislation that passed, even though it is an improvement over current GA law, could be a whole lot better if they would remove the blight language entirely and remove all powers of eminent domain for redevelopment.


I am not personally pleased with the legislation p! assed against eminent domain abuses today in Georgia. I’m not sure that it isn’t worse than no legislation at all. But we will discuss that later. It is time we rose up and stood together against corrupt local communitarian government. I’ll see you at the Stockbridge Courthouse Monday, March 13, at 5:30 PM. Do you dare to not be there? It could be your property they steal next!

><> Randy Keith
*************************Original Message*************************

You may have heard our story by now. We are the owners of the Stockbridge Florist and Gifts fighting against the condemnation of our property for the city’s “redevelopment” project. Our story is simple and could happen to anyone. We own a small piece of p! roperty where we have operated our small business for 22 years and enjoyed the American Dream for most of those. Almost three years ago it seemed that our dream was getting better, when different developers were interested in our property. We were excited about receiving some much needed cash and the anticipation of reopening our store on the adjacent property; it was the best of both worlds.

Our dream turned into a nightmare when we were approached by the City of Stockbridge and made aware that they also wanted our property. Unlike the private company, they did not care if we wanted to move or not. Then, in a backdoor rezon! ing scheme, without any notice, they made sure that our potential buyers could no longer benefit from buying our property. They made it impossible for us to sell in the “Free Market,” and instead offered what they wanted us to accept as their fair market value so they could move forward with their redevelopment project.

We were hopeful, when all the outrage began after the Kelo decision, that we would get some help from the Georgia Legislature. Yet, despite all the pledges to do everything in their power to protect property owners in Georgia, so far that pledge has not resulted in a! nything that helps us and our neighbors whose properties have been condemned by the City of Stockbridge.

We spent a good portion of the fall going to Senate hearings about eminent domain abuse. We were told on several occasions that if we could maintain ownership of our property until the session started they would see that we were protected. We spent many thousands of dollars protecting our Title and made it to the session; but still we have had no real help.

Just how long does it take to get help? Do boats have to sink before people are rescued? Or, do a few people have to drown before the rest are thrown a few life jackets? Are we supposed to be understanding and patient throughout a process that appears to be fraught with elected officials bending over backwards to please high-powered lobbyists who want to be sure they have plenty of loopholes for redevelopment projects? If the Legislature leaves any loopholes, they will be abused in the future the same way they are being abused today.

Re: Eminent Domain

Continued from above...

As this issue gets voted on in the House and the Senate,! you need to know that there are some people in Stockbridge that are victims today. If we do not get real reform, any of us could be victimized tomorrow. You should realize, you may not get the best bill passed by your legislators to protect your private property rights. There is legislation that is bad, and there is legislation that is good. The details matter. If State leaders are not willing to lead the charge for really restoring our Constitutional rights, then sadly, the task falls directly on the shoulders of Georgia’s citizens.

If we lose our property, please don’t say l! ook at those poor people who just lost their Florist Shop to the City of Stockbridge; instead, realize “if they can take his flower shop, my property isn’t safe either.” I urge you to call your Representatives and Senators now! Urge the passage of legislation that will help us in Stockbridge and be sure that the legislation removes all loopholes for redevelopment. Eminent domain should only be invoked for TRUE public use.

I’m not asking you to do this just for my family. I’m asking you to do it for yours. If we treat our Constitutional right to private property ownership with such carelessness, what ! legacy are we passing to the next generation of Americans?

Our rights were purchased by many brave men and women with their lives and great sacrifice so that we could enjoy our lives and prosper. Are we too busy to make a call or write a letter? There is very little time left this session. When this is all over, no matter the outcome, I will be able to look in the mirror and say to myself that I did everything I could to protect my family’s rights. I hope you will be able to do the same.

Thank you for your help,

Mark and Regina Meeks
Stockbridge Florist and Gifts
Stockbridge, GA

Larry Stanley
McDonough, GA

Re: Eminent Domain

Eminent Domain Rally Tonight!~!~!
5:30 PM, Monday, March 13 in front of the Courthouse, City of Stockbridge!

Re: Eminent Domain

Mark and Regina Meeks will be on Hannity & Colmes on March 14th at 9pm on Fox News.

Re: Eminent Domain

Update on the rally:
There appeared to be about 100 people that showed up in support of the Meeks at Stockbridge City Hall. Mayor Kelly said he would ask the council to vote on allowing the Meeks to keep their property. How is that for an oxymoron? Speakin of morons, Steve Moon, need I say more? No, but I will, he is a total ass! He has thrown out so much bull**** that he does not even know what the truth is any more. The rally showed awesome support and I was proud to be there!

Re: Eminent Domain

On Monday, Henry County Superior Court Judge Arch McGarity, ruled that the City of Stockbridge could NOT claim eminent domain on the Meeks floral shop and property. The City has 30 days to appeal.