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Re: Michael Cobb vs. Donnel Brown--Who wins or Who cares?

I guess the big date went well if we haven't heard from donnell in a while. He must be too busy getting some to write voodoo.


Well me and Miss Jen have not been on a date , quess shes' all bark and no bite anyways ..... A note to Miss Jen if you want to be in a real ,,, REALATIONSHIP then come find me in 433 A of LMDB yea its La Maison Du Bayou and let me use my voodoo to make you the queen of all voodoo powers ,,,hmmmm Jen , Jen , Jen ....I love you Jen so the question for you Jen is if Jen love Donell or do Jen have the courage to engaement into powers of a Relationship with Donell Thomas Brown ...... Jen ......