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Re: summer plans

Whoa. I stop checking this for a few days and missed a love connection. Donnell, where can your book be purchased through?

Voodoo Queen Voodoo Jen & Donell into unity

Physical World Influences
Nan Nan Bouclou La Flambeau - Petro

A meeting with a dominant, bold, and mature individual who is focused on bringing about change for better or worse.

Past Influences
Houngan - Congo

Passive individual with a strong imagination. Fleeting emotional enthusiasm. An idealist, he is inclined to have brown to blond hair.

Present Influences
Master of the Head

Teaching and or learning. Profound understanding, inspiration. Good advice, or help from high places.

Future Influences
La Sirène - Congo

A relationship with great potential. A possible marriage is on the horizon be it personal or business. A pleasant deception, causing one to forget his or her will.

Spiritual World Influences
Secret Societies

Equality, fairness. Important matters are hanging in the balance. Good intentions and well-meant actions. Strong feelings that you need to move on your ideas.

Re: summer plans

Come on, where can we check out this book?

Re: summer plans

I heard you could get it at the bookstore for a low price of $345.98. You can also return it after your done and receive a refund of $25.00. That’s one sweet deal.

Re: summer plans

Hey, everyone check out www.thefacebook.com !