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Re: summer plans

Your lady friend sounds like either a mail order bride with a bad command of the English language or 1 10 year old girl. What's up with that?

Internet Crime Research Agency

I been online over 11 years and during those years I cybersex , I phone sex for free cause I was a everyday chat master " IRC Op " which means I had network admin making me and 20 other " IRC Op " the top dogs and cats of a new social era called open relay software protocals which is a direct line to a channel of computers unlike the first html code base relay chats this open relay chat was pure java script and dos working as one in a fast speed , which means your CPU and ROM runs the chat program which is very fast anyways the person in the e-mail I cut and paste has an account at mail.ru .. she has scam this 40 years old man out of 6,000 dollars for travel costs
anyways the data below is the only way we could track this person down who is a man acting as an woman ...its people like this that are making the Government write laws that could mean the end to the free internet.
1 ippi-gw ( 0.617 ms 0.506 ms 0.473 ms
2 cs-relarn.iitp.ru ( 6.103 ms 4.616 ms 7.219 ms
3 MSK-KIAE-Relarn-7.Relarn.ru ( 9.200 ms 5.378 ms 5.044 ms
4 MSK-M9-Relarn-1.Relarn.ru ( 6.395 ms 8.802 ms 9.633 ms
5 cisco13.Moscow.gldn.net ( 6.033 ms 6.185 ms 5.570 ms
6 cisco02.Moscow.gldn.net ( 6.158 ms 8.652 ms 7.991 ms
7 cat01.Moscow.gldn.net ( 8.465 ms 11.786 ms 7.468 ms

Re: summer plans

that is too much information

internet 600 for Jen

Jen in intelligence terms that makes me an expert in intenet intelligence . which makes me the perfect person to do undercover spy tactics on the internet . I could easy trap someone who wish to lure childern into their bedroom which is very sick , when I was offer the job they ask me imagine my own baby girl now Jen I being selfish but thats mines , My X sperm , My Child our future so thats why I am on the internet so much cause my goal is to trap every last one of those sick men who prey on the youth of our childern now if I donot get paid for my service owell the pay is when I read the papers worldwide and discover that the man that I trap is in Jail for the next 10 years and in some countries the person faces castration "cuting of the ********* "balls" which he well deserve.
Jen for the record internet 600 is a real class on the phd level. with the help of editors I wrote a chapters 1 through 6 in a text book name Cyber Sexogoly.
Anyways when can I meet you ?

The CYBER Thrill is Gone

Jen was you serious about meeting me at Mcdonalds or was you just joking . I admit I did a lot in my life but the past have given me the wisdom to master the future.

When I first came online everything was new to the world from chat to newsgroup everyone was amaze about this new era so we the old cybers of the internet layed the fondation for what is now a good place to meet people.

I am not a freak but a man always willin to learn 11 years ago cybersex was the norm , phone sex was the money maker now in 2005 phone sex is a dead industry their is no money in phone sex thanx to good old cybersex so its kinda like us old cybersexers open the doors to free sex by phone but their is a bad side to cybersex and thats cause its un-real and those who cybersex could be a man acting as a woman which is what we call a cyber-nightmare.

I met many people offline who I met online and one thing I discover all those women was looking for sex not love :-( which is sad.. I once had a woman drive from New York just to be with me on my birthday and give me a kiss we had no sex , which prove to me that the internet is not all about sex.

anyways I am 30 years old I had my cyber thrills , they not much that I can do online for a thrill plus pictures and chat rooms and online dateing donot give me pleasure. whereas 11 years ago its was a thrill that I needed 24/7.

so Jen I hope to me you soon :-)

Re: summer plans

Sry... going home for a few days to see the parents... maybe when I come back

Re: summer plans

Whoa. I stop checking this for a few days and missed a love connection. Donnell, where can your book be purchased through?

Voodoo Queen Voodoo Jen & Donell into unity

Physical World Influences
Nan Nan Bouclou La Flambeau - Petro

A meeting with a dominant, bold, and mature individual who is focused on bringing about change for better or worse.

Past Influences
Houngan - Congo

Passive individual with a strong imagination. Fleeting emotional enthusiasm. An idealist, he is inclined to have brown to blond hair.

Present Influences
Master of the Head

Teaching and or learning. Profound understanding, inspiration. Good advice, or help from high places.

Future Influences
La Sirène - Congo

A relationship with great potential. A possible marriage is on the horizon be it personal or business. A pleasant deception, causing one to forget his or her will.

Spiritual World Influences
Secret Societies

Equality, fairness. Important matters are hanging in the balance. Good intentions and well-meant actions. Strong feelings that you need to move on your ideas.

Re: summer plans

Come on, where can we check out this book?

Re: summer plans

I heard you could get it at the bookstore for a low price of $345.98. You can also return it after your done and receive a refund of $25.00. That’s one sweet deal.

Re: summer plans

Hey, everyone check out www.thefacebook.com !