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Re: Michael Cobb vs. Donnel Brown--Who wins or Who cares?

Physical World Influences
Gran Ibo - Congo

Deep wisdom creating a harmony with your surroundings. A marriage in the Visible or Invisible world expressed ad harmony.

Past Influences
Yaguó - Santería

A beauty. Benevolent and strong, full of life, kind and nurturing, fearless. Wise to what counts most in this life. Sometimes wasteful. Dark eyes with rich hair of reddish, bluish, or brownish tint.

Present Influences
Azaka - Rada

Overtaken, downtrodden before an attack of devastating forces. Perseverance against all odds. Success gained through great expense.

Future Influences
Obatala - Santería

Calm and collective mastery of a situation. The cards are in YOUR hands. Wisdom and knowledge of the situation at hand. Deliberate actions. Presents given as a show of respect.

Spiritual World Influences

A burst of strength, breaking the chains that bind you. Courage, a belief in what you do. Sincerity, integrity. Sufficient momentum to complete the tasks that challenge you

Da Voodoo Triangle

Yaguó - Santería

A beauty. Benevolent and strong, full of life, kind and nurturing, fearless. Wise to what counts most in this life. Sometimes wasteful. Dark eyes with rich hair of reddish, bluish, or brownish tint.

Past Influences

Seclusion, a retreat from the daily grind do to cowardice, or for the purpose of spiritual development (seeking answers). Bad advice given do to misguided intentions.

Present Influences
Magick Mirror

Darkness, deception, error, lies, hidden enemies, sorcery and occult forces at work. Instability, inconsistency. A silent foe.

Future Influences
Marie Laveau

Strong female influence, passive power. Balance of nature, magic, and the arts of natural healing. Could predict change, a secret revealed, or problems come to light.

Spiritual World Influences
Ogoun La Flambeau - Petro

Conflict, barriers, despair. Internal and external struggles. Possible physical pain. Regrets dealing with the life or death of another. Questions...

Re: Michael Cobb vs. Donnel Brown--Who wins or Who cares?

Just stop already. No one cares. Get over it.

This board wasn't half bad until you started posting every newspaper article published in the country and putting voodoo curses on people.

Here's one for you.....You felt that? That's right, I just put a curse on you.

PS- If you reply, please write in English this time.





Re: Michael Cobb vs. Donnel Brown--Who wins or Who cares?

Wow. I think we should make arrangements for a blind date between the two of you. Jen and Donnell- state when you are leaving for the semester and we can arrange a double date.

Re: Michael Cobb vs. Donnel Brown--Who wins or Who cares?

I see that my feminine mysticism has hypnotized you, how about a safe and nuetral place like McDonalds one day. I'll be here all summer. Make the first move big man.


Jen you amaze me with your feminine mysticism ....... well I be on campus all summer too , and Mcdonalds is a cool place to meet you , but my question to you Jen is are you really serious about becomming one with me ?

Cause I never really thought that a woman with the powers of feminine mysticism could be in Thibodaux and on Nicholls Campus .

Jen lets be serious , and lets become one , cause love is a serious issue one thing its about trust , and relationship cause their so many emotions thats comes from love .

so may the powers of love join donell and jen together , lets the gods of trust and pleasure pave the path of jen and donell all these powers will become active upon the real and true first kiss of jen and donell

so jen are you willin to give all to me ?
for the record women who have feminine mysticism are very protective over their
feminine mysticism .. so this what should happen donell look jen in the eyes then Jen gives Donell a kiss , at that point Jen protective shield open up and unite with donell protective shield.

I donell wants to unite with jen through the powers of love and trust and with this in mind I take my right and place it on jen
so jen give me the time and place to meet you and I will be there

also jen do you really want to be one with me ? on a serious note when it comes to love ther are no games and one who play love games on donell thomas brown will face the fire of their own love games plus will also face other voodoo fires .

so jen you are mines and i am yours lets be serious and play no love games cause you know what happens .................

Jen do you want donell in your life ?
jen lets set a date to meet
you can e-mail me south4hot4bayou@yahoo.com

A Poem for Jen wriiten by Eliza Acton , Title: I Love Thee

Eliza Acton

I Love Thee

I love thee, as I love the calm
Of sweet, star-lighted hours!
I love thee, as I love the balm
Of early jes'mine flow'rs.

I love thee, as I love the last
Rich smile of fading day,
Which lingereth, like the look we cast,
On rapture pass'd away.

I love thee as I love the tone
Of some soft-breathing flute
Whose soul is wak'd for me alone,
When all beside is mute.

I love thee as I love the first
Young violet of the spring;
Or the pale lily, April-nurs'd,
To scented blossoming.

I love thee, as I love the full,
Clear gushings of the song,
Which lonely—sad—and beautiful—
At night-fall floats along,

Pour'd by the bul-bul forth to greet
The hours of rest and dew;
When melody and moonlight meet
To blend their charm, and hue.

I love thee, as the glad bird loves
The freedom of its wing,
On which delightedly it moves
In wildest wandering.

I love thee as I love the swell,
And hush, of some low strain,
Which bringeth, by its gentle spell,
The past to life again.

Such is the feeling which from thee
Nought earthly can allure:
'Tis ever link'd to all I see
Of gifted—high—and pure!

A Poem for Jen wriiten by Amy Lowell , Title:Madonna of the Evening Flowers

Amy Lowell

Madonna of the Evening Flowers

All day long I have been working,
Now I am tired.
I call: “Where are you?”
But there is only the oak tree rustling in the wind.
The house is very quiet,
The sun shines in on your books,
On your scissors and thimble just put down,
But you are not there.
Suddenly I am lonely:
Where are you?
I go about searching.

Then I see you,
Standing under a spire of pale blue larkspur,
With a basket of roses on your arm.
You are cool, like silver,
And you smile.
I think the Canterbury bells are playing little tunes.

You tell me that the peonies need spraying,
That the columbines have overrun all bounds,
That the pyrus japonica should be cut back and rounded.
You tell me these things.
But I look at you, heart of silver,
White heart-flame of polished silver,
Burning beneath the blue steeples of the larkspur,
And I long to kneel instantly at your feet,
While all about us peal the loud, sweet Te Deums of the Canterbury bells.

Re: Michael Cobb vs. Donnel Brown--Who wins or Who cares?

Physical World Influences

Adversity, misery, deception, unforeseen disaster. Unavoidable sacrifice. Physical and emotional upheaval, revealing hidden problems.

Past Influences
Ochosi - Santería

Wealth and riches. Beware of stagnation, the riches will dwindle in the absence of creativity. Possible retirement. Put it to good use, do not gather dust.

Present Influences
Gran Bois - Congo

Favorable outcome or a lasting relationship. Brought about by tying up loose ends. Good results upon completion of a job well done.

Future Influences
Master of the Head

Teaching and or learning. Profound understanding, inspiration. Good advice, or help from high places.

Spiritual World Influences
Legba - Rada

Completion accomplished through talk. Use your verbal skills to bring you through. The path opens before you. A possible messenger or sojourn (by water).

Re: Michael Cobb vs. Donnel Brown--Who wins or Who cares?

I guess the big date went well if we haven't heard from donnell in a while. He must be too busy getting some to write voodoo.


Well me and Miss Jen have not been on a date , quess shes' all bark and no bite anyways ..... A note to Miss Jen if you want to be in a real ,,, REALATIONSHIP then come find me in 433 A of LMDB yea its La Maison Du Bayou and let me use my voodoo to make you the queen of all voodoo powers ,,,hmmmm Jen , Jen , Jen ....I love you Jen so the question for you Jen is if Jen love Donell or do Jen have the courage to engaement into powers of a Relationship with Donell Thomas Brown ...... Jen ......