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Re: Rec Center

totally agree. i was one of the people that wanted it.

Re: Rec Center

Liz, you obviously must be a newcomer to this uncanny situation. Here is the fallout or rather your lecture for the moment (anyone else feel free to fill in missing pieces or correct). Back in the Spring of 01 a SGA measure failed to gain a 2/3 student majority vote by sixteen +/- votes. The measure was to assess $6.25 per credit hour up to 12 hours a semester (fall and spring) ($75) and $3-something per credit hour up to 6 hours for all intersessions and summer session for the construction and maintenance of a student recreation center. Through much controversy another measure was brought before a student vote in the autumn of 01. Through even more controversy the measure successfully passed. Money began to accumulate during the winter intersession of 01. Two students affiliated with the SGA learned of a process to bypass the Senate by collecting signatures on a petition. The petition was deemed "legal" by the SGA's Judicial branch and passed on to the SGA president for a decision. With a "heavy" heart he vetoed it, and since then we have been paying diligently.
I have been informed through various sources that once the center is open for use those students who graduated after it opens can use it free of charge for the amount of time that they paid into it while they were students. I hope, Liz, that gives you some clarification on the subject.

Rec Center

Althrough we truly needed the rec center and its mission is student health and wellness which a strong body will carry your soul for a long sickness free life.
I truly feel that the only way we be able to truly enjoy the rewards of paying for a rec center would be for us to remain in the state of Louisiana after earning our degrees or masters This and only this is why students are against rec center fees here is the question How many of us students are Nicholls Legacy meaning our parents was students of Nicholls ? plus How many of us students will send our childern to Nicholls State University ? Yes I will send all my childern to Nicholls States University the Legacy that my mother started must never end with me so my investment in the rec center is for my childern any investment we make into Nicholls State University must be in future tense for us who will leave Louisiana all I could say is promote Nicholls State University to your childern beside its was our money that build the rec center in 2006 but if they change it to 2010 then lets ride out to Baton Rouge

Re: Rec Center

I helped argue for the rec center the semester of the hurricanes and i was in many sga meetings where the rec center was discussed. This petition passed around by specific members of the sga was not ethical. It was brought up in one of the meetings by another member of the sga that one of their members had a class sign it without telling them what it was for and many other people were asked to sign on the same grounds. It was passed around in a class of mine and we were told it was to help with parking. Another assumption was that no one wants the rec center. That is not true. Just because some students oppose it does not mean the majority did not want it. The reason why it could be voted in again after it had failed the first time, was because it had only failed by a small amount.
The truth of the matter is that most of the people who do not want the rec center are the people who need it the most. Like the people who are overweight, unhealthy, ill, etc. And everyone needs exercise in their daily routines, not just the fat or the fit.
While most everyone on this board will disagree with me, I hope some will see that most opinions on this board are coming from a random few misifts who just want to complain to be heard.

Students Angry @ Rec Center

True but would you fly from Hawaii to workout in the Rec Center or would move within 100 miles of the Rec Center ? the facts are that if you pay $75.00 every fall and spring then thats $150.00 a academic year times 4 years of college yields a greatful donation of $ 1,200
in 8 semesters * 7,000 students gives the University $ 8,400,000 in 4 years and this been since 2001 which in my opion is worth the investment cause Thibodaux is my home but if I moved to Hawaii then at $1750.00 a flight and from new orleans to Los Angels us 4 hour flight then from los Angels to Oahu international is 5 long hours in my case 5 hours to drink free wine and beer that are serve in first class cause Da Brown family donot fly cheap if you ever been in the air moving at 500 air nautical miles for 09 hours then you know why first class is the choice for me get drunk go to sleep wake up and you are in Ohau for my family meeting so the point is students who leave louisiana with loose $ 1,200 cause what sense its make to fly just to run around the track when you have a hot beach full of women who are dress in almost nothing plus you get a nice sun tan .
so what more to say that we need a cash out program for those students who will never return to Nicholls State University besides who want to travel to an alumni crawfish boil when Hawaii has all the lobster and seafood you ca eat plus its got hot beaches full of women LOL its humor my friends but the idea is after college the life of pleasure and honor starts which means we have no reason to return to our beloved Nicholls State University at this time this is what everyone is thinking of me DONELL THOMAS BROWN I may be crazy but their is some facts that are truth but if you are rich and want to travel every week just to workout in the rec center then have fun besides its our money

Re: Rec Center

I would love to reply to your post, but I can not understand what you are saying. Are you a student here or do you pretend?

By the way- do you believe the students who paid to have the union or pool built come back to visit where they spent their money? Probably not, but it went to the advancement of something that they saw as being worthwhile. When I think about Nicholls in 20 years, I don't want to be ashamed that I came here and this is where my degree is from. By building new classrooms, living facilities, and, yes, things like the rec center, we can compete with other schools. If you don't think it is a worthwhile cause, go somewhere else.

But some will never have to worry about this, because from your writing I am guessing that you are not a college student.

Old History




Do you know which students wanted a black Dean of Students Life ?

Educational theorists

There is a growing body of evidence that occasional
medical students have subtle reading, perceptual, and
learning problems unmasked when they are required to
perform at medical school level. Ask about problems
with reading in grammar school, letter reversals, and
using a mirror to read. Isolated low scores on
sections of standardized tests are another indicator.
Despite overlays of anxiety and confusion, these
problems are presumably organic, and Marshall
University even has a program to treat these students.
If you have any doubt, get psychological testing for
your students.

It is also conceivable that some students cannot do
the work because of inherent lack of ability.
Hopefully this is a diagnosis of exclusion. The
medical literature has begun talking once again about
students who have "insufficient intellectual ability."
Some medical students may have been accepted for political reasons or even by fraud, though we have no
data to support this. There is little that we would be able to do for such students

Today's educational theorists emphasize the
distinction between meaningful learning and rote
leaning. "Rote learning" is the forced memorization
about which weaker students complain so bitterly.
"Meaningful learning" is whatever incorporates new
knowledge into the learner's previous cognitive
organization. The degree to which a learning
experience is meaningful depends upon the learner's
private framework of related concepts ("encoding"). We understand new ideas only when we relate them to what
we already know. The key to helping the typical
high-risk medical student is changing him or her from
a rote learner to a reasoner and understander.What do you do for the high-risk student who is a
memorizer rather than an understander? In my opinion,
all these students deserve expert coaching in learning
skills, and most should delay the study of medical
school basic science until their learning skills are
adequate. If possible, allow them to "withdraw while
passing." It is a tragedy for these talented students
to endure the stigma of academic failure. It is
equally tragic to allow them to enter their clinical
years poorly equipped to understand disease. By
helping these students change from "memorizers" to
"understanders", you have equipped them for lifelong
meaningful learning.


As we all know I donot know grammar but one thing I do know is that college donot make you a Professor plus grades cannot judge whats inside your mental banks I see a lot of post students with a degree but no Job the thing that will secure me a role is the REAL WORLD is my heart and what little wisdom that many think I have thats good at least I know if we was to battle that I would win cause you think less of me where-as English cannot save a life only skill of medicine and the will of god could save a life as long as I could read is all I need to become a Doctor for thats why we have Editors
plus many of the famous English Professors are crazy and just can write but not in good grammar do why are they a Famous English Professor the answer is they hire Editors. so Uncle Ben thanks but know the facts first cause no one can out smart me not even SGA I may act like I donot know and may not have a desire to earn or cheat my way to a 4.00 GPA but know when the time do come for Donell Thomas Brown to earn a 4.00 GPA that it will be earn in a heart beat meaning when I want a 4.00 all I got to do is take the test but for now I am chillin and having fun at those who think less of me " Let the fun begin " at 30 years old and as a undergrad I am all about fun and games and how those who call themself Nicholls so call leaders fail to read my game plan Yea I am the Joker with the ACE in my right hand. so if you want to play the game then LETS ROCK !

Re: Rec Center

I'm highly confused by Mr. Brown. Most of the time, I can not even understand what you are saying or how it is relevant. In fact, it seems like you are using this website as your own little personal crusade to accomplish what ever selfish agenda lurks in some how bettering yourself at the expense of other posters.

Do you have a life? Or is posting nonsense on this forum, your outlet for enjoyment?

Do you have a life ?

Talk is cheap when you do not tell the person face to face. I quess I will just lay back and stop postin



Re: Rec Center

LIKE RICK JAMES STATED ON THE BET AWARDS .... YOU ALL PLUS YOU ALL CAN .... ?? .... UNTIL I ... IN YOUR ::::/ E...Y.N. IN **** IS A ..... @@@ M.....!...%(:)

Re: Rec Center

Wow. Not only are you ignorant, but you reply to your own postings. Are you really a student here or do you just like to pretend? And if you are, when Nicholls raises its admissions requirements, they may give you the boot just for good measure.


Physical World Influences
Hounsis - Rada

An aggressive young female. A go-getter, materialistic, with powers to manage money and bring dreams to reality. A stern goal oriented individual with darker hair with brown eyes. Possibly blue eyes, but with a light brown locks.

Past Influences
Marie Laveau

Strong female influence, passive power. Balance of nature, magic, and the arts of natural healing. Could predict change, a secret revealed, or problems come to light.

Present Influences
La Baleine - Congo

A nurturing influence. Overprotective, smothering, to the extent of resentment by the receiving party. A venture for sanctuary.

Future Influences
Houngan - Petro

A fierce, proud, and impulsive influence. Overbearing. Possibly with hair of blond or reddish tint.

Spiritual World Influences
Yemayá - Santería

Gain. Material good fortune, or inheritance. Possibly a new birth, someone is pregnant, a wanted child in the future.

Re: Rec Center


Voodoo Powers

Physical World Influences
Secret Societies

Equality, fairness. Important matters are hanging in the balance. Good intentions and well-meant actions. Strong feelings that you need to move on your ideas.

Past Influences
Manman Brigitte - Congo

An understanding of death, bringing about a greater appreciation for the pleasures of life. A good judgment based on a deep understanding of the situation at hand. A possible brush with the law that may prove to be beneficial.

Present Influences
Legba - Rada

Completion accomplished through talk. Use your verbal skills to bring you through. The path opens before you. A possible messenger or sojourn (by water).

Future Influences
Olofi - Santería

Change. Shifting from one side to the other, gain to loss, strength to weakness, happy to sad, or vice-versa. A possibly change in occupation. Stability in a relationship.

Spiritual World Influences
Ogoun La Flambeau - Petro

Conflict, barriers, despair. Internal and external struggles. Possible physical pain. Regrets dealing with the life or death of another. Questions...

Re: Rec Center

I'm glad we are getting a rec center and I think the people who need it the most are the fatties that don't want it.

Re: Rec Center

How funny is it that a fatty was the one who actually vetoed the petition so that the rec center could happen.

Re: Rec Center

So we have fat jokes , owell Students will be Students but think about what if the Rec Center could help those who are fat loose weight now what can you call them ?.......

I am Fat and not proud of myself , cause being FAT I created a weakness that others could use to attack me in a way that could lead towards the end of my life as an Student at Nicholls State University if my soul was weak and not filled with the love of God.

So in 5 months I will be in top shape and ready to join the US Marines ....I regret not signing up after high school but I am A Marine by mind and a Warrior by heart..... A honorable DEATH for me is to die in the name of Peace ... over time my heart became soft and anybody had the key to my heart ....But thanks to Summer School 2005 my heart is hard and only Jen has the key to my heart and that only if she is serious cause Summer School 2005 I had really drained my heart dry and exhausted my trust for now on my gaurds are up like my fellow MARINES be during patrol in a non war zone city. For I am the FEW I the Proud I am Donell so in 5 months the Warrior in me Shall rise up and proclaim VICTORY over 300 POUNDS OF FAT AND THIS ALL BECAUSE OF SUMMER SCHOOL 2005 BUT THATS LIE ....ITS BECAUSE I want to become one with Jen and I want Jen to see me as The Strong Man that I was before the oil field before I got real fat but thats a LIE....CAUSE I DONELL THOMAS BROWN WANT JEN TO SEE ME FOR WHAT IS INSIDE MY HEART , ALTHROUGH MY IMAGE ON CAMPUS IS HALF AND HALF SOMETIMES I AM A LEADER AND SOMETIMES I AM A FOOL ....I HAVE TO ADMIT I DID GOD WILL , WHEN I WAS STRONG AND IN SHAPE AND ALMOST THE NEXT BEST MAN TO CEO OF MY WORK PLACE . I ALWAYS KNEW THAT IT COULD END ANYDAY BUT SINCE I AM ON TOP I WILL PULL OTHERS UP WITH ME NETWORK THEM WITH CORP. OFFICE .... GOOD PART IS NOW THEY HAVE THEIR OWN STORES AND ANYTIME I NEED SOMETIME I JUST GO BUY IT AND ALL I HEAR IS THANK YOU MR. Brown lets go out for some drinks so we chillin and DR J ask me why am I in college I could be making $ 100,000 a year only if I had did the right thing and stay in the oil field...... owell here I am Nicholls State University enjoy me while I am here but Teach me what I need to return to the work force. unlike last time when I leave Nicholls State University I hope to have an MBA and to have Jen has my loving girlfriend but I am dreaming only time will tell how I will leave NSU but I hope that Jen is serious .......... peace

A peaceful prayer

He, who has subdued his passions and desires,
Who has realized the secret of the Universe in entirety;
Who has discoursed upon the teachings of Right Path of Liberation
For the benefit of all in a quite unselfish manner;
Who is variously termed Buddha, Mahavira, Jina,
Hari, Hara, Brahma and Self;
In Him, imbued with deep devotion,
May this mind (of mine) eternally dwell!

Those who have no longings left for sense-produced pleasures;
Who are rich in the quality of equanimity?
Who are day and night engaged in encompassing
The good of all - their own as well as of others?
Who undergo the severe penance of self-effacement
Without flinching such Enlightened Saints;
Verily conquer the pain and misery of mundane existence!

May I always associate with such aforesaid Holy men;
May my mind be constantly occupied with their contemplation;
May the longing of my heart be always to treat in their footsteps;
May I also never cause pain to any living being;
May I never utter untruth; and
May I never covet the wealth or wife or husband of another!
May I ever drink the nectar of contentment!

With pride may I never be elated, angry may I feel with none;
The sight of another's luck may not make me envious with his lot:
May my desire be for dealings fair and straight, and
May my heart only delight in doing good to others
To the best of my abilities all the days of my life!

May I always entertain a feeling of friendliness for
All living beings in the world;
May the spring of sympathy in my heart be ever bubbling
For those in agony and affliction;
May I never feel angry with the vile, the vicious and wrongly-directed;
May there be such an adjustment of things
That I should always remain tranquil in dealing with them!

May my heart ever overflow with love at the sight of virtuous men;
May this mind of mine rejoice always in serving them to the utmost of its power;
May I be never ungrateful;
May jealousies never approach me;
May my longing be always for assimilating the virtues of other; and
May the eyes never alight on their faults!

Whether people speak of me well or ill;
Whether wealth comes to me or departs;
Whether I live to be hundreds of thousands of years old;
Or give up the ghost this day;
Whether any one hold out any kind of fear;
Or with worldly riches he tempts me;
In face of all these possible things
May my footsteps swerve not from the path of Truth!

With pleasure may the mind be not puffed up;
Let pain disturb it never;
May the awesome loneliness of a mountain, forest or river,
Or a burning place, never cause it shiver;
Unmoved, unshakable, in firmness may it grow adamantine;
And display true moral strength when parted
From the desired thing, or united with what is undesired!

May happiness be the lot of all;
May distress come near none;
Giving up hatred, sin and pride;
May the world pour forth one continuous eternal peal of delight;
May Dharma become the main topic of conversation in every household;
May evil cease to be easily wrought;
By increase of wisdom and merit of works,
May men realize the purpose of human life-Liberation (Moksha)!

May distress and suffering no longer exist;
May it rain in time;
May the king also be righteously inclined, and
Impartially administer justice to the subjects;
May disease, epidemics and famines cease;
May people live in peace;
May the exalted Ahimsa Dharma,
Religion of non-violence prevail;
And the Gospel of mercy, become the source of good to all!

May there be mutual love in the world;
May delusion dwell at a distance;
May no one ever utter unpleasant speech or words
That are harsh, with his tongue;
May men, heroes of the time,
Whole-heartedly work in their country's cause;
May all understand the Laws of Truth and
Joyfully sorrow and suffering endure!

Om, Peace, Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!

my prayer - shri jugal kishor mukhtyarji - 19th century


well once in a blue I moon I read all that I post and somehow its just donot make sense on why I engae in such an illogical infintive non-verbal form of Communcation.

One theory is "Fun"
Hmmm it was , but on the flip side I was searching for Data that I could use in my Verbal Communcation.
Kinda like put the idea on the web and sit back and wait for the answers so theory 2 would be " Why Fun "

This is why the NSU Vomit been Fun , cause at least I know who knows history and who just surf until " DISCOVER "

(On Election Day and Other Times)

Joan D. Chittister, OSB

Give us, O God,
leaders whose hearts are large enough
to match the breadth of our own souls
and give us souls strong enough
to follow leaders of vision and wisdom.

In seeking a leader,
let us seek more than development
for ourselves —
though development we hope for —
more than security for our own land —
though security we need —
more than satisfaction for our wants —
though many things we desire.

Give us the hearts to choose
the leader who will work with other
leaders to bring safety
to the whole world.

Give us leaders
who lead this nation to virtue
without seeking to impose our kind of virtue
on the virtue of others.

Give us a government
that provides for the advancement
of this country
without taking resources from others
to achieve it.

Give us insight enough ourselves
to choose as leaders those who can tell
strength from power,
growth from greed,
leadership from dominance,
and real greatness from the trappings
of grandiosity.

We trust you, Great God,
to open our hearts to learn from those
to whom you speak in different tongues
and to respect the life and words
of those to whom you entrusted
the good of other parts of this globe.

We beg you, Great God,
give us the vision as a people
to know where global leadership truly lies,
to pursue it diligently,
to require it to protect human rights
for everyone everywhere.

We ask these things, Great God,
with minds open to your word
and hearts that trust in your eternal care.



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Jun 19th, 2006 - 8:58 AM
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