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To: Jana & Gay-Straight Alliance at NSU

To: Jana & Gay-Straight Alliance at NSU
It's sad that on April 18 at 8 a.m. their will be a protest by a non student .
We as Gods childern shall love our brothers & sisters
I Donell Thomas Brown support Nicholls State University Gay-Straight Alliance. I am a man of God we are all part of Gods family.
so on April 18 @ 8:00 a.m lets unite as Gods Family Peace my brothers & sisters

8 a.m. on Mon., Apr. 18

Westboro Baptist Church
(WBC ~hroniel& - Sincc 1955)
3701 SW 12"' Street Topeka, Kansas 66604 785-273-0325 www.vodhatcsfnes.com
Relipious Oninion and Bible Commentary on Current Events
March 18,2005
(Supplemental info: bat round, photos, audio sermons & hymns, and video footage - available free al: '3 www.eo hatesfaes.cnm, godhatesarnerica.com, and hareniongers.com)
WBC to picket fag-infested Nicholls State Univ., Thibodaux,
Louisiana, and the eager beaver sodomite activist Eric lordan living
only to push antichristic moral filth down NSUJs throat - at 8 a.m.
on Mon., Apr, 18 - in religious protest BL warning: "God is not
mocked!" God Hates Fags! Bx. Fag-Enablers! Ergo, God hates NSU ff
Jordan for leading kids to Hell .- via GSA clubs st Gay Pride Weeks.
In the Name of Cod it is time to stand up and speak up.
Homosexuality i s not an innocent alternate lifestyle. It is not a civil right. It is a
monstrous sin against God that will destroy the life, **** the soul, and doom the nation.
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with
womankind; it is abomination. Neither shalt
thou lie with any beast to defile thyself
therewith." Lev, 18:22,23. The ancient
rabbinical and Christian expositors said both
sins were sodomy. Both are defiling and
abominable (i.e., vile and filthy to the nth
degree). Both incurred the death penalty. Lev.
20:13,15,16. Thesescripturesshow the mind of
God toward homosexuality and homosexuals.
LLVho knowing the judgment (or miad) of God,
that they which commit such things are worthy
of death, not only do the same, but have
pleasure in them that do them." Rom. 1:32.
It is time once again to preach on Hell - as in the days of
preachers like Jonathan Edwards and his famaus sermons like,
"Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God," and, "The End of
the Wicked As Contemplated By the Righteous,"
''Let no man deceive you with vain words; for because of
these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of
disobedience." Eph. 56. "The same shall drink of the
wine of thc wrath of God, which is poured out without
mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be
tormented with fire and brimstone in the resence of the
holy angels, md in the presence of the l! arnb; and the
smoke of their torment asccndeth up forever and ever; and
they have no rest day nor night." Rev. 14:10,11. Weeping
and wailing, pain and sorrow, ('they shall be amazed one
at another, and theirfaces shall be as flames." ha. 13:s.
A heavy price indeed to pay for a little sexual gratification
of any kind. Sodomy Ps a unique sin in that its Yti- tioners insist it is no sin, but a matte~of pride: Gay ride!
Ergo, they can't repent of it. Therefore, Hell is inevitable.# WBC to picket fag-infested Nicholls State Univ., Thibodaux, Louisiana, and the eager beaver sodomite activist Eric Jordan living only to push antichristic moral filth down NSU's throat - at 8 a.m. on Mon., Apr. 18 - in religious protest & warning: "God is not mocked!" God Hates Fags! & Fag-Enablers! Ergo, God hates NSU & Jordan for leading kids to Hell - via GSA clubs & Gay Pride Weeks.

Baptist pastor heads Shepard lecture protest

Fred Phelps Baptist pastor heads Shepard lecture protest
Student organization plans counter-protest http://www.thedmonline.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2005/03/22/423febaf30809
by Bryan Doyle
Senior Staff Reporter
March 22, 2005
When Judy Shepard gives her speech tonight on diversity and hate crimes, there will be a small group of people from Topeka, Kan., singing hymns and holding colorful signs that read, “God Hates Fags”, according to Pastor Fred Phelps.
Phelps and members of Westboro Baptist church will fly 700 miles to the university to protest Shepard’s speech.
On Oct. 8, 1998, Shepard’s son Mathew was beaten to death by Aaron Mckinney and Russell Henderson. Initially the beating was reported to be a hate crime, although recent evidence suggests it may have been the result of an attempted robbery.
Phelps accused Shepard of using her son’s death for profit.
“There is no lower form of humanity than Judy Shepard,” he said.
Westboro Baptist protested Shepard’s funeral in Casper, Wyo. Members of the church have constructed a 6-foot memorial to Matthew Shepard that celebrates what the congregation believes to be his entrance into hell, Phelps said.
They are planning to sue the city of Casper to have the memorial placed in Casper City Park, across the street from St. Marks Episcopal church, where Matthew Shepard’s funeral was held.
The Westboro Baptist Church has a congregation of 213 members. Twelve members of the congregation will form the protest, Phelps said. The church sends groups similar to this one all over the country to protest people they view as pro-homosexual speakers and lawmakers sympathetic to gay rights.
This is at least the 25th time a group from Westboro Baptist Church has protested a speech by Shepard.
Phelps views homosexuals and homosexuality as an “abomination,” and insisted repentance is impossible.
“God doesn’t just hate the sin [of homosexuality], he hates [homosexuals],” Phelps said.
Phelps runs many anti-gay Web sites, including www.godhatesfags.com, www.godhatesamerica.com and www.godhatessweden.com.*
One Web site, www.godhatesfags.com, features pictures of small children wearing T-shirts emblazoned with Web site’s name.
Members of the congregation make 20 to 30 protests a week and have made 20,000 protests since 1981, he said. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states that there shall be “no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Dean of Students Sparky Reardon said it is not the university’s place to determine which opinion is right or wrong.
Reardon said when someone speaks on campus, it is the university’s responsibility not only to provide a forum for the stating of opinions, but also to provide safety and order.
Thomas Vasser, vice president of the Gay Straight alliance, said that he is aware of Phelps’ right to be present outside the Ford Center.
“This is America, he has constitutional rights and under university policy he can be here,” he said. “As long as Mr. Phelps does not violate university policy, injure or incite violence, there is nothing we can do.”
The Gay Straight alliance met last night to discuss a counter-protest. Vasser said if Phelps protested, there would be a measured counter-protest.
Vasser also said that Phelps’ views are contradictory to the mission of a religious organization.
“Phelps’ message of hate has no place in any institution that claims to be a church,” he said.
* The Web sites listed in this article are not endorsed by TheDMOnline.com.

Re: Gay-Straight Alliance at NSU

This website often talks about the rights of the students correct? I think it would be incredible if there was a protest on April 18th against the protesters. I know people who are gay and I would be outraged if they were hurt by this. If you're not up for it, read through their website and I promise you will want to fight back against these people from Kansas. Also- just for fun, find a picture of that Phelps guy and tell me he doesn't look like the bad guy from Poltergeist 2.

Pastor Fred Phelps schedule of upcoming pickets

April 4, 2005
7:00 am – 8:00 am
Manhattan, KS
Manhattan High School (GSA Club), 2100 Poyntz Ave.

April 18, 2005
8:00 am – 9:00 am
Thibodaux, LA
Nicholls State University

April 18, 2005
11:30 am – 12:00 pm
Lawrence, KS
KU PrideWeek – Kiss In, Wescoe Beach

April 19, 2005
7:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Lawrence, KS
KU PrideWeek – ***** Perspective on Age and Ageism, Jayhawk Room

Re: Gay-Straight Alliance at NSU

Bartolimaus (sorry if I misspelled it):

I worried that students would be afraid to organize as well, but after the first meeting, the members of the group are very encouraged. The attendance at the meeting was 18, and there are over 22 members signed up for the group.

The group decided their main missions would be support for the members and community service. They also decided on $5 per semester dues fee, but if anyone can't pay it, there is a way to get help.

If anyone is interested in joining, e-mail gsansu@yahoo.com. The group had a blast at its first meeting.


Re: Gay-Straight Alliance at NSU

Jana: Let's hope this attempt lasts for more than a year. Last try didn't; they got a NSU charter (meaning that they made one complete semester) and then petered out. Check out some yearbooks ('01 '02?)and see if any of the former members of the previous organization are still on campus to find out what went wrong. I.E. check to see their names are in the Student Email database.

And so decends the elephants with the sharks on their backs i.e. liberal media.
Trampling over everything good and bad and eating it all up and then leaving a big stinky mess behind. Touche.

Discover the Constitution!

Discover the Constitution! Both parties have the right to free speech and assembly.
Each party has a different point of view and the right to express it. You do not have to agree with each other, just respect each others constitutional right to differ. Best wishes to you both.

Separation of Church and State

Therefore, to say Biblical principles should not be allowed in government and school is to either be ignorant of the historic intent of the founding fathers, or blatantly bigoted against Christianity.

Jefferson wrote: I contemplate with solemn reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.


Pastor wants to hurt us all

April 17, 2005
9:00 am – 9:30 am
Thibodaux, LA
First Presbyterian , 522 Green St.
April 17, 2005
9:30 am – 10:00 am
Thibodaux, LA
St. Luke Catholic Church , 1100 Bourbon Street
April 17, 2005
10:00 am – 10:30 am
Thibodaux, LA
St. John’s Episcopal , 718 Jackson St.
April 17, 2005
10:30 am – 11:00 am
Thibodaux, LA
First UMC , 1255 Canal Blvd.
April 17, 2005
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Thibodaux, LA
St. Joseph Cathedral , 721 Canal Blvd.
April 17, 2005
5:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Thibodaux, LA
University Baptist , 904 Menard St.
April 18, 2005
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Thibodaux, LA
Nicholls State University – GSA, 906 E. 1st Street
April 18, 2005
11:30 am – 12:00 pm
Lawrence, KS
KU PrideWeek – Kiss In, Wescoe Beach



Re: Gay-Straight Alliance at NSU

cant get enough of these smilys

I may need profesionel help


its the internet whats happen to the thrill of animation plus there are call emotions which is use in chat rooms all over the world wide web