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    You don't think thi s has anything to do with hunting?

    Check the past history and past speeches, etc., made by the people he has appointed.



    Claude you are trying to make apple sauce out of tomatoes. Why don't you post something BO has done that you like? Is there anything? Are you willing to ever give the man credit? I know you can find something good to post if you would quit trolling in crap and try some clean water once in a while.


    David the working man does not have that much on a credit card. There is a big difference in being smart and having commonsense not to see what is happening.


    Hes the anti christ why cant everyone see that. All they want is to take over the world and have one world gov. Wait and see, If your not ready for the lord you better open your eyes





    I am not defending BO because I consider him indefensible.

    Why don't you tell us what he has done that is good.

    Start with the 9000 earmarks. I know 40% of them are by republicans, but I don't consider all republicans conservative. Too many go along to get along.

    How many times did BO say that he would veto every bill that came to him with earmarks? And what does he say now? "That was last year's business. Lets pass it and get on with other things."

    How many times did he say there would be no lobby people in his government?

    How many times did he say that if he were the nominee he would not take private contributions but would run on public financing?

    As for the one world, do you know that if he and Gordon Brown make the new deal for the entire world, as they discussed today, that the US will sign a treaty. That treaty will turn over all of the stuff that congress is debating over right now to a world group. That world group with determine how much tax you pay, how much interest you pay, how much interest you get, etc.

    Do you know why they want to do this? So that if people who live in England don't like the tax laws, banking laws, business laws, they can't desert England and go to Ireland because the tax laws will be the same.

    It will end up that a person who wants to leave the US and go to Australia, Canada or where ever will have the same tax laws.

    Is that good? Maybe you might think so, but not if you think about it long enough.

    For one thing, some of our smartest people came here from Germany and India. The Japanese auto people came here for a good reason.

    We have had companies go overseas, to our disappointment, but it resulted in stuff like cell phones for $30.00. $5.00 dollar shirts instead of $40.00 shirts, etc.

    Before you give me a hard time about being insensitive to the working man who lost his job because the company went to China, please be advised that every single one of my customers went to China. My business, which once was very profitable and a lot of fun is now ZERO.

    But we have to be real. I don't want some outfit similar to the UN telling me what my tax rate is and what my interest rate is.

    Further, this is another "thumb your nose" at our Constitution.





    Claude, someone asked you to talk about something BO did that we like. Well , let me answer that one. Here go's. 1st..............................2nd.........................3rd.......................4th......................and number 5.........................
    OH he may get my interest rate on my house lowered. Doubtful.
    Now let talk OIL. I got a lil insight on this cause I just spent 7 days in a TANKERMAN class with a capt. name Jim Miller. Capt Miller worked for ARCO for 34 years going up and down the west coast on a Oil Super Carrier. If he dont know the ins and outs of the biz. dont no body know.
    Now, a barrel of oil = 42 gals. @ 60 degrees F. If a barrel of oil is $42 a barrel,(keep it simple) thats a dollar a gal.
    Now, the profit fluctuates for the oil companies, ie. supply and demand. But guess what doesn't, thats right the amount of TAX. North Carolina is the second highest next to Calif.@ a whoppen 33 cent per gal. the fed is 17 cent per gal.( maybe a cent or two off, but thats close enough ) So if the OIL monsters made so much profit last year, guess who shared in that money maken , with out any risk mind you, GOVERNMENT. Whether $142 A BARREL or $42 a barrel the GOV still make the same amount. And yet they make them out to be the bad guys? Talk about tax breaks. They are like the Mob, I dont care if you only make 5 cent a gal. I still want my 50 cent. Punish BIG BIZ. Punish the top 5%. The Country will Implode! Its easy to criticize how much someone is making when you profit off THEIR risk.



    Really interesting.

    I have been working on the same thing from a different angle and it is not easy because the refineries are getting more efficient and depending on what year you are looking at, it costs more or less to process a gallon of crude.

    This one is the easiest I found to follow and according to it, gas in FL at $1.95 is not making any money. It is a tremendous bargain.

    I would guess that the distributor is getting the short end of the stick so that it can happen at $1.95.

    Here are the numbers I came up with:

    $42 a barrel for 42 gallons. $1.00 a gal for crude. $.40 per gallon of gas to refine it. $.20 to dristribute it. $.51 cents total tax in FL. That adds up to $2.11 cents.

    And he complains.

    I doubt they are selling it at a loss, so I expect that the distributor is not getting his 20 cents.

    For reference:

    If anyone wants the government numbers:


    That one will run you nuts because you need to know the exact price at the pump on the day those numbers were determined.

    But the point is that it is foolish to accuse anyone one or any company of ripping you off without knowing what the numbers are.

    Ripping EXXON and GM and Ford is such fun.

    But lest we forget, if it were not for them we would be walking behind a mule in the fields and never see anything outside of our home county unless we were one of the few who were important enough to travel by train.

    I like it better the way it is.

    I am old enough to remember trains. My last train ride was Easter weekend, 1950.

    I swore that if I ever got of that thing I would never ever get on another one as long as I live and so far I have kept that promise.


    Maybe I should change my sig on speeddog to "String bean arms beat a glass jaw every time."

    But I really like my old one better.

    If we do not wish to lose our freedom, we must learn to tolerate our
    neighbor's right to freedom even though he might express that freedom
    in a manner we consider to be eccentric.


    Florida Gas Tax:



    middle america......mike cobb says is what makes the world go around......i'll agree w/that to an extent, but middle america is not who puts National POLITICIONS in office ....it is BIG MONEY,BIG CITY,CHICAGO,DETROIT, NEW YORK,CALIFORNIA,THE NORTHEAST,anything but middle america......POLITICS DON'T DO ANYTHING FOR "COMMON FOLKS"......i will never see a quarter of any of this "BAILOUT-MONEY"......IT REALLY IS NAUSEATING WATCHING THE NEWS ANY MORE......


    Boy this has been a great debate. Claude you have made me stretch my brain just to keep up. But bottom line is WE are in a mess! Lets put this post to the side( when we are done , of course )and bring it back up during the next election. VOTE the BUMS out. I refuse to participate in the recession, cause thankfully, my wife and I have pretty good jobs right now. But I am afraid of next year and the year after if this snowball gets any bigger. The Great Depression doesn't scare me as much as the fall of ROME does.


    The Great Depression doesn't scare me as much as the fall of ROME does.


    That is the crux of the matter, only most people are missing it.

    This is only partly about money. What it is really about is what our country is going to be like in 4 years, not only for us but for our children and their children.

    There are so many sneaky things in the stimulus bill that are going to affect our lives forever and people are missing that.

    Example: The part that forces a Dr. to perform an abortion even though it is against his religion..

    That not only will affect Dr.'s, but it will have a serious affect on church supported hospitals. No only will their staff face prosecution, but they will lose any public financing.

    There are hundreds of things similar to this and all anyone wants to talk about is what is in it for them.


    If we do not wish to lose our freedom, we must learn to tolerate our
    neighbor's right to freedom even though he might express that freedom
    in a manner we consider to be eccentric.


    Thomas Wynn... I know that you and your father voted for Bo... why don't you list the things he's done so far that you approve of, and feel like will benefit us in the long run.

    Kyle Stotesberry



    Just wondering if the video clip helped out to give you an idea of what I was talking about in my earlier post. I thought it would give some insight about how the media really didnt report how dire the situation got. Hope it helped to explain my education comment.


    Jeff I started watching it and got side tracked with a client. I'll finish it up here shortly. I appreciate you posting it for me.


    Kyle, Claude is really good at finding the faults of the Presidential job at this state of time. If he would HONESTLY TRY he could also show you what good has been done and is planned. I know you are Republican and I respect that, but I think me and you should not have many converstions like this..... I am buying a house and in doing so I will be recieving a $8,000 tax break for the 2009 tax season. I am also getting an unbelievable interest rate. I have already cashed my first stimulus check and you probably have to. Our troops will ALL be home by the end of 2010. Money hungry "Big time business" is now being monitored like never before. Over payed people (at our expense) are being confronted and managed. All of you may not want to see these things but Obama is a FAIR man that has ORDINARY PEOPLE first on his agenda. Tax breaks for ALL people making under $250K a year (which includes 99.9% of the people who will read this) is coming. I personally can find faults with anything including myself and it is plain to me that any other person who ran against BO would not have done this much by now. I hope you all get over it and try to point that high powered finger at what is good for a change. Claude you may be older but you are bitter and it shows. Kyle I'll see you this weekend so don't hold a grudge.


    And you don't foresee a disaster on the horizon by offering up massive tax cuts/credits along side massive spending?


    Thomas do you have a job? If you do, who do think gave you that job? If I had to say it is a person that makes over 250000 dollars a year. When they have to start paying more taxes for all these hand outs, you better hope your boss doesn't have to lay you off.
    IF the government wasn't trying to control everything in this country you or me either one would not have to pay so much tax now. I guess you are one of the many americans that are looking for a handout.


    I work 60 hours every week Paul. He asked me what BO has done. That is what I stated! Freeloading is not what this is all about its our sorry black president,,,,,,REMEMBER? There are probably many other ways to handle this country in the shape that it is in, but no one has posted any recommendations. If any of you have better options then post them. Send your President a letter. I wish you all would!


    For me this has never been about race. I feel like if like if Hillary had gotten into office things would probably be just as bad. I don't know what to do myself, but somehow we are going to have to curb government.


    Its funny how everytime a Conservitive, Republican, White person gets the best of a BO supporter, they have to bring up RACE. What gives? You lose so you pull out the race card. So this is what its come down too. Boy, we have come along way. So you are getting a $8000 tax credit, well say "thank you" to all the tax payers on this site, cause we are the ones you are getting the money form. The government doesnt MAKE money they TAKE money.


    Claude you may be older but you are bitter and it shows. Kyle I'll see you this weekend so don't hold a grudge.

    I am bitter?

    You are a walking idiot.

    You call me bitter but you apparently do not realize that you have a nasty remark to make in very single one of your posts about people who make good money or who have built some business into a prosperous business.

    That last post has several references to business men who rip off working people, who make too much money, etc. That they need to be "controlled". What a disgusting thought that the government will control who makes what for his living.

    You have not seen me show resentment of anyone who has been fortunate enough to hit it big in a single one of my posts. Not one.

    I admire anyone who can make a success of his life, whether he is a big time farmer or whether he is an oil man or banker. It makes no difference to me as long as he is honest.

    I say again: I am not bitter and not one of my posts shows one single word against anyone other than Zero who is a liar and will be the ruination of life as we know it in this country.

    And of course, the idiots.

    On the other hand, every single one of your posts has a bitter remark about those who have succeeded and it shows that you are eaten up with jealousy because you have not done as well.

    Jealousy is a terrible thing. It east from within.

    If you have ever read my sig, you will see that I wish everyone luck and the liberty to pursue his own thing, except Zero and his gang of crooks.


    If we do not wish to lose our freedom, we must learn to tolerate our
    neighbor's right to freedom even though he might express that freedom
    in a manner we consider to be eccentric.


    Claude you know what? You have called out your share to be idiots! You are the idiot that keeps posting crap about BO on SPEEDDOGS! What exactly are you looking for? You want someone to praise your thought of the day? Get a life before your in a hole with nothing to complain about!!!!! Your name calling is another point that does not make any sense. You are the IDIOT! Jeremy you are intitled to the same benefits I have. Don't back yourself into a closet because you also may take some help someday. It's been a hoot and I hope we all can agree to disagree without letting this crap make enemies.


    The mortgage bill that will give $8,000 credit has not yet been passed and there has been such an outcry over it that there is a chance it will not.

    But who will pay your $8,000? All of us who pay taxes.

    But you don't care. You are waiting for your handout, like the beggar on the corner with his cup.

    How did you get a rebate check? I have not heard of any being mailed out.

    But if you did, it is because you don't pay any taxes. Those who pay will have less deducted from their payroll taxes.

    The people that will get a check are those who are not paying taxes.

    But all you care about is a handout.

    You fail to understand that within the next 60 days or so, we will have tripled our deficit, all of which must be paid back either by higher taxes or by printing money like they do in SA.

    Zero says that he will pay it off by taxing those who make over $250.000.

    Only suckers believe that because if you confiscated the entire income of all of those in that bracket, it would not pay off the debt. There have been studies run that demonstrate that.

    The deficit is going to be something like 4.5 trillion, as I recall.

    But the problem is that is not the real deficit. Social Security, Medicare, Medicare prescription drugs, all of that is in the red and if they included those numbers........

    The way he plans to pay for this stuff is with the carbon tax credit scheme. In this omnibus budget, he states that he will have an income of $650 billion from carbon tax credits.

    First, that law has not yet been passed so that shows you that he is hell bent on passing it.

    Second, the carbon tax will be put on those bad industries like power plants, big factories, refineries, etc.

    Problem with that is that it will be added to your electric bill, your home heating oil bill, your gas at the pump, etc.

    That will result in it being added to all of your grocery, clothing, etc., costs because all of those people have to pay to ship their goods.

    Plus the farmer will pay a lot more for his diesel fuel, fertilizer, etc.

    So if you think you are getting free money, it is only because you do not understand what is going on.

    And all of this will just drive more companies over seas. So fewer jobs.

    So how about the poor working man having gas pushed back up to $4.00 a gallon? You know that is what they are saying now in DC. It should be $4.00 so people will start buying electric cars again.

    Great. So a working man making $15.00 an hour has the choice of shelling out $35 to $60,000 for a new car or he gets to put $4.00 gas in his used $1,500 drive to work car.

    You say I don't understand the working man.

    Well, I understand that there are millions of people driving a used cheap old car to work every day that are much happier paying $2.00 for gas than they are going to be paying $4.00.

    All of these things are in Zero's plans.

    By the way, do you know who Sol Linsky was?

    You might do yourself a big favor by googling him and reading for a couple of days to see what he believed in and what Zero's relationship was with him.

    Also, google Frank Davis, who was "like a father" to Zero.

    When you have read up on all of that, let us know what you think.



    I have just changed my mind.

    I am all for carbon tax credits.

    Who says I am a stubborn old man that will not change his mind?

    The carbon tax credit will force people like Thomas to pay their share. No more mooching off the hard worker who pays his taxes.

    The carbon tax credit will be paid by anyone who buys anything for any purpose whatsoever. A hidden sales tax.

    Go to it Zero, let Thomas pay his way.




    I forgot to mention that unless you have money to burn or unless you are out in the rain naked and cold and no place to live, you will get burned if you buy a house now.

    Housing is still 35% or more above what it will be within the next year or two.

    One of those people whom I am certain you never watch because he is so reactionary, is Glenn Beck.

    The other day, he gave us the results of a study he has made. He had a chart that graphed house prices from, as I recall, back in the 1800's until the present. Prices were adjusted for inflation and the true value of money at the time line on the chart.

    It was amazing that housing prices stayed very close to the median line (I think that is the right word for that line)for the entire period until about 10 years or so ago.

    At any rate, the line that represented what housing costs for those many years.

    Then in the last 10 years, the price of housing went out the roof...way way above that line.

    Why should housing stay within a very close range to that line? Because true wages will only allow one to spend a certain amount of those wages for housing.

    So based on that chart and that median, housing is today still entirely out of whack with what it should be and has been for over 100 years.

    So the conclusion, and by the way many relators agree, is that housing is still way out of whack with wages and has a long ways to fall.

    Now the government may try to put a floor under it, but it is too big even for our government. Eventually the prices will tumble.

    Zero can not defy the basic laws of the market. Those laws are like the law of gravity. You can defy them only for so long and then you either land or crash according to how reckless you have been.


    If we do not wish to lose our freedom, we must learn to tolerate our
    neighbor's right to freedom even though he might express that freedom
    in a manner we consider to be eccentric.


    Claude S. Sutton, Jr. I would be proud and honored to run hounds or just bullsh-t whith you anytime.. I pray I still have a mind like yours when Im 80. Can't say I have alway's agread with everything you've said but when it comes to politics, 33 and over 80 arn't that far apart. Just hope when im 80 we still have a country left to be proud of..


    Its nice to see that someone else is paying attention. I couldn't have said anything better. THANKS


    Ok, I give! Claude is the most intelligent person on this site. Whatever he says about the economy and what is happening to our Country is true. No one else is intelligent enough or has any working knowledge of what is really going on. I do have one question for Claude. I understand the Democrats have ruined the eoconomy and are sending the US to hell in a hand basket fast. So how did the economy get so bad so fast where we couldnt see this coming the last 8 years with a Rep President and a Rep Majority House for almost 16 years? When the taxes on the wealthy were low. Where is the industry that all these rich people's saved taxes were suppose to build? You remember the Rep majority house that was in place when it was the Democrats that made the Banks write all the bad loans? Didnt that law have to pass the house? A Rep controlled one at that. The problem I have with all of Claudes post are he never addresses someone elses facts. All he does is open another can of something else changes the subject like you didnt even say anything. Well I applaud Claude he would make and awesome Politician for sure and he is a perfect Conservative with all the the sky is falling stuff. You are a perfect Republican Claude. Attack if you like sir, if I RESPECTED YOUR OPINION IT WOULD BOTHER ME. The fact is you cant get your point across without showing your A_ _


    Ahhh that last comment. I cant beleive I stooped to your level. See Claude you bring out the best in people.


    First, you will find if you read up on it that carbon credits are not a figment of my imagination.

    Nor is the debt.

    You might look at this:


    Read it far enough and you will see that Zero is going to have us in debt to the tune of $8 trillion.

    Bush did a lot of things I don't care for. I don't consider him a conservative at all.

    But we did have a war. Did you notice?

    We have never been able to fight a war without spending money. Have you noticed?

    We had a dim congress for the past 4 years. Two dims were almost single handedly responsible for the Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac collapse.

    The repubs tried hard to get the dims to put the brakes on FM and FM and were laughed at.

    Barney Frank and Maxine Waters ridiculed them and are on video saying that there not only was nothing wrong but that they should be commended for being well run.

    That aside, the problem is that we are going to lose much of what this country was built on by people with their hand out.

    I mention before the problem with church financed hospitals and the government forcing a medical facility to perform abortions even though it is against their religion.

    Do you know that there are more than 600 hospitals employing 600,000 people that are operated by the Catholic Church alone?

    In addition, there are many many operated by other religions.

    You don't think they will close their doors?

    I read this morning that a huge number of adoption agencies operated by the Catholic Church have closed down because of a ruling that they must consider gay parents to be.

    You may or may not like the Catholic religion, but you can not deny that they do a tremendous service for all of us with their hospitals, schools and other services.

    The point is that this is just one of many assaults on our way of life that is a good example of what is to come.

    Anyway, what can I say to a fellow who has as his hero one who would spend $200,000 studying tatoos, 1.2 million studying swamp rats and 1.8 studing hog odor.

    $8 trillion all together.

    And you think everyone but you will be paying for it.

    Dream on.



    Well, I see from today's paper that I was wrong about the $8,000 credit. It was a part of the original stimulus package.

    So we who pay taxes get to pay for it.

    Now there is nothing wrong with a tax credit if the government has a surplus, but when we are operating in debt to the tune of $8 trillion, there is no money to give back.

    It has to be taken from one to give to the other.


    Re: Re: DEFEND BO


    You bring up some very interesting points, I applaud you.

    The $8,000 tax credit, let me say, I don't know the details, but if it is just a straight tax credit, I would rather this be used rather than the swamp rat study, rather than a hog smell study, even my town, will receieve 1.9 million to evaluate the lead paint in older homes, homes that probably 50 people have lived in each and no one having any signs of lead in their system, but because the majority of the homes being in low income, urban areas, they get a grant.

    Back to the $8,000 credit, if it can "stimulate" business with banks, appraisers, lawyers, contractors, anyone associtated with closing the deal, then i can live with it. I would much rather this credit go to the average American rather than another "earmark" to pay back those that put him into office.

    I know of several people that will be buying their first home because of this tax credit along with low interest rates, not to mention the droppage in home prices. The tax credit, even though it can never benefit myself personally, I can live without knowing the full details at this time.


    not sure but have been told that the $8000 is for low income/1st time buyers.


    My point was that a tax credit is fine if you pay taxes and if the government has the money to give a tax credit.

    A government that will within the next fiscal period be in debt $8 trillion just on what they show on the books is not in a position to try to put a floor under housing prices or anything else.

    Remember that the government does not have on the books many many things that they must pay for.

    I do think the government should insure all bank deposits regardless of the amount and regardless of whether it is a personal or corporate account.

    I feel that AIG should be backed, but only on their commitments to US entities.

    Note that I don't believe we should keep the companies afloat, only that we should insure certain of their obligations.

    Giving a first time buyer $8,000 to purchase a house is not insuring anyone against losing his bank deposits. It is an attempt to control housing prices. It will not work.

    If you and I must tighten our belt to survive, why should a renter not continue to rent? He is not losing by being required to continue renting.

    Trying to stop housing from falling to its true value is pouring money down a bottomless hole.



    A short addition to the above for clarification.

    The $8,000 credit is one of Zero's better ideas. Give him that.

    What is wrong with it though is that it attempts to shore up a particular part of our economy which can't be shored up other than by going back to the same crazy loan processes that wrecked the housing industry.

    But the real fault is that only one segment of our economy gets this boost.

    A tax credit, or a reduction in taxes across the board for everyone who pays taxes will free money up to be spent on all of our economy.

    For instance, you may already have all the house you want, but you need a new truck or car.

    Maybe you are a landscape company and need a new back hoe or a zero turn mower...

    A fisherman that needs a new boat...whatever.

    That would have an effect on our entire economy, across the board, without government planning.

    The strength of capitalism, which the eggheads never get, is that 1,000,000 people are smarter than one person.

    Out of that million, some will make dumb mistakes, some will be close to right and some will be geniuses and create another industry.

    One small group making decisions is the ultimate example of all eggs in one basket.

    So propping up housing and building bridges may not be what that million would chose to do with their money.


    If we do not wish to lose our freedom, we must learn to tolerate our
    neighbor's right to freedom even though he might express that freedom
    in a manner we consider to be eccentric.


    THIS Year I got a $7500 tax credit cause I bought my house after April,08. The condition was : no interest, $500 a year for 15 years. We took it. dont know who idea it was do offer it but I put it all right back into the local economy. Now thats stimulus that works!

    Re: Re: DEFEND BO


    That is what i am talking about. This is the type of "stimulus" that is needed. As far as the pricing of houses, I think where i live it is not too off base, especially compared to what a new car costs, a house is a deal in today's market. Then again, we may not be at a bottom in the pricing of homes.

    Anytime money can change hands because goods and/or services is being purchased and/or used, jobs become more secure. Problem is, Obama has so many "earmarks" going to special interests groups, they are basically pocketing the money from the "stimulus bill". How many jobs are being created? I would say very few, it is not about how many jobs that we can create, it is about how many exsisting jobs we can secure.