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    Virginia Hound Owners- Are you ready for the 2008 Season?

    I feel it is important that I continue to remind everyone of the importance of recognizing the need for hound hunters to practice the sport ethically. With Saturday being the first day of general firearms season in Virgina, it is imperative that we all start making some adjustments in the way we practice hound hunting. Below are just a few suggestions that was recognized during the Hound study. For those that decide to snub their nose at the idea of changing with the times. You will be reminded of this when we find ourselves in another study. I can guarantee, the outcome next time won't be as good for us.

    1)We all need to carry covers of some type so that when deer are harvested, they can be covered up and keep out of the public view. Remember 6.5 million citizens in the commonwealth don't hunt and they don't need to see, nor do they want to see Bambi thrown on top of your dog box w/ it's tounge hanging out. Man up and quit trying to impress someone with your hunting skills (most people don't care) Cover it up!!!
    2) Now is the time to get out and talk to adjoining land owners. Let them see a face and shake a hand. It will do you a world of good. Even if you have had conflicts in the past. Go back and make an attempt to correct any misunderstandings. Let it be known that you are there as a result of the study. It is important that the non-hunting public knows that the study did do something to improve hound hunting.
    3) We must stop the NASCAR road hunting.It is one thing to hustle to prevent a hound from getting run over. It is entirely different when you pursue by truck for the purpose of killing the deer. The days of jumping out in the middle of the road w/ your gun in hand is over with. Those that fight against this will only make it tough for the rest of us. Times have changed, we must change with them.
    4) When you can, you need to be as inconspicuous as possible. Get out of the publics view. If hunting near roads, can you use a tree stand? a blind? can you safely move away from the road?
    5) Give consideration to marking your vehicle well with reflective tape. (Especially the rear of the vehicle) Place tape in the door jams so you can be seen when exiting the vehicle. Always use emergency flashers when picking up hounds near the road. If you can, use a two vehicle method where the first vehicle will act as a safety buffer for advancing traffic. Consider wearing orange or bright yellow highway vest with the reflective tape. This may seem extreme but, I have had a hound hit by a vehicle 2 ft from my feet. I won't ever forget that. You can't be too safe.
    6) Bend over backwards in being polite to everyone. We must improve our public image.
    7) Don't hesitate coaching other groups when you see old school behavior. Many hound owners have been totally out of touch throughout the study. Peer preasure is going to be our strongest tool.

    Have your club discuss establishing a code of ethics and hold all members to it. Throughout the study, the hound owners argued that our problems were caused by a few bad apples. If we truly believe that, then we should be willing to establish a code of ethics that will define what is right from wrong. I would like to see all of the hound owners in Virginia to adopt one code of ethics where everyone will stand in line and sign their name and reputation too. Those that cannot live by the code, will stand out and make the CPO's job easy. I do want to give credit where credit is due. KUDO's to the VHDA for the section in the last two news letters that have taken a stance on ethical behavior. All hound owners are encouraged to read that section and heed it's instruction. It is very important for the houndsmen of Virginia that an organization such as VHDA take the lead in ethical behavior for our sport. You have been given the opportunity that Georgia, Florida and others did not get. The future of hound hunting rest in the hands of those that practice it. If you go forward from here and make no adjustments or changes, then if we keep doing what we have always done, we will continue to get what we have always got. I want to see this sport live on. Acknowlege the need for improvement and lets make a statement to those that opposed this wonderful sport. This is our Heritage and we will do whatever we must to preserve it for ever.

    Re: Virginia Hound Owners- Are you ready for the 2008 Season?

    I would suggest having a meeting with club members,the hunt master or other officers need to go over saftymeasures,being couteous on the roads when trying to capture hounds.Letting new members,dogdrivers where the trouble areas are and not to go there.I know it sounds stupid but we are being watched and when everyone knows the deal the first to screw up are gone.I have a meeting everyyear with the guys that hunt in my club and it doesnt hurt to remind people for the clubs own good and the sake of hound hunting in general!GOOD LUCK