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    Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    Looking at the picture of Allan above (Congrats Allan!) I noticed all the large (very large) trophies.

    While one is pleased to win, does anyone else besides myself find these big things just a little over the top? I mean WHERE do you put them? We have a whole garage full of trophies that the hubby threatens to haul to the dump every week so he can make room for his tools, etc. These humongeous things don't really go with anyones decor unless they have a trophy room (I tried that...to **** must dusting and cleaning!)

    Personally speaking, we would much rather receive a nice piece of silver, a plaque, $, crystal, dog supplies, etc.

    Not taking anything from any hunt that gives them as apparently some people like them. However, does anyone else feel that while a sign of accomplishment these big things are just....well...tacky?

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    money, dog leaders collars etc or dog food

    who wants to clean trophies, silver, or crystal

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    dont want to clean any of it, but at least the silver, crystal, plaques look a little nicer, are functional, and take us A LOT less room :)

    I ordered foxhunting themed home items for the NVFCA (trays, welcome plaques, whiskey decanters, umbrellas, wooden boxes, clocks, etc) and they got a ribbon regarding their placement as well. While the majority of people liked them I imagine there were a few who were cussing me under their breath wanting some "chrome".

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    I agree.... Clothing, like a nice jacket to the winner. It could have Speeddogs, the pen name, or the hunt name. All of the suggestions above are good.

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    But tadpole.... you couldn't get a jacket for everyone just the winner.... then you would leave for home empty handed

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    It is cold aint it Kyle? Dog food then.

    Re: Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    I like trophys and I know alot of people say they dont like them but if you look at the hunts that give big nice trophys vs pens that dont I see not as many dogs at those hunts that just give out baby powder ect..

    You take somewhere like evergreen they have great running give out verry nice trophys and it is always a packed house.Everyone has differant views but my den is full with trophys and I like looking back at what certain hounds have acomplished and having people ask what hound did this or that.But like I said that is just my opinion but i do know of a hunt where alot of people I know backed out of going because they where only giving hats ect and I think to some people it makes a differance and these where some of the same guys saying getting a trophy meant nothing to them and I did loud them out on it

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    trophies. bout 7 ft tall

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    I am so glad to hear all of the comments. When we have a hunt at Beechland, we have a set of nice trophies 1 thru 20. Someone suggested we do trophies 1 thru 10 and then give dog leaders, collars etc. 11 thru 20. What do you guys and gals think of this. Open for suggestions????? Thanks

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    Trophies the bigger the better

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer


    A couple of years ago, I heard about a local middle school having a Top Dog reading contest for their children that began the first of the year until Christmas break and 25 lucky, hard working students got a trophy with a place label(fixed on it by a local trophy shop) designating how many books they had read during that time. It seems these trophy's were donated by a field trialing couple who had admired what their dogs had done long enough . I know this couple likes to receive the trophies and admire them for awhile, but like most people, their home is only so big and room for them becomes a problem. So with a little thinking, a solution to the situation presented itself and everyone involved enjoyed the trophy's more than once. So I believe that if you put your mind to it, you can find uses for trophys that you no longer want to take up space, clean or dust.


    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    Our club has pulled the plaques off trophies and had new ones done to "recycle" for Jr. Hunts, but man, that is WORK and a real pain in the keister!

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    Allison...Think back to when you started field-trialing.....You were tickled to death to get your name called and the trophy that went with it! I think as some folks grow more accustom to receiving them, maybe some of the glamour wears off the trophies.
    That said, I get just as excited today as when I started trialing 5 short years ago! I still enjoy the trophies!
    I do think that some other type awards are nice as well! The Virginia State still gives various types of "SILVER" awards! And one of the neatest trophies I've received was "CRYSTAL" from the Crystal Coast Classic at Sellhorns. Very nice and tasteful as well! Plaques are also nice!!
    I have received engraved "dog leads",& collars too, as well as ribbons! Dog food also, but must admit I'm picky about what I feed my hounds.
    Bottom line...I ENJOY what ever it is that is given away, and still get excited when my hounds name is called...for whatever the award may be!!
    So to sum it all up...it really doesn't make any difference!!


    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    I think a Jacket or hats with the placing would be alot more fun. I won a hat a few years ago when I placed in the Tidewater Derby that has 1st HGA on it. I still have it and I wont throw it away. When we moved into our house a few years ago we threw away 150 trophies, i tried to donate them to another hunt but nobody wanted them. I do like plaques also. But the trophies afer awhile just get in the way. Danny

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    I dont care if they dont give me ANYTHING as long as they call my name!

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    I like trophies lined with fur!FURRST PLACE!!(BARBER)

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    I like TROPHIES big six feet tall .I dont know many who dont want trophies if I want a $5.00 blanket I will buy it!!!!

    As far as crystal you still have to clean it and the hats I have them and they hang on my trophies

    People like to get something for all the money we put in field trialing and Mr Bishop is correct I am not changing my hounds feed so if they are not giving out High Standard I dont want it.There are hunts I have been to where they give out Hga Trophies and for everything else they give out leashes and field trial blankets paint brushes and I want go back it does hurt there hound numbers.I know of a great pen in upper S.C. and if they would give a full class of trophies they would have a packed house.Just this year they were on here complaining about people not showing and such small numbers and come suport the hunt Quit being cheap give out a full class of trophies onetime and post it on here and see how many hounds you have at the hunt.Just giving my opinion

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    I am like Allison just get my dogs named called. But I do like any type of prize. Another thing is to try and donate the trophies to a benefit hunt or a small one day hunt. I know that they do that here sometimes. Also why not try and contact the people that work with the Sepcial Olympics and see if they would like them. Or contact the local trophy shop and see if they would be interested in them they could fix them up and resale for cheaper rate to someone that need them. At least it would keep them out of the land fills. Just a thought/

    Re: Trophies, Prizes, Plaques? What do you prefer

    front cover of chase(maybe even the rolling stones mag.)
    plaques i keep, trophys are hid in closet/barn.