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    Twas the night before the election....

    'Twas the night before elections

    And all through the town

    Tempers were flaring

    Emotions all up and down!

    I, in my bathrobe

    With a cat in my lap

    Had cut off the TV

    Tired of political crap.

    When all of a sudden

    There arose such a noise

    I peered out of my window

    Saw Obama and his boys

    They had come for my wallet

    They wanted my pay

    To give to the others

    Who had not worked a day!

    He snatched up my money

    And quick as a wink

    Jumped back on his bandwagon

    As I gagged from the stink

    He then rallied his henchmen

    Who were pulling his cart

    I could tell they were out

    To tear my country apart!

    On Fannie, on Freddie,

    On Biden and Ayers!

    On Acorn, On Pelosi'

    He screamed at the pairs!

    They took off for his cause

    And as he flew out of sight

    I heard him laugh at the nation

    Who wouldn't stand up and fight!

    So I leave you to think

    On this one final note-





    Re: Twas the night before the election....

    Twas the night after elections and all on Speeddogs,
    was Allison's bullshyt making my ears clog.
    I, behind my desk had cut my computer off,
    hoping for silence from that strange Viagra talk.
    When all of a sudden the screen began to blink,
    it was Claud's final word defending the stink.
    McCain is our hero, our vet, and our advisor,
    Obama is bad, a looser, and a liar!
    Truth is McCain took 30 years to get to this point,
    Obama took about four AND he smoked a joint.
    So I leave you to think on this final voice,
    Shut the hell up and go vote for your choice!

    Re: TADPOLE......

    Watch your language!! We may not all agree on here...but at least be civil and adult about it!
    I know you enjoy the website...no need for further action!!


    Re: Twas the night before the election....

    Have a great weekend!

    Re: Twas the night before the election....

    Thomas, that was funny......I am voting McCain but, I swear, that was pretty good.

    John Foster

    Re: Twas the night before the election....

    You know Thomas, she never once in her poem said an ugly word about you. You might not like what she has to say, but you do not have to personally attack her. If you do not like it really do what you say and turn your computer OFF. There are no reasons to have foul and ugly language to express you thoughts, it shows ignorance and a lack of proper breeding. You should have God in your heart and ignore that which bothers you. NOW attack me...

    Re: Twas the night before the election....

    did somebody say free style?

    you said yourself thomas you old angry man
    you think obama is going to save this great land
    for your are stupid and stuck in your democratic ways
    too really see the end of all days
    so now you lash out with a poem of your own
    in hopes for socialism just like what happend in Rome
    for your candidate did weed and cocaine too
    but all you have is Mccain took pills that were blue
    for it is ok for obama's preacher to cuss this land
    because he was an african and muslim type man
    So now I ask of you professor T Wynn
    Please dont make me pay more welfare again
    For I am a republican this much is true
    Mccain salutes the flag does your candidate too?

    Re: Twas the night before the election....

    Again, somebody please save us from all the liberals
    and thomas wynn!

    Re: Twas the night before the election....

    I apologize Mr. Bishop.  I promise to not cuss again.  Mr. Deaver, ignorant maybe, but lack of proper breeding, thats not your call. I'm not one of your dogs.  Mr. Turner, that was great.  Ladies and Gentlemen I may seem all of these things to you, but remember I am only defending my beliefs and possible the president of the US.  Allisons poem was insulting and another rant to bully her beliefs in public.  We just have a different opinion and maybe its fun to bicker... I hope you all see good in that. Bye

    Re: Twas the night before the election....

    First, it is Mrs. Deaver. Second, you are a fine one to be talking about Allison's poem being insulting, yours was too. As for the breeding of my dogs, I am not even going to go there except to say that my CHAMPION comes from good stock...which alot in my area can attest to.
    You say that Allison's poem is insulting, yours is not much better and try as you might, you can not say that it isn't. Oh, yeah, I never questioned your breeding, I just said your poem should the lack off.

    Re: Twas the night before the election....

    bickering/insults arent fun but arguning over politics is fun different sides atleast make it entertaining. If everybody was a republican who in the heck would I argue with? :)

    Re: Twas the night before the election....

    Sorry to disappoint Tommy Boy but I can't take credit for that one, it was a copy and paste. Glad you got such a rise out of it however. It is odd however that for someone who claims to not like my posts, you sure do spend enough time reading and replying to um'

    You DO have the option of hitting the scroll button when you see a post by me you know...cuz I am going to keep on bashing Obama until the election and probably far beyond - as I am sure you will do McCain. But its all in fun (to most of us that is...lol)

    Hey Austin that one was pretty good. My question is, what the heck are we going to argue about when the election is over?