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    Speed and Drive scoring

    Just curious how folks would score a particular scenario and what rules you are following.
    Let's say you see the game cross 30 steps away from you in the road going from right to left. The first dog out is on the exact path of the coyote number is number 20. The next dog out right behind the lead dog on the exact path is hound 30. The next dog out is 10 steps past the trail from where you are at and it is hound 40. At the same time but a half a dog length back on the trail the game was on comes hound 50. Then a wad comes out and you lose track. What order do you put these hounds and what rule book are you using?

    Re: Speed and Drive scoring

    The order you have em in. Common sense is the rule book. A hound can wind a piece of game. Just my opinion

    Re: Speed and Drive scoring

    There is actually a rule in place explaining this in the National rule book. It covers a hound "running wide". That ol book sure has a lot of common Sense stuff in it.
    Now, just a couple other things and no insinuation that anything is wrong, just seeing what all do and what all think.
    Let's go back to that same crossing but this time you are right up on it and that wide hound goes behind you and you miss the number. Where would that 4th place hound get scored?
    Wonder how often a wide running hound loses credit because of these situations or somebody's opinion says don't score it because it wasn't directly on the path.

    Re: Speed and Drive scoring

    The most important thing in judging is that we follow the rules. No matter what rules you're running under it's important to follow them. Our opinion should not come into play in judging. There may be some out there that think there should be 4 strikes in baseball instead of 3 well I don't want him as my umpire.

    Re: Speed and Drive scoring

    Agreed Brian, each set of rules has a few different versions to interpret but as long as you follow those guidelines you're doing your job. Tip #1 don't crowd the crossing and that dog wouldn't have been missed going behind you. 😁

    Re: Speed and Drive scoring

    Yep Kenny. Really good point. Speed and drive crossings in smaller pens are normally so distorted that it is very common to see dogs running wide, dogs cutting, and dogs in the road disrupting crossings.

    Re: Speed and Drive scoring

    I agree that common sense should prevail, and I think that Stump is right. In reviewing both rule books (Masters and National), I didn't find anything related to running distance other than the Babbling rule which is the same in both rule books(Masters and National) - 30 yards down wind from a track. I didn't see any reference in either rule book to speed and drive distance from the game/track, and the pursuing hounds. However, wind and scent conditions can greatly affect the track that a hound takes to run the game! Common sense!!!

    Re: Speed and Drive scoring

    You asked for opinions so that’s what this is, my opinion. On the first crossing I would score them 20 30 40 50. I have judged many hunts over the years and very few crossings I have got where the hounds crossed nose to tail, which is what they would have to do if hounds were not allowed to be anywhere but exactly on the the same track the game was on. As we know that is not going to happen. In my opinion it’s a sorry hound that can’t run a peice if his nose is not stuck directly where the game went. I’ve seen hounds that could run the heck out of something 20-30 yards off the track. On the second crossing I would score them 20 30 first and second. Then it would be according to a couple things which hound would be third. If I saw the hound that crossed behind but couldn’t read his number the crossing would over. As the rules state, if you miss the number of a hound in a crossing you don’t score anymore hounds. Now if you just didn’t see him cross it’s a no brainer. You can’t score what you don’t see. His tuff luck. Not the first time or the last that will happen. If you don’t see the hound cross, then the second crossing would go 20 30 50. Just common sense!!

    God Bless

    Re: Speed and Drive scoring

    30 yards down wind is for speed an drive not babbling... babbling is when a dog interfers with a race don't have to be in a race to interfer with one he can babble up the rd an dogs pull to him that's interfering it's messing up the other dogs... u can score up to 30yards down wind a crossing that's ur judgement as well if you miss a number u stop scoring an it happens 90 percent of the problem is hunters don't leave the fire barrel an only rely on the GPS... it's great but it works best for catching dogs not judging them when pleasure hunting

    Re: Speed and Drive scoring

    Yep Bobby, it is common sense but I have heard several have the opposite opinion you have about a hound running wide and a very talented hound end up getting penalized. Just hope any time we have good discussion that we all can learn from it. Thanks. Now send me a good white gyp to put under my Heybo dog.