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    Re: All these sunday hunts

    I agree totally with you I do not hunt on Sunday but I don't condemn hunters that do I believe that the Sabbath day should be kept holy I've hunted my whole life and never turned a dog out on Sunday with that being said the bible Also says that we must work out our own salvation in Christ jesus so its a personal decision but to answer your concern I would love to see hunts go back too the way they used to be years ago

    Re: All these sunday hunts

    Im not in favor of the 3 day hunts finishing on Sunday, my reasons are I just like to get home and rest on Sunday before going back work on Monday. I Also like to slip off to a derby hunt and really like it when derby ends Fri so I make it back and hit the river on Saturday with wife and our river friends as my spouse don't like to run dogs. I under stand why they run hunts on fri,sat and sun I just prefer the hunt start on Thursdays. ...
    Be good

    Re: All these sunday hunts

    Does God give us a choice whether we worship (have a relationship with Him)or
    not. YES! There is a consequence on how we choose. As Christians does God let us pick and choose which of His prin****ls or commandments we choose to keep. NO! When we go against His Word or fail to keep his instructions, it is sin.
    When responding to theological questions, we Christians, should not begin our
    response with, "Well I believe. " It should be "The Bible says." Your or my
    believing will not make something true. Remember God is in charge.
    This said, when we fail him, we all will, and repent of our sin, he will
    forgive us. And unlike people he also forgets our transgression. Ain't GOD

    Re: All these sunday hunts

    It's a choice to have hunts on Sunday. It's easier to "not miss work" is just a way to justify not taking off. Odds are the ones wanting Sunday hunts don't typically go to church anyway. That's why it isn't as big a deal to them. I also disagree with asking a preacher to come to a Sunday hunt, miss his duties to his church, just so some can feel better about having a hunt on Sunday.

    Re: All these sunday hunts

    It's a choice to have hunts on Sunday. It's easier to "not miss work" is just a way to justify not taking off. Odds are the ones wanting Sunday hunts don't typically go to church anyway. That's why it isn't as big a deal to them. I also disagree with asking a preacher to come to a Sunday hunt, miss his duties to his church, just so some can feel better about having a hunt on Sunday.

    Re: All these sunday hunts

    I would never ask anyone to miss work or do anything they felt was against their principles or beliefs. The Pastor that was scheduled to speak on Easter Sunday was doing so to give people the opportunity to hear Gods word. He was not missing any functions or obligations at his Church. Our service was to be held at 6am way earlier than his duties at his Church. Yes I am a Sinner and will be judged by my Maker and by Him alone. I don’t make excuses for anything I do and refuse to be judged by someone else’s opinion of what is right or wrong. There are far worse things than running a hound on Sunday morning. Not a Preacher or Bible scholar but I heard a preacher say one time the Lord said go and make a joy full noise and that’s what we do at Old 74 on some not all Sunday mornings. I will be judged for my sins not yours and am comfortable with that, and I hope and trust that you are. Life is about choices and thank God we live in a country we are able choose what we do for the most part. Come if you want to and stay home if you don’t it’s your choice and do what’s right for you. This is my only response to this issue and I know it won’t be satisfactory but as we all sat It Is What It Is.
    Happy hunting every day and May God bless.

    Re: All these sunday hunts

    Aginst my better judgment I am going to state the beliefs that I have on this issue and you can take them or leave them as they are my beliefs and mine alone...

    In Hebrews 10:25 it states: "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching"

    No where in that did it say "let us meet in the church" it said "let us meet" it does not matter were as long as you invite the lord to be apart of it.

    Church is great if it is used as the lord intended as a place to meet and encourage one another and teach the lessons of the lord and learn from one another but in some cases people have lost the true meaning of church and the reasons we go.

    In todays society church has become a function that we do on Sunday morning. Church has become an event instead of it being who we are. The word church has lost its meaning of family; the word has lost the meaning of us being a people. Going to church has become a weekly activity that we do. We’ve taken a word that defines who we are, a word that identifies us, and we’ve lessened it to an hour and a half episode that we do once a week. After the weekly church event, we then we all go home to our individual lives. It’s like going to the theatre, or going to school, going to work, or going to the grocery store. “We’re going to church!”

    When we call the building a church or say that “we are going to church” we are taking away from the fact that “church” is our identity, not something we “go to”. When something is our identity, we are that thing all of the time. When we “go to something”, we are only parti****ting in that activity while we are there.

    Look at it this way. If you are something, you are that thing everyday and you do what you are everyday. Are you a man? Then you never stop being one. Are you a woman? Then you never stop being a woman.

    Same with the church! If we are the church, you never stop being the church. You cannot be the church on Sunday at 10:45 a.m. and then not be the church Tuesday at 10:45 a.m.

    Again just my beliefs and by know means the gospel just mearly what I believe all we can do is try to follow the book and be the best children of the lord as we can be weather it be in a church or at Old 74 the place doesn't matter but the mind set and actions preformed does in my opion.

    Happy Hunting I will be attending the hunt at Old 74 and I'm overly excited about it I hear it is a wounderful place and that the Mid South is a one of a kind hunt.



    Re: All these sunday hunts

    I believe one can follow their religion and beliefs and be a good person without going to a church. A church is just a building where people of a faith choose to meet. That can easily be at any place where those people decide to go. For most people these days it is far easier on a schedule to have hunts on weekends so they don't have to miss as much work. Unless people want to make hunts more exclusive to independantly wealthy or just retired folks.

    Re: All these sunday hunts

    Y dont the ones that don't mind quoting scripture hold a prayer service after cast for the ones that want to attend. Shouldn't need the local pastor whn u have peolple like ur selves ther. It might have a impact on someone's life, A SINNER LIKE ME. Keep me in ur prayers.