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    Re: NC Governors Cup reminder on toneing

    Rules are rules and I agree with following what is on the books but for the sake of discussion...
    If every hunter at a field trial had a tone button type collar and they could each instantly stop their hounds from baying and fighting if that sort of thing happened to occur, why wouldn't we do that? Are we so unable to get out of our own dang way and improve the long term chances of fox pens staying open? Are the field trial results so important that we would give up an opportunity to protect the pen out of fear that we might give an advantage or disadvantage to one hunter or another. The first priority should be protecting the game not only because it is the right thing to do but also because it will help the pens stay open.

    Re: NC Governors Cup reminder on toneing

    As a pen operator we work hard to rescue and save our game. The problem is the effect toning and shocking has on the innocent. I have seen several cases of hounds that had quit being toned and shocked, not on a bay. Train when you are pleasure running not when competing. I have never toned a dog but do try and break mine from baying, takes work but can be done. Ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you that my hounds handle. If you don't like the rules lets get them changed, Old 74 will support any and all rules of any association. No offense taking or intended, I just believe we should all go by the rules we are running under.

    Re: NC Governors Cup reminder on toneing

    does that mean u r not allowed to even look at your tracking device, or can look but cant do anything other as toning,shock etc

    Re: NC Governors Cup reminder on toneing

    Well said Ray. If I could know in advance that someone would be Toning or Shocking during a Hunt, I would NOT go to the Hunt. If my dogs hear a Tone(be it their collar or someone else'), they will immediately try to find a ride or lay down. At the very least, if not attempting to gain advantage' it is irresponsible behavior. I've observed your hunts closely and agree that you and David do work very hard to try to help the Coyote in bad situations and try hard to put on a good fair hunt. I would think the best help for the game would be to do something about all these "Road Runners". Whose fault is it when the road is full of hounds waiting to ambush the game rather than parti****ting in a "fair chase".

    Re: NC Governors Cup reminder on toneing

    Road Runners ha-ha that's what everybody in the fox pen world wants, got to get rid of the ones that can actually run something like its supposed to be because they are so called to "tracky", but y'all want em to cut-n-swing I think that's how y'all put it. And no I don't run inside the wire, and haven't in the last five or so years,but on the outside if one can't run the track the way one is supposed to be run, and has to hit the nearest road and try to pull up I'll make sure that I send them yalls way because that one could be a cuttin and swinging superstar for ya. Get out the wire and on the outside and see how a real hound does it and I promise you he won't be doing yalls trademark "cuttin and swinging" a hound raised and kept on the outside won't have to go thru all that to pull up p.s I heard that Rainmaker is running a special on there product if I was you I'd stock up them road runners might need it happy hunting

    Re: NC Governors Cup reminder on toneing

    Hunted on the outside almost 60 years and still learning, and still don't have any use for hound that won't or can't run a track. More bad smelling days than good.

    Re: NC Governors Cup reminder on toneing

    I agree with you 100% Mr Casteen.

    Re: NC Governors Cup reminder on toneing

    Chris Turner, let me get square on your comment. You mentioned that you cannot have the GPS equipment ON during the time the hounds are performing.....does this mean that a person can put a GPS collar onto his hound's neck only to use it AFTER the hunt is called off by the M.O.H. or do you mean that none of the hounds entered in the field trial (inside of an enclosure) can have a GPS tracking collar on them inside of the wire?

    Re: NC Governors Cup reminder on toneing

    They are allowed to run GPS collars on them. But the box has to be turned off during the 5 hours of running

    Re: NC Governors Cup reminder on toneing

    Dennis you can't have any gps or tacking device on during hunt

    Re: NC Governors Cup reminder on toneing

    When there's a crowd of people you are takin a chance on interface and shocking someone else's dog.Last week I tracked one of my collars all day and wasn't even using that one. I watched the other guys dog speed and everything all day. I think it's also unfair to communicate with your dog in any way while during a hunt. And when you tone or shock your dog it knows his owner is communicating with him.