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    what are the steps to break good deer hounds

    I got two pups ...what are the steps in breaking good deer hounds any info is appreciated

    Re: what are the steps to break good deer hounds

    The way I was brought up is around 6-8 months old take them to a breaking pen until the pups start going and staying after game (usually takes 3-5 days). From then on run them on the outside. Start out taking them with one or two older dogs that know what they are doing and won't leave them behind, then when they have the hang of it take them with the pack or by themselves. The more you run them the better. That means 12 months out of the year and preferably once or twice a week.

    Re: what are the steps to break good deer hounds

    Thank u for your info Mr.Casey but how long do it usually take for them to start doing there own thang

    Re: what are the steps to break good deer hounds

    All depends on the dog. I've had somestart in 30 minutes after bein turned out, and I've had some that took a week

    Jason Batten
    919 437-5089

    Re: what are the steps to break good deer hounds

    Mr.batten first I wanna thank u for your input but I have 2 pups about 14 months and one about 7 months old I put them in the rabbit pen for a week be for deer season and I turned the out with the other guys broke dogs and now they go with the pack the whole chase but they never seen a deer moving they just know the sent they don't bark or nothing ..do u think they need to be took to the Fox pen to get a few good site chases on there own with no other dogs

    Re: what are the steps to break good deer hounds

    Turn them loose on hot tracks find a deer standing in the field back the truck up to them and turn em out keep doing that and they will take hold. Once they get going pretty good on hot tracks take them and turn em loose in a place let them jump their own. once they can jump and run their own dont hold em up in the pen thats the time they need to be fed all the tracks they can stand. that is how i would do it if i was only hunting deer with them.

    Re: what are the steps to break good deer hounds

    thank you mr.puleo for yor advice i hope this will do the trick

    Re: what are the steps to break good deer hounds

    Turn them loose on hot tracks find a deer standing in the field back the truck up to them and turn em out keep doing that and they will take hold. Once they get going pretty good on hot tracks take them and turn em loose in a place let them jump their own. once they can jump and run their own dont hold em up in the pen thats the time they need to be fed all the tracks they can stand. that is how i would do it if i was only hunting deer with them.

    Re: what are the steps to break good deer hounds

    i run mine twice a day, 3 days a week when they start sticking, feed em all the track you can, makes a heck of a difference

    Re: what are the steps to break good deer hounds

    i have school 5 days a week from 6am to 4;15pm if i can get them in the fox pen 2 times a week and turn them loose on hot deer tracks on the weekend will it be a difference in there running still and if i get them to run and jump deer and fox is there a way to break them off fox and thank you for your advice mr.wall

    Re: what are the steps to break good deer hounds

    i have school 5 days a week from 6am to 4;15pm if i can get them in the fox pen 2 times a week and turn them loose on hot deer tracks on the weekend will it be a difference in there running still and if i get them to run and jump deer and fox is there a way to break them off fox