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    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    The problem is real whether its fabricated or not, because we are living it right now. GPS collars are a must have!!!
    And it doesn't matter if its a beagle or walker hound, a GOOD dog will get up on something and run it until its either lost or killed or caught or broke off the track.

    A big part of the problem is the mindset of everyone keeping and hunting huge packs of dogs. Seems everybody has a "pack" of dogs, which half of them don't make the grade. We need to cull harder and be more selective!!! Back in the 80s we all had a few dogs a piece, that made a PACK. We hunted that pack. Then the Fox pen fad hit. We all have seen "that guy" with 14 deer dogs in his truck, still looking for the other 3 or 4 that are miles apart. That's what we have to to eliminate. We all would have better dogs, and a better time if we weren't hauling so many. Now is the time to buy the ALPHA system and make your dogs handle like labs. If you cant do that you don't need deer dogs. If we don't shrink the numbers of dogs we cast in smaller blocks we are done for. End of story.

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    Rooster (R.White)
    The problem is real whether its fabricated or not, because we are living it right now. GPS collars are a must have!!!
    And it doesn't matter if its a beagle or walker hound, a GOOD dog will get up on something and run it until its either lost or killed or caught or broke off the track.

    A big part of the problem is the mindset of everyone keeping and hunting huge packs of dogs. Seems everybody has a "pack" of dogs, which half of them don't make the grade. We need to cull harder and be more selective!!! Back in the 80s we all had a few dogs a piece, that made a PACK. We hunted that pack. Then the Fox pen fad hit. We all have seen "that guy" with 14 deer dogs in his truck, still looking for the other 3 or 4 that are miles apart. That's what we have to to eliminate. We all would have better dogs, and a better time if we weren't hauling so many. Now is the time to buy the ALPHA system and make your dogs handle like labs. If you cant do that you don't need deer dogs. If we don't shrink the numbers of dogs we cast in smaller blocks we are done for. End of story.
    . Like!!!!

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    I just can't wrap my head around the idea that any responsible houndsman would think it's a good idea to not use tracking collars?? How would that in any way benifit the hound, the owner, the sport or the neighboring land owner for that matter? With all the dog shootings, thefts and "rescues" going on, all the bs that is posted on these hunting forums, everything that is all over the news and Facebook, it makes me question the original post.

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    Our dog club only carries 15 broke dogs, in different development! Being the clubs dog driver, I only turn loose 3-4 dogs per drive, we usually get in 4 drives per day. As stated! Our dogs are back in their pens by night fall. I have a two compartment box and turn loose in different sections of our property! Our dogs usually make their way back to where they were turned out! We also run straight leg beagles , they are not pushing the deer out of our property and our deer are killed by perimeter standees! They way we have hunted for over 30 years! Seems to work for us .. Without the added expense of the collars! Have talked to friends that claim to have dogs that run over 30 miles in a dog.... Too big and too fast for my liking! Too each , his own, I guess! Will see how this new age of deer hunting, a time with all the gadgets plays out... In the long run! Carry on, fellow dog hunters! Do your thing!

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    What is the best way to tone train dogs wit the alpha system to return to the cast site or pen

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    Joe Harris
    They way we have hunted for over 30 years! Seems to work for us .. Without the added expense of the collars!

    Joe, with all do respect, it sounds like you are set in your ways and reluctant to change. Mark my word when a Jackie Bushman implant moves into your area and gripes about your dogs coming across his 5 acres, you will have to change.

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    I do worry about the one Anti that we have in the area....With the tree strike rule, he could in fact shut us down...... I do know, being a small club,we can in afford all the gadgets that you guys are promoting here..... That's why I am not sure the Fl. model will solve the problems we dog hunters face. Not sure having tracking collars will either. We have a club ajoining our property, a club running ponies with GPS collars, they over run their 3,000 acres and we allow them to retrieve their hounds at the end of the day. We have no problem with that as we are on the receiving end of many of their chases.I think, generally speaking ,the views/complaints are larger than the tracking collars can solve.

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    Rooster, they dont have to have 5 acres to be a pain in the you know what. I had a man nail posted signs to his front poarch in Hobbsville one day while i was parked in front of his quarter of an acre. I'm not jokin', I could pee across his yard and not get his grass wet. If they can see it, they think they own it.

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    I agree. But unfortunately the writing is on the wall. As good as GPS collars allow deer hunters to keep up with their hounds, Its hard to keep up with them when they go in 10 different directions. The style of hunting will have to change some, because these folks get more and more people on their side and become more of a threat every year. They wont stop until we're done for. A lot of places around our way have big enough blocks where it hasn't gotten that bad. But Ive heard of several occasions where clubs turning loose too many dogs on 50 acres, and next door their not welcome. That mess has to stop. Another thing that needs to stop is folks hunting half @ZZ dogs. They hang up on someones property during the day and aint good enough to either continue on hunting, or come back or simply run the deer through the block. Unless its a large tract of land, a good dog wont stay on someones property long. He'll be outta there in 5 minutes. You know the ones Im talking about

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    Joe Harris, what is a "straight leg beagle"? That's a new one on me.

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    Be careful guys. This person sounds like a liar and fake. Reread what he's posted. I can't believe people actually hunt this way anymore.

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    Think what you will. Don't really care! Know a lot of small clubs that are old school and do not have/need all the high tech gadgets you guys use to kill ,er run deer. You can do your thing, will do ours....my point is, with todays dog hunting here in central Va., we all will be looking at empty kennels if we don't take a good look at what lays ahead. All the Tracking collars in the world is not going to save a tradition that has been enjoyed for many ,many years,Is far more complicated that a simple gadget.

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter


    Sounds to me ur more worried about loosing ur hunting rights with dogs.. I understand ur view in a sense. I feel like clubs need to realize that a 15 acre block is much too small with hounds run a bird dog or Beagle of some kind.. that's common since...

    U say all the gadgets in the world won't help save this tradition, how ever the garmin of today can an will help 99% of the problem u go around with ur garmin an mark all ur way points hot spots whatever u prefer an u cast ur hounds u keep an eye on ur garmin an it will tell u exactly where ur dog is no guessing of what side the rive he or she is on an if it's crossing the rd goin on to another trac of land u will kno.. so in all do respect the collars an expensive gadgets are worth every penny.. jus my thoughts

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    Still waiting to hear what a straight legged beagle is....

    Is it that thing where you tape up the joints of a beagle's leg making his leg "straight" so he can't bend his legs and therefore can't run as fast?
    Do you put a beagle's legs in a cardboard toilet paper roll so it makes his legs straight and he can't run as fast?

    Shall I continue to speculate?

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    There is a straight legged Beagle and a bench leg Baegle.Straight leg beagles are just one to two inches taller and looking at the chest down they don't have the bowed out legs,don't know if it is crossed with anything or not.I know it's not my conversation but just putting that info so you can look it up or ask a old time rabbit Hunter,Happy Holiday and HAPPY Hunting.

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    Mr joe Harris You still have not answered the question. What club we are talking about.

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    Lmao. Bench leg beagle and straight leg beagle.
    Beagles are either 13" or 15" class.

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    Don't laugh it all off Beagle pro.com it will explain it to you .

    Re: Concerned Dog hunter

    Mr.Harris has no use for a garmin and I have no use for a dog that doesn't require one! lol