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    Re: running dog issues in VA

    It's all about respect! I see so many still hunters stating they are going to shoot the dog or do this or that and make threats... Well if they do that's on him and on us to do the right and legal thing to counter act this when it happens. Don't fight ignorance with ignorance or you get no where. Someone said it right it's there land and if they say no you can't go on it then wait it out or call the game warden they will escort you. Most landowners I kniw even if they hate dog hunting will allow you to walk and grab your dog. Guess my point is watch for info on legislation, respond as asked, be respectful ( I know it's hard but if I can do it anyone can), and remember we are what the public sees so we have to weed out the bad apples as original post said and show that 95% are honest respectable people.

    Re: running dog issues in VA

    It's good to see that some people are finally waking up to the reality of our sport. Yes, it is about RESPECT. Not only to other landowners but to each other and the next generation to come. Changing demographics and changing politics have brought us to a time where we must re-evaluate the way we are hunting. The majority of hound hunters need to look at what they are doing. If your practice is stop-drop and roll, I am here to tell you - ITS OVER!! It's time to get out and hunt with the dogs. This practice is killing us. If this means that you must start dogging down with smaller dogs, then do it, better that, then continue on the same course and jeopardize the sport for everyone. There is a move in the works to present legislation that will move Virginia toward the Georgia rule. If that was to happen, hunting w/ dogs in Virginia will be short lived. In 2003-2004 30% of organized clubs in Georgia folded due to the implementation of the Georgia rule. Since Va. is a much larger parti****nt in the hound hunting sport, the outcome will be much worst. You can argue if you want, I know what I'm talking about, I studied the Georgia incident in depth and we are following their footstep. And let it be known, those causing the problems are not just the small groups of 4 or 5, I know of several sizable clubs (supposedly respectable clubs) that are every bit as guilty, they know it and don't care. When its gone, they will have all the answers on what we did wrong. It's time we try to be perfect in what we do. Commercial hunting in Virginia is our worst enemy

    Re: running dog issues in VA

    All of you have very good points and I believe some of the ideas will help aid in the future of our sport as a whole. However breeding down our hounds and not attempting to better the breed, because of fear of them running to hard and to fast and to far is ridiculous and should never be thought of as a solution. It doesn't matter the style or type of hound you run you will never change game patterns and direction and duration of a chase a beagle while slower and less likely to run as far can still push a piece of game great distances over a period of time and may cross lands that are undesired for the little guy to be on. The important thing is dog hunters are going to have to be exactly that dog hunters when you cast your hounds you monitor your hounds and get them up(if possible) and try your best to keep them off undesired lands will you always be able to do so no you will not will you loose hunting time on following drives yes you probly will, but the majority of these problems stem from hunters casting hounds, they get out of the block the club is hunting and are left until it is more suitable to go track them up normally later in the day or at night. I don't believe no matter what we do human interaction will always play a part in our sport and exspecially outside the wire we have hounds not robots we can control them only as well as they will allow us to they are creatures that can think and act for themselves that we will never change...People as a whole need to understand hounds before they can understand hound hunting but all and all most of the complanits are lies and fabricated tails made to paint pictures making hunters look bad. Dogs don't destroy lands they don't run game away from areas and the game never return they dont hurt anything they just want to do what they are insinctivly breed to do and that is activly hunt and pursue game, the people making these claims don't understand hounds or the game they are hunting and they need to be educated in a polite manner. Like it or not that is the problem

    Re: running dog issues in VA

    Good discussion, with one minor problem.......

    It seems that Steve Stevens is an imposter, and fortunately, or unfortunately, his comments have been deleted!

    I'm not against discussion, but am against an IMPOSTER!

    Allan Bishop
    (Jabber Jaw)

    Re: running dog issues in VA

    Very well said!