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    hunting stories

    I sure do miss the hunting stories that used to be on here from time to time...deer, fox, rabbit...even somebody's rat terrier treeing a house cat...dont matter! We are deer and rabbit hunting everyday starting tomorrow thru the end. Looking forward to seeing several of you guys on here in the coming days/weeks. Merry Christmas to ALL and I hope you have good smelling days and your dogs run to catch!!

    John Foster

    Re: hunting stories

    getem emailem to me and we will postem on the web theres some really good ones from hank on there now.

    Re: hunting stories

    You know Marlowe...there's a little phrase about it's better to keep quiet and people might not know how dumb you are, rather than talking and confirming their su****ions....

    Thanks buddy , for letting a few of my old cats out the bag......buddy.

    Re: hunting stories

    u my hero hankester

    Re: hunting stories

    Yeah well....if you wanna be like me when you grow up Marlowe-

    you better take a worm pill and start eating regular....

    Re: hunting stories

    Mr Foster -

    With the possibility of seeing dogs in Pamplico for the last time next week , I'll tell you about the first time we went there. Probably late 80's I'd guess.

    We didn't know much about field trialing (still dont) but we had heard of Pamplico. It was a journey for us. 3 hours in a jacked up fixed front end toyota...beating us to death the whole way and loving it.

    We pull in and had never seen that many dogs in one place , other than the Grand American coonhunt in orangeburg. They even had their own motor grader to do their roads....this place was something.

    I can remember when they started answering roll call there were a few guys in silky foxhunting jackets and it seemed like they answered roll for 30 dogs in a row....we were like dang - wonder how many dogs they actually have if they're running that many!

    Well, we cast and didn't know a soul. BUT as you and everyone in foxhunting knows- you will make life long friends. My buddy Nathan and I met Jeff Lucas. We were all 3 fairly young , hunted and liked Natural lights so we hit it off right away. We were all 3 about poor as snakes too. We had all brought sandwich meat and cheese and bread. (This will come into play later.)

    The one instruction that stuck in my mind that Mr Charlie Graham said after calling off what seemed like numbers for an hour was - " Don't go around the fence - we have nothing to get you out with " .

    He wasn't lying.

    Well you know how fate rolls.... this was before tracking collars and we're 3 hours from home that afternoon and we glimpse Nathan's Buckwheat dog heading - right down the fence line at the end of the road we were on. (no idea where we were).

    Into the beast we go....we gotta get that dog.....Well after a few hundred yards of thinking Mr Charlie had exaggerated how bad the fence line was....we rapidly started to believe him.

    I rolled up the window on my side as the roots were slapping me as we pulled past them. If you know about a toyota , they have a grab handle on the passengers side. A few violent tosses side to side and that grab handle had a nice swollen rabbit jumping up on my buddies forehead . Well - we got no idea how far this road was , but when we pulled up on a "hill" (the only dry land along the fence we had seen) we let the water run out of the floor board of the truck and checked to see if the CB still worked.

    The best sound we heard was our new buddy Jeff - told him we had no clue where we were or what was ahead of us - but please don't leave till he saw us again....the hell with the dog.

    Well....you know how it is...might as well grab a Natty Light before plowing ahead again.

    But I can tell you what will almost turn you off of them. My buddy jumped up to grabbed us 2 and turned around and almost threw up.

    The nastiest milkshake you can image - lunch meat , bread , and natural light all shaken and ground up into a foamy froth with "stuff" floating everywhere.....and you can't imagine how bright orange the cheese slices will make everything....

    But we all made it out , been friends ever since and there will probably be a few cold ones on the last day we see Pamplico.....hold the cheese please.

    Re: hunting stories

    I hear you HANK! Dont want one of them milkshakes! You still got that skinny mean looking fast rabbit dog? I think his name was the RAT ~ Merry Christmas!

    John Foster

    Re: hunting stories

    Buried her October 17th..... sad days around there for awhile. She left me with a little male and female that were about 6-8 weeks old when she died, and one I got to start in the deer woods this past year.

    Re: hunting stories

    I gotta hand it to Hank, he has the best stories on here

    Re: hunting stories...first time to the foxpen!!

    Let me start by saying that I used to be an avid deer hunter, & kept some pretty good "deer" hounds. That said, a friend of mine & I use to run em in the off season on Friday or Saturday nights.

    This particular Friday night, we had loaded hounds & were ready to go turn out. It was a cold drizzly rainy evening, & I really didn't want to go chasin around the woods in that kind of weather. Well, as luck would have it, one of his friends called his cell phone to see what was happening. Scott said we were gonna turn some hounds loose. Sandy said he & some other guys were at Stony Creek fox pen runnin, did we want to come; they were having a cookout under the pavillion.

    Scott asked me did I want to go....my comment was, "we're gonna get embarassed with these deer dogs in a fox pen"! Scott said, naw, let's just go have some fun. So we headed to Stony Creek!

    We got there, and drove through the gate & down the road to the pavillion. I could hear hounds in the distance, man what a chase! Peaked my interest quickly, but I still thought, man, we gonna be embarassed tonight!

    Scott asked, where you want us to turn loose? Right here, was the reply! So we opened the box & out came 16 hounds......straight down the road! My thought, dang they gonna think these hounds are sorry! Well, at the curve of the road, they turned into the woods...& in about a minute, they screamed out & such a roar I'd never herd!! Coming back toward the pavillion.....about a minute later; Jimmy turned on his spotlight....there's the red he said...& 16 screaming "deer" dogs were right on his tail!! Was I ever excited....& happy they were runnin that ol fox!! What a "ROAR"...tree leaves were shaking from all that noise!! I turned to Jimmy & said....man this is awsome...I got to do this again!!

    The hounds ran all night, we had a great cookout,shared some crazy hound & hunting stories, lots of laughs, a beverage or two, & got to hear some fantastic fox races & see some crossings too!!

    In my little mind the wheels were churning, I must have asked what seemed like a million questions that night about fox hounds & field trials!! Finally, I blurted out...."Guys, I got to get me some of these here foxhounds & do this more often"!! Little did I know at first...they were running their "deer dogs" too!! Boy did they ever ride me about the "fox hounds"!! Live and learn, as they say!

    The next morning, we caught up our 16 "wore out" deer dogs...that were now my "fox hounds!! I was hooked on this thing called runnin in a fox pen and was looking forward to going to a field trial!! More lessons to be learned there....another story for sure!!

    That was in 2002...and the rest is history for ol Jabber Jaw & his "fox hounds"!! It had me "hook,line,& sinker"!!

    Allan Bishop
    (Jabber Jaw)

    Re: hunting stories...first time to the foxpen!!

    Im not good at typng...but...was going to a trustee meeting at church a while back at 6:30 in the evening and a few of the local outside fox hunters had a grey treed on the side of the road right at Bethel Church down Onemo way...no traffic down that way. When I got there it was 17 hounds treeing and making a big racket!!!... [will leave names out, but they both did well at Alvin's broke dog hunt]...they seen me and said John we got one treed and I'm gonna get him out the tree...I said no problem, aint going nowhere and miss this show!!...out come the tree climbing spikes like the VA power boys use and my buddy says he's coming down this time, you can bank on that bubba!!...he goes up the tree and gets to the limb the fox is on about 18 feet up and the fox runs at him and hisses like a big 20 lb. tomcat.....immediately down he comes and states...bubba..bubba..we gonna leave him dis time to run again another day! and they kenneled the dogs and left and everybody there was raggin him good...funny as all get out and give us something good to talk about for a few days!! good hunting!

    John Foster

    Re: hunting stories...first time to the foxpen!!

    keepem comeing mr foster tall is printing and transfering to the web page as fast as they come
    hank u got 1307 left get a rolling

    Re: hunting stories...first time to the foxpen!!

    Lol....probably so....they just gotta float back to the top.

    Fixing to turn loose...see what i can remember.
    lions and tigers at grenada....face stuck to window at chalk hill....tornadoes and snoring remedies