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    Opinions on Jacket and Bibs?

    Im looking to buy me a new jacket and bibs to rabbit hunt in since my Wicks have finally wore out. Wick went out of buisness in 2009 so Im puzzled in which brand will hold up like they have. I have looked at Dans, Mules, Southside, Nite Lite, and a few others. Im just looking for a good durable brand that are briar proof, water proof, and wind proof like my Wick brands were. Whats yalls opinion or what brands do you favor?

    Re: Opinions on Jacket and Bibs?

    I've got the Nite Lite bibs. They seem to be made really well, warm and fit good. If I remember right I paid 99.00 dollars for them (insulated). Non insulated was 69 or 79. They are very tough and dry, however I cannont comment on how long they will hold up, I havent these a year yet.

    Re: Opinions on Jacket and Bibs?

    Get some jam up jump dogs and you can stay out of the briars. I've worn out everything made after my dependable jump dogs past on, some stolen, and lost blood line that had the trait bred in them. Good hunting.

    Re: Opinions on Jacket and Bibs?

    I have had very good luck with my southside. I have had mine for six years and they are still holding up. Be sure to get the extra heavy ones if this is the ones you go with.

    Re: Opinions on Jacket and Bibs?

    Joe I wish I knew how long the Nite Lite would hold up I have been talking with some Coon hunters who despise them and have no good words for them. But I like the way they look...Idk looks can be deceiving. "Old School" Im a young man and I try to put just as much effort into the hunt as the dogs do so I dont mind the briars as long as my gear is good anyway. We.hunt in some pretty ruff stuff and we dont have an abundance of rabbits around here either. Josh I havent heard much about the Southside gear, and thats the only problem Im looking at as far as going with them....Thanks for the help guys wish more people would pitch in!

    Re: Opinions on Jacket and Bibs?

    Cannot beat Carhartt products! Tough as any product available!

    Allan Bishop
    (Jabber Jaw)

    Re: Opinions on Jacket and Bibs?

    we rabbit hunt with the carhardtt "soft" dark colored uninsulated bibs..no break-in period. I need a new pair every 3 or 4 years. But, they are comfortable- Good Hunting!

    John Foster

    Re: Opinions on Jacket and Bibs?

    Dans! Hands down, take a little longer to break in but seems to last forever

    Re: Opinions on Jacket and Bibs?

    There is a place I think in PA. They bought wicks Stuff and use the same nylon. Its called Stone Creek Hounds.

    Re: Opinions on Jacket and Bibs?

    Dans are great for the money. I love mine. I also have a pair of mulls, they are tuff and great as well, and briers aren't getting through them. Nothing I have seen is tougher than the mules. The entire pair of bibs on the mules is made out of cordura the barrier proof material that's on the front of the legs on most brier proof stuff. The mulls will last forever. Only thing I don't like they are a little stiffer and noiser when you walk as far as deer hunting to be quite. Dans will wear out with time but were about $60 when I bought them several years ago and paid around $200 for my mules now mine were a special order I got them all camo and in a 3xl cause they only had as large as 2xl already made. For smaller sizes that are already made and not a speical order it may be a fair amount cheaper.

    I also brought a brier proof shirt from mule and when you put that and the bibs on and a pair of leather gloves you could got through cut overs and thickets with no problem and not get a scratch from briers on you.

    Alot of brier gear is made out of nylon, which the briers sometimes slide off off the nylon but briers will go right through nylon and scratch you up. Anything made of all nylon and no cordura is junk and won't hold up and you will end up all scratched up. If you don't care if they are noisy go with the Mules. I have had my mules for about 12 years and they are still good to go and will still be good to go for years to come. My dans are about 6 or 7 years old and on their last leg, but have been great and great for the money. The mules they make them waterproof and with out waterproof, the waterproof ones you get hot in em and really too hot if doing a lot of walking. I would get them with out.

    I have had others and they were junk compared to my dans or mules.

    Re: Opinions on Jacket and Bibs?

    Unless night light changed materials you would shread them in one season. Your right Wick stuff was quality. I've heard good stuff from Dans.

    Re: Opinions on Jacket and Bibs?

    I am as hard of a hunter as you will find and even harder on my clothing and wicks are good but Mules are what I use now.They are a little heavier than I like but you can stay in a briar infested 200 acre cuttin all day and plow right through em.I aint no hedge row hunter,I stay in the woods and walk all day in the toughest cover you can find and dont whine one bit.Thats huntin.They are pricey but well worth it.On my 3 rd seaon this year with mine and just now startin show a little wear on the legs.Also water proof liner in them.

    Re: Opinions on Jacket and Bibs?

    Hunting requires durable gear, and the Mules jacket and bibs seem to fit the bill for the poster, holding up well in challenging terrains. For those interested in other options, consider checking Lord And Taylor reviews for potential alternatives. Investing in high-quality, long-lasting gear is essential for serious hunters who spend extended periods outdoors. Happy hunting!