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    Re: Coyotes???

    Like Jeffery was saying the population has exploded the last several years. Now your starting to see them run over on the highways more and more. I have talked with several farmers and hunters who are seeing them everywhere! There here and established now.

    Re: Coyotes???

    We haven't ran one that I know of but I am seeing more and more of them lately in North Florida. I had never seen a coyote in our woods until two years ago. I got several game camera pics of them the past season and I have seen 2-3 while hunting. I killed 2 young coyotes on my land two years ago behind my kennels but have yet to kill one in the club.

    Our deer hunting stinks bad enough without having to worry about coyotes killing off the yearling bucks

    Re: Coyotes???

    Well, I guess it is to each his own, but I wish you guys had all of the deer we have here in East Texas and we had all of your coyotes. I have been running hounds since the 1950's and when I first started with my dad back then, there were no deer here in the country and we could go anywhere and turn dogs loose and run fox or wolves(not coyotes, but real wolves), but the wolves were all trapped out and the deer moved in and everybody in this country went crazy. They coUld see the almighty dollar in leasing out their land for deer hunting and everytime we went after the deer came into this country we jumped deer and the dogs left the country and finally it got to the point between crazy people who were so worried about their deer and the loosing of the dogs because they ran out of the county we had to quit hunting with dogs altogether. Then the coyotes moved in and it was our saving grace for our sport. Some people started building pens and stocking them with the yote's and we now have the opportunity to run our hounds without anything happening to them and hear great running every time we go with the coyotes. I have learned to hate the deer, I wish they were all gone and that they would never come back but I know that won't happen but I am thankful for the yote's since we can now still hear great running in the yote preserves. COME AND GET THESE DEER, THEY ARE A PURE NUSIANCE, YOU CAN HAVE ALL OF THEM!!!!!!

    Re: Coyotes???

    Well when I first joined the hunt club I'm on 8 years ago I had not ran many coyotes on the outside . They were not all over. Did not see much sign of them tracks scat etc but in some time they have been showing up more than ever. This year I saw and ran more than ever since I have been running hounds. First of summer saw first pack of them 7 at one time . Three were grown up and four were smaller. I know of 3 that are not around and last time I saw them where I saw the first pack there were only two. I know I ran atleast one about every other day that I have ran. Since deer season is out will be looking forward to going after the same block they have been around and hunting them till gone. I hate them things and wish they would be gone.
    I will say that once I get after one I cast every thing I have to the race. Run them hard until they are gone. Lost out on and hounds caught or out of time and going home. They do give you a couple hours of good hard running. They can be exciting to run even though despise them. If you can get one that stays in a few blocks a and can get a good hound within striking distance and turn ten or so hounds on it you got atleast a few hours of good hard running to listen to . Especially if they are going to pull some hair.
    I have no clue if any were shot but know that there were some hounds that got a few. There are to many of them tracks scat etc every where. Going hunting Monday gonna look for some tracks scat etc and cast every thing I can on the best track and have some fun.

    Re: Coyotes???

    Josh Brothers
    Anybody heard the RUMOR that timber companies were releasing coyotes for the sole purpose of rabbit eradication? Dont know how true it is, heard they did it to save their planted pines from being chewed

    I dont think I've ever seen a cutting on a pine tree. Hardwood trees most definatlely, but not pines.

    Re: Coyotes???

    I've heard for 30 years that Ducks Unlimited released beavers. Weyerhauser released rattlesnakes (to eat rabbits). Now big companies releasing coyotes. Hell I even heard there were Mule Deer released in North Carolina by the Wildlife Commission to breed with Whitetails to make the deer bigger. Absolute nonsense. WAKE UP. Nobody released anything. All these conspiracy theories get funnier with every evolution.
    The **** coyotes came from pens, the rattlesnakes just propogated, the beavers are there for lack of trappers, and there ain't never been a Mule Deer in North Carolina.
    I'm still undecided about the black panther, but if he's there, he got there naturally.

    Re: Coyotes???

    Stephen......I would question your comment about "yotes" comin from the pens! Don't think any owner would release coyotes from the pen into the wild. Think about it, not a smart economic move for the owner.I don't think it is fair to blame the pen owners!
    Your comment about natural migration is probably 99% on the mark. For coyotes, it has been proven that they will migrate into an area and double the estreus cycle in order to populate an area.
    Whatever the reason the dang things are everywhere now!


    Re: Coyotes???

    No I didn't mean they released them on purpose. I've been part owner in 4 different pens (Mosley Creek, Singing Pines, Savannah, and Power Train), so I'm certainly not bashing pen owners (believe me, I know how it feels haha).
    There were wild coyotes around Sandy Bottom and Fort Barnwell, NC 20-30 years ago, before there were pens. They just migrated in I suppose. Now they're everywhere.

    Re: Coyotes???

    It has got completely outa control in our Club prob 50% of races are coyotes and dnt know how many cross rd outa blocks while trying to run deer it has got rediculous.Not enough open areas to kill and dogs seem to b tight when do get a shotc we rossing rd or cross on wrong guy got we started packing them up there at the end hoping they would catch and kill.One other thing dnt c many yerlings or fawns any more do believe if they dnt do something deer dnt have a chance.I hunt in Flagler County Florida.

    Re: Coyotes???

    Rooster (RWhite)
    Josh Brothers
    Anybody heard the RUMOR that timber companies were releasing coyotes for the sole purpose of rabbit eradication? Dont know how true it is, heard they did it to save their planted pines from being chewed

    I dont think I've ever seen a cutting on a pine tree. Hardwood trees most definatlely, but not pines.
    I have seen cuttings on pines plenty of times.Hunted with Norman about 10 years ago in a nest of rabbits and bout every pine was chewed up and have a few in my rabbit pen,I dont think they will chew em unless its very little food and a overload of rabbits.If any one has this problem feel free to call me for assistance,surely we dont want your long leafs or loblollies eat up by rabbits.