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    Brood Gyps and Running Dogs Forsale

    Please contact for more information on breeding.They have run both in pens and outside.Some have placed in trials.Call 613-473-5339

    Re: Brood Gyps and Running Dogs Forsale

    yea see thats the problem Treetall, I dont want no **** milk cows. I wonder what will happen if I bred to a red gyp or a r/w gyp?

    Re: Brood Gyps and Running Dogs Forsale

    u need to breed the lemon an white male dog to a blck an tan gyp u will get sum spotted pups but u will get a black an tan or 2 sell the rest if u breed the male to a red an white dog u will get red an white spotted pups or red wit white points just my opion good luck

    Re: Brood Gyps and Running Dogs Forsale

    There is really no way to know. I bred a lemon and white gyp to a black and tan dog once and got 9 black and tan pups, none were spotted. You are not just breeding those two dogs, you are breeding their ancestors and they can go back and pick up genes from several generations.

    Re: color

    Chromosones... is the answer. I believe there are 78 chromosones in a dog or 39 pair. Half of the chromosones come from the sire and the other half from the gyp. With color, the pair could both be dominate, which is black. Or even pattern, solid.

    Yes, even if your sire is white, you can get solid blanketbacks either red or black if you breed to the right hounds, the gyp would have to contain dominate color within that pair of chromosones. I have a male that will throw either solid red or solid black blanketback, no saddlebacks, no spotted, solid blanketbacks. Does not matter what color the female. His sire was exactly the same, solid white female with either of them would produce solid black or solid red blanketbacks.

    But, if the gyp were solid blanketback with a recessive white chromosone, you will probably get spotted mainly.

    It all depends on the chromosones. What dominate or recessive chromosones the gyp and sire contain.

    If you had black hounds with white recessive in each of their color pair, you possibly could get a white pup. The average of this is low compared to black because black is dominate.

    Technically, people are wrong when they say a gyp is 70% of getting good pups, because she only gives 50% genetically. I just think a good producing gyp seems to have dominate genes within the pair of chromosones, with those genes passing on to the pups.

    Re: color

    Don, exactly right. When breeding, you are not simply breeding to a male and a female. You are breeding to generations of what someone has HOPEFULLY put a lot of time and thought into. Said it before and will always say it. Nothing is more important to a GOOD houndsman than breeding-

    John Foster

    Re: Jeffrey

    I see that your girls have been helping you with your homework again!

    Re: Jeffrey

    Dang Johnson,,,,That is a little heavy for this dog crowd,,,,Me Included,,,,,,I am going to print that out and sent it to your folks. Might make them feel better about that college education..

    My OPinion,,,,,,,,,,,,,I Have been breeding white hounds since the mid eighty,s and have watched what people have bred to white dogs and the colors of there offspring.

    As to the black and tan color phase, I got hooked up with Warren and Greorge Sharpe back in the early 90,s

    They were breeding to Thirsty Guinea C. at the time and raised about 25 litters a year.
    What I noticed when they bred a White female regardless or the number of L&W hounds in there pedigrees they would get a true black and tan puppy about every other litter. Now they got alot of rank colored puppys in the mix too.

    I think breeding for color AND all the other traits you need in a hound is part of the game, In My Opinion it is the differnce in a Breeder of hounds and someone who just breeds. MY Opinion.

    You will have to get alot of females bred and you will have to keep only the B&T hounds and cull through them for quality but in time you can put together a decent pack. But only one L&W female brood hound is going to be Very Patient ordeal.

    Re: color

    Had me some of the chromes years ago and some white ones too. They looked good on my old Chevy!!