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    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    You and all your club members or as many as you can get, need to get together and go to the next county commissioner meeting and show them and present the evidence you have and tell them you are a voter and citizen and that the location the dogs have been short are the same location. Wildlife officers have a boss just like you do. Go over their heads. Do not drop this stay focused and although the best solution is a stick and a really deep swamp hole at this point this fella feels like be can get away with what he is doing being courteous and acting with your brain and pencil will do you better than any other things. You will eventually get him. He is trying to put the dog hunters in a panic and make them scared to turn their hounds out for fear of them getting shot. As bad as it sounds you may have to sacrifice a hound to catch him. Once the law enforcement has probably cause they can go on his property and search his land. Get every one go pitch in and get a camera that you can mount on the dogs collar inside the case of a tracking collar that will send a feed to a lap top and video him in the act of shooting the hound then he can't claim the hounds were acting aggressive or and attacking him or any means to justify his action. Get several small recorders. Record any such conversation that anyone has with him he is proud of what he is doing because he feels he can not be touched. Band all the dog hunters in the area show that you Are not going stop running hounds. I know sometime back in the1990'a a manwas shot over the very same thing. not to far from this same area. So you are going to have to approach this in a professional manner. If not you could get hunting with hounds taken away. Show the seat the advanced tracking equipment now that hunters are spending on GPS collars and how they work and Are away of proving where the hounds Are being killed at. Show that the houndsman are doing there part in keeping the hounds in the hunting area and the money spent (tax money)to keep up with the hounds. Good luck with thist at this point I would be ready to go ballistic on this dude. Bad thing is if its a danger or oddly complicated then the idea may be to stop running hounds all together. I would go to the news show them the GPS system and the price and how much the hunters put into the county buy gas snacks etc. Show the side you never heart about. All the good that comes from hunting hounds. Less car versus deer wrecks because you have the technology today to keep up with the hounds. let the news media promote the punishment for this idiot. let them show a small kid that is upset crying over there dog getting shot and nobody being punished. Get county commissioners and the wildlife commission in the hot seat to get something done good luck and I hope you get this *******

    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    Ya'll must be in NC. In VA we have the blessed Right to retrieve law, so when our hounds end up in dangerous areas we can just grab the tracking unit and a radio and start walking. Just today I had to enter a gated community and run my two beagles down in someone's front yard to pull them off the track. We've had dogs poisoned, disappear, and stolen(had a red male walker stolen last Saturday) but now that many of us are using GPS systems to track dogs, this shouldn't be an issue. If my dogs entered the dangerous area I would set a proximity alert for that area, then set a waypoint marker where the dogs were last before collars were turned off. Then immediately call a deputy, briefly explain the GPS system and how it works, then show him the waypoint where dogs were last. That should be probable cause to enter the property in an effort to recover your property (ie collars). If the deputy does nothing...phone your sherriff and submit a citizen's complaint, if he does nothing write a letter to the editor of your local paper describing the inaction of LE. Elected officials are the easiest to pressure. If all this fails, God forbid, invite an offduty deputy to join you next hunting day and allow him to experience the actions firsthand, that way if it goes to court he's subpoenaed then you'll have a cop testifying for you.
    I rarely let my dogs run willy nilly after a drive anymore because of all these ignorant northern implants and their philosophy on dogs&hunting.
    I'm very glad VA made the theft,tampering, removal, etc of hunting dogs/collars a felony! With GPS collars costing 200 each, and a nameplate collar, plus the price of the dog, I don't know why they don't just prosecute as grand larceny.
    So sorry for ya'll's loss. Hate to lose a dog, especially for no reason. There's a special place in hell for folks who shoot dogs!
    If all else fails, hire a good lawyer get a rope find aa tree and round up a posse

    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    We are trying to do what is right . The law searched the land and came back this a.m. and searched it again. Still cant find the dogs but have some evidence on them but cant go to court yet. If it was up to us yeah we would take care of it but trying to do what is right. We do have N.C. Sportsman dog association working with us now and I think we will soon have enough evidence to prosecute this arrogant individual. We never had a problem like this so people should not think it want happen to them.Some of our hunters just want to quit but that is what they want you to do. We want this man to pay the price !!!!!

    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    Where is this located?

    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    dont north carolina have the right to retrieve law??

    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    I am not 100% sure about that Tommy but i know where we hunt we have the good ole boy law. You shoot my dog i dont go to the court house, or hire a lawyer and play the bs court system game. I am the lawyer, judge and executioner. We dont seem to have that problem around here???? If something like that does happen it just seems to miraculously disappear. It must be the 8th wonder of the world?????

    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    caswell county

    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    One of my friends dogs got shot yesterday in onslow county nc. We tracked to him last night and he was laying just off the shooting lane.

    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    i got 2 hunt with this hunting club sat. because one of thier members was nice enough 2 invite me after a coon hunt fri. nite. after meeting all of them sat. these r a great bunch of guys. they didnt know me at all and gave me the best stand. i heard some good dog runnung and got a deer. going into the hunt they talked about staying out of trouble with whoever that guy is. me knowing how dogs r u cant stop everyone. but the club done everything they could. i felt bad 4 the club member who owned the dogs. but 2 the cobb creek hunting club u r a great bunch of hunters. dont give up. and again thanks 4 letting this ole redneck hunt with yall

    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    We dont have the retreive law in north carolina right now. This person wants us to conform to his way of hunting.We ain't giving up just going to try and do the right thing first. The sheriff dept is investagating the issue along with the wildlife. I'm sure he'll get what he's got coming to him. This happened in Caswell Co. NC near Hyco Lake.

    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    David... Where did yall have a dog shot at yesterday in onslow?? I hunt onslow too, maple hill area..


    I knew you were an ole goat hunter!!!! haha.. Them boys should get you and your crew to visit the ole dog shooter...may be the last time he shoots one!

    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    FYI: If this happens in Virginia - Retrieve your dog -without your firearm and without a vehicle. If you are denied that right - do not argue w/ the landowner - simply call the police or conservation police - they can escort you. Remember -Retrieving is not searching and looking for! Retrieving is recovering what you know is there. If your dogs are harmed in anyway- Do not take the advice that was posted about handling it yourself. THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO DO - IT'S A TRAP!!!! Don't be stupid, the law is on your side, keep that way. The VaHDA deals with this a lot and we normally win every case. Here lately we have really put it to a few hound haters. If you are in Va and you have a problem with the law officers doing their job -Call the VaHDA, we will push some buttons. We have been handing out a "Know The Law / Code of Ethics" card. Everyone should have this - when the law enforcement says they can't do anything - show them the card - it tells them what the law is and the penalties involved. Remember- you play by the rules and the rules will defend you. You violate the rules and you will become their poster child and you smear the reputation of law abiding hound hunters. We make a much bigger statement when we drag these jerks in court and allow the press and HSUS and PETA to do their job. Just ask Michale Vick.

    Re: Two more dogs shot today


    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    Rod I heard through unknown sorce. That Michael might have a dog now that can tree real live wild coon's. He's now started his tour across the state showing everyone.
    Good luck Michael.

    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    My friends dog was shot off of firetower rd near the waste treatment plant. Matter of fact it was rite behind Allen Springs trailor park tracked to him just off the shooting lane at a tree stand. This is the 2nd time some of my friends dogs got shot. Not in the same place. First time it was off of Gurganus rd we call the game worden and the sheriff they told us they could not do anything. We went and got the dog off the mans property after the sheriff and warden left, but they told us that if we set foot on the mans property they would arrest us for trespassing so just letting u know if u want some help call ur buddies.Because u wont get no help from them.

    Re: Two more dogs shot today


    Sure hate to hear about your troubles. I commend you on trying to do things the right way. Most clubs around here that have tried to handle things thier selves by taking the law in thier own hands aren't around anymore. If you have a problem with dogs constantly getting on someones property, that can't be ignored and needs to be addressed. Taking no action is one of things that caused International Paper to shut down dog hunting on leases here in South Carolina. I cast 7 walkers loose every saturday morning, so I am well aware it is pretty much impossible to keep all of them from staying on our lease without getting 1 or 2 out of pocket.....even though we try our best.

    Unfortunately, there are some places that deer just go and those places get loaded up with dogs by mid-day. These places usually belong to some well-to-do still hunter. I know of several clubs that have actually put up a 4ft. fence along the property lines of adjacent problem areas to greatly reduce dog infiltration. A club across the river from us was about to lose everything and decided to run a fence along that particular property line. It saved them, to say the least. I know a guy that hunts on the still hunting club that borders the fence, and he stated that they went from having 20 or more dogs on thier property every saturday to 1 or 2 a month. They are content with that and have no problems with the dog club anymore.

    Now, this still hunting club wasn't shooting their dogs that I'm aware of.......but there was a problem and it was handled to everyone's benefit. Just something I thought I would throw out there. Good luck, man.


    Re: Two more dogs shot today

    Thanks Jason for the input. Our hunt club has mostly families in it from the area and we are trying to do what is right and teach our kids right from wrong.This guy we are dealing with is very arrogant and wealthy. I hope we have him soon when the results are back!! Thanks Mark