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    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    Chris just give us the Papers name and we can look at it on line.

    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    Mr Ray it is the County Compass.... www.compassnews360.com. It wasn't up yesterday, but I e-mailed the editor and ask him to post it.

    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    Article is up.... www.compassnews360.com

    This is the second or third time this topic has been addresses by this editor/reporter

    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    Dang thing looks real enough to me......Someone better "fess up" to them things being around!!
    Hope y'all get more evidence!!
    Very interesting.....


    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    Thanks Chris will yake a look at it.

    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    I hear there are some trail cam pics of one in the same area.... Guys are scared they will close their hunting area if infact there is cat calling that area home.

    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    panthers have been sighted in lenoir county, nc as well. there has even been a report of one attacking a horse in the LaGrange area a couple of years ago.

    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    Ray, Talk to Littleman about what I said last time. It was his sisters husband that saw the one I was talking about. He is a good hunter and he would not go back to that stand.

    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    Just show me a track and I will believe.

    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    Poon you're asking to much now. All they can come up with is what their sister's husband's uncle's cousin's grandaddy saw 30 years ago.

    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    well chris i havent said anything but my friend i was walking a dozer at pcs today from the back down the road and sure enough a black cat of some sort with a tail ran across the rd in front of me dont no what kind but it was a cat with a tail

    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    I have a picture of a true black panther track 100 % garuntee its a panther track. My question is this how many on here would actually know one if they saw it. The size and imprint the cat makes is not whaT you would think of when referring to a panther track. Even though they are in cat family they don't have a CAT TRACK CAN TEXT PICTURE to anyone who text me and ask for it at. 252-639-1231

    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    A panther/cougar track will look like a cat track. Just put cut and paste the address below in your puter and you will see. I have 189,000 miles on my hunting truck. I would say 100,000 of them may be hunting, the only way that ole truck has road across cougar/panther tracks is if they went across pavement and didn't leave an inprint..still looking though, still would love to strattle one to see what one looked like at the end of the track....let me know if you see one....


    Re: Black Panther Topic Again

    You don't have permission to access /resources/publications/programs_and_policy/wildlife_conservation/ on this server.

    Rod Vinson

    Rod, I was told by a local farmer that participated in the Wildlife Management program for years around here that a Biologist once told him that a Panther track would be more of a wide oval on the front feet and a narrower paw/pad on the back feet. Any truth to that? The biologist identified some tracks here locally as a very large wildcat or bobcat. This was in the late 90's around a sandy farm area that has alot of low spots and swanpy ground. I was wondering if there are any wild cats that have been crossed with something domestic and created a large black cat? We see black coyotes every now and then. Saw a yote the other day that is jet black with a white spot on its chest. I am assuming crossing genes somewhere could jeopardize color of offspring.

    Re: Rod Vinson

    I am by no means an expert on cat tracks however I know what there track looks like and the biggest bobcat track I ever seen want come close to the size track made by a black panther. With that I have seen in person a confirmed panther track as well as Google and have picture of black cat track. A black coyote looks nothing like a panther and they have color genes much like hounds considerations being they are part of the canine family. A Female coyote will however be bred by a a dog if she can not find a mate that is not offspring or mates. Bobcat nor fox will do that though there have been reports of bobcat mating cats as in hear kitty kitty.........can and will send picture of panther track with a hand beside it for comparisons of size. Just saying

    Re: Rod Vinson

    Please send picture of black panther track to nccathunter@ yahoo.com I can send you a picture of a tribe of Indians. They live in woods behind the house.

    Re: Rod Vinson

    Dawg, Poon!


    Look at a house cat track or a bobcat track, the house cat weighs bout 5 to 10 pounds, Bobcat fron 12 to 28 lbs will take the most of them with a very very few reaching 30 to 35 lbs add bout 50 to 100 lbs and size to boot you should have a track that looks similar to a house cat but size of a baseball maybe a hair bigger..just my 2 cents...Im still looking for a track to see for sure other than on google.......cant find one!


    What part of that picture looks like a cat? It looks like a photo shopped shadow of a something. I'll state again, NOBODY can provide a clear picture. I wonder why?????
    Rod I would venture to say a 100 lb cat would have a foot the size of a softball.


    You may be right, I am just trying to size it up by looking at pictures cause I can't find one on the ground know where.....still looking

    Re: Rooster

    Still a forest! Not saying what anyone saw jus no real proof.

    Re: Rooster

    a couple of these post said that this cat was seen while hunting. Why is one not shot then? You can rest assured if i see one he will have spent the last of his 9 lives! Not saying one aint around, im just saying you would think one would be on a tailgate.

    Re: Rooster


    If these panthers or cougars do exist in very limited numbers they are an engandered species and if you shoot one, they'd throw you under the jail. That's why people are not trigger happy to shoot one. But it could also be because there's no such thing as a black panther. Who knows?

    Re: Rooster

    Them things are everywhere.The reason you can't find their tracks is because they sweep'um out wid their long black tails when they cross the road. And the reason you can't get a clear picture of them is because the ones round here are in the vampire family & cast no reflection! Just think I used to think folks were just seein otters.(BARBER)

    Re: Rooster
