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    Re: Ken

    If I remember correctly the right to retrieve in the compromise was only on UN POSTED land..I am pretty sure the posted land retrival died the first day it was talked about...Where it is at now?,,,Well land is Not Posted....
    If they had asked me I would have gave them the posted land permission and Game Warden writing tickets any way. That is common sense and I cannot beleive they had not had it( And I hunt in a county where this will change)
    But I THINK the written permission thing will tell Law officers who has a right to be there so fewer tickets are written incorrectly and less court cases where law enforcement is found in the wrong. Again this is what I think and have nothing to back it up.

    As for the purple paint deal, I think this is just plain stupid..When a sign cost a quarter and the owners name and contact info should be on it for the Law enforcment guys and hunters to contact,,,Also only a land owner should be able to put up purple paint NOT A LESSEE,,,,They may not lease it but one year and then it becomes open,,,Alot of confusion in my opinion waiting to happen..

    But at least they are not going to inpound a vehicle if the tires are parked off the right of way of road in the wrong place. Anyway my two cents, I may be screaming bloody murder if they figure a way to abuse this later,,,And I guess some guys are going to have to lease some land as a anchor point so to speak that have never had to join a club or lease any land at all in the past..But maybe not.

    Re: Ken

    Ken, I have been going to Raleigh for 3 or 4 weeks now fighting these issue's along with several other people that cares alot about our sport. If you had to listen to all the negative situations that has happened because of hunters, you may understand that the HB 762 is a great thing. Last week if SB 374 would have went through you would have had some issues! There is one thing for sure, they ain't making anymore land and to hunt we must be able to go this land. Unposted land will soon be extinct as well as the kind land owners that lets us hunt. We must work with the land owners to ensure when your daughter and my daughter has some grand children for us we will still be able to enjoy our hounds with them. We (hunters) have a responsibility to fight for our rights to be able to hunt and every year we are going to be faced with issues, I just hope and pray they don't get no worst than this 762 bill. Last week the SB 374 bill had a retieval clause on it but it was on UNposted land and it was on foot only. No retrieval on posted land unless you had written permission and the way it read you couldn't stop on the road and pick your hound up unless you had written permission from land abutting to the highway. They said they were not going to enforce that way but who know's how each officer was going enforce it. Good luck with your letters to vote "no"!



    If you had to listen to all the negative situations that has happened because of hunters, you may understand that the HB 762 is a great thing.

    You're right - I didn't hear the situations, so I'm curious (and these are serious questions). Of all the negative situations that you listened to, how many of them were not ALREADY illegal? And how many situations that were NOT already illegal will now be illegal because of this law?

    I just don't see what possible useful thing this bill does. If I take off my hunting cap for a moment and put on my landowner cap, here is how I see the bill:
    You STILL have to have permission to go on my land. Nothing about that has changed. All that has changed is that now the state is telling me a verbal contract is no longer legally acceptable and that all contracts and permissions must be written. Basically, my word is worthless to the state. I have to write it down for it to "count". Then, on top of that, even though it's MY land, *I* don't get to decide who is prosecuted for being on it...the STATE does. Somehow that doesn't surprise me, though, coming from a state that can send people on my land to do an archeological survey during turkey season without my permission..... For a "landowner rights protection act", it sure does make me feel more and more like the state thinks it's THEIR land that they just let me use......

    Re: Rod

    Ken, I agree if you are a land owner should have the right to say who can go on your land. I also think you should have the right to post your land and have someone to patrol it for intruders and be able to prosecute them. There are land owners that has their land posted and people still go on it and may even damage property because it is posted (still hunters vs dog hunters) so to speak, any way you look at it is bad for one good for another. I'm just glad this is all (so far) we are going to get out of it , for a dog hunters prospective.