Let's Talk Bati......

A forum for all 'english-speaking' fans of Gabriel Omar Batistuta, which EVER team he's involved with!
Thanks to ALL fans for any 'Bati-news' and news about Argentina!

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Hosted by Katy...(assisted by Daryl, Linda, Mariela, Franca, Juan and Brigie)

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Re: Gabriel and Irina separate?

Good find! Yeah...it'd be great to get it translated.

I used Google translator for the accompanying text. It was way terrible! :D

Re: Gabriel and Irina separate?

Hi Batibird, yeah google translator is pretty useless! Dunno anyone on this forum knows Spanish? or anyone active at all apart from you and me!? This used to be such a wonderful site with so many lovely members. Where have they all gone??

Re: Gabriel and Irina separate?

I've tried to get a translation, but this is all I could get. Not good but better than nothing. I think he's denying the rumours and I hope he's right. It would be awful to think of Bati and Irina splitting up.

The video is on here...

Thanks Anna. What a handsome young man Thiago has turned into!

The son of Gabriel Batistuta spoke of the alleged separation of their parents

the son of scorer Gabriel Omar Batistuta referred to the rumours linking his father with a young and denied a separation. The video for "American Breakfast".

The son of scorer Gabriel Omar Batistuta, Thiago, referred to the rumors of separation from their parents.

"To me cause grace, which is the separation of the speaking. There is not. I do not speak for them because it is not for me minding my own business," said the young man.

In addition, in dialog with the cycle american breakfast, said that there is no third in discord in the middle.

"It would not be the first time, at the time they killed my grandfather, invented other stories ... He knows how to operate," he said.

On the injury of his father in his time of footballer, explained: "Do not pursue these pains that i had before. Play polo and activity".

The continuing injury made that " °The Bati" had to leave the football. It is the top scorer of the Argentine national team.

Re: Gabriel and Irina separate?

Hi Katy
Thanks so much for your effort! It definitely helped a lot for us non-Spanish speakers understand. I could now get 80%-90% of his interview. The only confusing part (phrase) is 'killing his granddad'??? think it was something lost in translation, maybe..

Also it's nice to see you again Katy and hope to see you more in future!

P.S Thiago is for sure a nice and handsome young man.