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How to formulate queries correctly to get high-quality answers from ChatGPT?

I recently started using ChatGPT to get information and answer my questions. However, sometimes I feel like my queries are not specific enough and the answers don't always fully meet my expectations. What tips or tricks do you have for wording your queries so that they are clear and help you get the most relevant answers?

Re: How to formulate queries correctly to get high-quality answers from ChatGPT?

I understand that formulating questions and requests plays a key role in obtaining quality answers. In my experience, I have found that it is important to be specific and clear in your requests. For example, specifying keywords or parameters that will help ChatGPT 4 better understand what exactly I am looking for or asking about. It is also helpful to ask questions in a way that is clear and does not allow for ambiguity.

Re: How to formulate queries correctly to get high-quality answers from ChatGPT?

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