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Wednesday shoot , Abby meadows 6pm start 20/9/23

Hi people , I will be down the meadows for the Wednesday shoot I’ll set up and captain 6pm start if we are all there early we can start sooner due to the light fading also looking at the weather it might be slightly damp .. appropriate attire if the weather is crap .. please comment if your definitely coming so I know numbers hope to see you there with only a few more Wednesdays left to determine our end results


Re: Wednesday shoot , Abby meadows 6pm start 20/9/23

Hi James. Thanks Thanks for volunteers to set up on Wednesday evening .I will be attending, the remains of a Yankee hurricane is what is forecast but hayho it should make the evening interesting.

Re: Wednesday shoot , Abby meadows 6pm start 20/9/23

Cheers James
I will come and scribe and stick out any bad weather, see you then

Re: Wednesday shoot , Abby meadows 6pm start 20/9/23

Hope to see you there.

Re: Wednesday shoot , Abby meadows 6pm start 20/9/23

See you there. I’ll bring flags, signs as usual.

Re: Wednesday shoot , Abby meadows 6pm start 20/9/23

Sorry can't make it. I'm off to London!